Chapter 252

In the end, Xiao Mo was taken by Yan Yun to go through the hospitalization procedures.

Seeing Yan Yun being so kind to her, Xiao Mo wanted to cry.

"Thank you, Sister Yunyun." Her family background is not very good, so some things can be saved if possible.

She was used to carrying it by herself, but she was still touched by being so cared about suddenly.

Although she knew that the money might not be of much importance to Yan Yun, she knew that every penny was hard-earned.

If it was another artist, the assistant proposed not to be hospitalized, but most of them were too happy. Like the artist she was with before, they never cared about her...

She should be glad that she is following a good artist now.

"Have a good rest, come to me if you need anything." Yan Yun confessed, and then went back to Li Han.

When she went back, she found that there were several people in the ward.

Both Yan Lu and Yan's parents were there.

"Dad, Mom." Yan Yun went in and called someone.

Hearing the voice, Yan's father and mother turned their heads together.

The two excitedly stepped forward to look at Yan Yun, and after confirming that there was nothing serious, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yunyun, you are going to scare your parents to death. You are not allowed to go to such programs in the future, have you heard? Doesn't your manager know how to screen for you? Go to such a dangerous place!"

"Mom and Dad, don't blame Sister Ye You, she doesn't know either. The reputation of this variety show is really good."

Ye You had already apologized to her, and she really wasn't to blame for this incident.

But if something like this happens, the subsequent programs will definitely be affected, and it is a question of whether we can continue filming.

She is fine, and the filming of "Dazzling Galaxy" can still be done normally.

Yan's mother held Yan Yun's hand, feeling distressed.

"To be honest, I didn't want you two to enter the entertainment circle at first, but I couldn't bear it because you two liked it, and your father and I didn't want to force you to do things you didn't like. But when something like this happened, we really panic."

Both of their two daughters are treasures, and they would rather have an accident by themselves than suffer any harm to them.

Yan Yun: "It won't happen in the future. I'm sorry to make you worry."

"What are you sorry for? As long as you are good parents, you can rest assured." Father Yan didn't like his daughter being so polite to him.

After talking to Yan Yun, a few people remembered Li Han on the bed.

The two also thanked Li Han, but Li Han deserved it.

"Actually, Yan Yun saved me."

The two were taken aback, then looked at Yan Lu.

Yan Lu quickly waved her hand: "Don't look at me like that, Mr. Li is indeed going to save my sister."

Is there any inside story in it?But my sister didn't tell her.

Yan Lu scratched his head in doubt, and looked at Yan Yun with a puzzled expression.

Yan Yun explained: "Li Han did look for me. It was because Li Han was pressed by a stone during the second landslide. I helped him move the stone away, so I saved him as he said just now."

With Yan Yun's explanation, Yan's father and mother were stunned.

The two nodded to Li Han: "No matter what you say, thank you, Young Master Li. In the future, if you need a speaker, Young Master Li can just mention it."

No matter what the result is, Li Han really cares about Yan Yun, and they should also remember this love.

Li Han smiled lightly.

The man didn't speak, but looked up at Yan Yun.

Yan Yun understood the meaning in his eyes.

The girl raised her eyebrows slightly, and walked towards Li Han.

"Mom and Dad, I haven't had time to introduce you yet."

In the puzzled eyes of the two, only Yan Yun continued, "Li Han is my boyfriend now."

(End of this chapter)

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