Chapter 242

Yan Lu tilted her head, the corners of her eyebrows raised slightly: "OK."

For the sake of Ji Ye taking her to Xingyao, drinking coffee is not a big problem.

in the cafe.

Ji Ye chose the private room upstairs.

The environment of the private room is quite good. Next to the table is a large floor-to-ceiling window, from which you can see the scene outside the shopping mall building.

Seeing Ji Ye who was much calmer than before, Yan Lu suddenly smiled: "Ji Ye, I found that you seem to have changed a lot."

Hearing what Yan Lu said, Ji Ye was stunned for a moment, and then his usual smirk appeared on his lips: "People will always change, isn't it good to be calm?"

After finishing speaking, Ji Ye was silent for a while, and then said: "Although I have apologized many times, I have never sat down and apologized to you face to face like this."

"Yanlu, I'm sorry. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I still want to make you happy."

Hopefully what happened that day doesn't make her angry again.

In fact, he was quite afraid of her having nightmares.

For example, in the dream he was the villain, always bullying her.

At this time, the waiter came in and delivered coffee.

After she left, Yan Lu lowered his head and stirred the coffee, and said casually, "Ji Ye, I'm actually not angry anymore, and I forgive you."

From the time he started to take her to play games, the last trace of her resentment towards him disappeared.

"You're not angry anymore?" Ji Ye looked at her in surprise.

"Well, don't be angry anymore, I forgive you for being a bitch." After Yan Lu finished speaking seriously, he didn't forget to scold him at the end.

A smile finally appeared on Ji Ye's mouth, that smile was full of joy and excitement, completely different from the ruffian smile at the beginning.

The man didn't pay attention for a while, and almost spilled the coffee cup.

Ji Ye quickly supported him with his eyes and hands, and he didn't fall down.

"Why, are you still excited to call you a dog man?" Yan Lu raised her eyebrows, seeing Ji Ye's flustered look, the girl laughed even more cheerfully.

Seeing her like this, Ji Ye suddenly stopped all movements.

"Lulu, you look so pretty when you smile."

Such a smile from the heart is very, very beautiful.

Ji Ye suddenly stared at her so seriously, Yan Lu couldn't help being taken aback.

The girl's smile stopped a little: "When did this fairy look bad?"

"Yes, you look good anytime." Ji Ye echoed.

Yan Lu leaned back and leaned on the seat, holding her chin with one hand.

"Do you like me, Ji Ye?"

"Huh?" Ji Ye didn't realize what Lu meant for a while.

"Didn't you say you liked me before? Why, you don't recognize me now?" It really is a dog man.

"No. I like you, always have liked you."

It's not that he doesn't deny it, it's just that she changed the topic a little too quickly, and he didn't react for a while.

"Then I'll give you a chance to chase me, do you want it? Ji Ye, you don't have to deliberately keep your distance from me anymore."

She also knew what he did after that incident.

He was afraid that she would get angry, so he suppressed all possible scandals, including the framed photos. Except for some official publicity pictures, she never saw them again.

Even when he saw her in the film crew, he would deliberately keep a distance from her. You know, he wanted to follow her ass and not listen to her before.

This sudden change is not like him at all.

Hearing Yan Lu's words, Ji Ye felt like he was dreaming.

The man pinched his thigh fiercely under the table, and the pain clearly transmitted to his brain.

He's not dreaming... She agreed to him chasing her!He still has a chance! !
(End of this chapter)

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