Chapter 250

"Yanlu? Why are you here?"

Ye You supported Xiao Mo, looking at the three people gathered together, she was a little surprised, "Are you looking for Yan Yun?"

Hearing the voice, Yan Lu quickly turned his head to look over. When he saw Ye You, he was a little excited, and quickly supported Ji Ye to stand up, and walked to Ye You.

"Yes! Sister Ye, are you not with my sister?"

Yan Lu looked at Xiao Mo while talking, and found that Xiao Mo's leg was injured, and her left leg was wrapped with bandages.

"No, Yan Yun and the others went up to film a show, and their manager and assistants refused to let them follow. We didn't expect such a thing to happen."

Ye You sighed as she spoke, and looked up at the mountain, her face full of anxiety, "The people on the mountain don't seem to have come down, and I don't know what happened to Yunyun."

After Yan Lu heard this, the hope in his eyes disappeared instantly.

The girl swayed twice, and Ji Ye supported her from behind.

"We've been to the mountains, but we only found a few crew members, but we didn't find my sister..."

Speaking of Yan Lu was a little choked up, she shook her head, as if to comfort herself: "Sister will be fine, Li Han went to find her, I believe them!"


Suddenly a voice came into Yan Lu's ears, and Yan Lu was taken aback, as if he felt that he was hallucinating.

In the next second, the expression on the girl's face was replaced by joy.

Yan Lu immediately turned around, wept with joy when she saw Yan Yun not far away, and immediately ran towards her.

"Sister! It's great that you're okay! Do you know how worried and scared I am!"

The others were also happy to see that Yan Yun and Li Han had returned safely.

After Yan Lu finished speaking, he noticed Li Han next to Yan Yun, and the smile on his face stopped suddenly: "Is Boss Li injured?"

"Well, a little injury." Li Han didn't care about his injury, "I brought Yan Yun back, do you still remember what you promised me on the mountain?"

What did you promise...

Yan Lu was stunned, and then a smile appeared on his lips, eyebrows and eyes curved: "Brother-in-law."

"What are you doing behind my back again?" Yan Yun said while supporting Li Han to go forward, and Ji Ye also went up to help.

"We didn't do anything. Yan Lu has no other skills, so he would cry. If you don't come back, Yan Lu will probably flood this town." Ji Ye exaggeratedly joked with Yan Lu to adjust the atmosphere.

Seeing that Yan Yun came back safely, all the worries and fears that Yan Lu had before were all gone.

The girl glared at Ji Ye with dissatisfaction: "You are the only one who can only cry, dog man!"

Ji Ye rubbed her head comfortingly, then turned to look at Li Han: "Brother Han, where did you hurt? Leg?"

Li Han couldn't walk very steadily, nine out of ten his legs were injured.

Li Han gave a "hmm" and said, "I was hit by a stone, nothing happened."

"Are you okay? If I hadn't met you, you would have been buried! You know how to be brave." Yan Yun complained angrily.

When the landslide happened for the first time, they were working in groups. This time, there were only three people going up the mountain, and the rest went fishing in the fish pond.

The three of them who went up the mountain were responsible for digging bamboo shoots. She walked a little far, so she didn't have time to join them when the landslide happened, so she had to find a safe place first.

If she hadn't reacted quickly enough, she would have been buried under the sand and suffocated to death.

She did not expect the second landslide. She was about to go down the mountain, but she did not expect to run into Li Han.

When she saw him, he was hit by a stone on his leg. If she hadn't pushed the stone away with quick eyesight and hands, the news of tomorrow would probably be "President of F Entertainment was buried in Cage Mountain".

(End of this chapter)

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