Chapter 257

Cheng Yuan didn't expect that everything she carefully planned would go to waste.

Not to mention taking revenge on Yan Yun, she can't even protect herself now.

If Huayang leaves her, her life will drop to the bottom in an instant.

Huayang broke up with her, but Cheng Yuan was not reconciled, and went to his company several times to look for him, but Huayang never closed the door.

Hearing the call from the front desk again, Hua Yang was silent for a while and agreed to see her.

Cheng Yuan beamed with joy, and hurriedly followed the receptionist to his office.

When seeing Hua Yang, Cheng Yuan wanted to rush up to hug him, but Hua Yang coldly pushed him away.

"Cheng Yuan, I already said that we broke up." Hua Yang's voice was indifferent.

Seeing Huayang's indifference to her, Cheng Yuan panicked.

"Huayang, have you forgotten what you promised me? You said you would always treat me well, always treat me well!"

"Am I not good enough for you? Cheng Yuan, I hate it when people lie to me."

"When did I lie to you when I was with you?! It's not the first time, what happened, is it your first time, Huayang!"

Seeing Huayang's unshakable look, Cheng Yuan was a little angry, and she couldn't choose what to say for a while, and she regretted it after she said it.

"I'm sorry Huayang, I..."

"Needless to say." Hua Yang interrupted her, "I gave you a chance, but you didn't say it yourself."

The man pushed her away and left the office, unwilling to say more.

When he reached the door, the man stopped in his tracks: "I won't take back the stores I opened for you back then. What was given to you is yours. Just treat it as compensation for the days you've been with me."

After the man finished speaking, he left the office without looking back.

Cheng Yuan sat down on the sofa, her eyes were empty.

Although she doesn't love Huayang that much, it's not that she doesn't have any feelings for him.

These days when she was with him, although she meant to use him, she never did anything to apologize to him.

If she wants to marry someone, the most suitable person is Huayang.

Now, nothing.

The secretary came over to urge her, and Cheng Yuan finally came back to her senses, propped herself up, and left in a frivolous step.
Huayang drove the car aimlessly, and he didn't know where he went.

An advertisement for Yanyun was played on the LED screen of the commercial building.

The girl had a beautiful smile, and her pair of starry eyes seemed to be breathtaking.

Hua Yang stopped the car suddenly.

The man looked through the car window, looking a little absent-minded.

"Excuse me sir, we can't park here, there is an underground parking lot over there, I can take you there if you need."

A security guard came over and knocked on the car window, Hua Yang came back to his senses and waved to him: "No, thank you."

The man drove away with Yan Yun's face still in his mind.

He suddenly thought of something, and by accident, he asked someone to check what happened on the day of Cheng Yuan's audition.

Cheng Yuan insisted that Yan Yun framed her, and Cong made F Entertainment release the evidence, and Cheng Yuan always had an excuse to defend herself.

Thinking about it now, it is indeed full of loopholes.

If Cheng Yuan lied, then he wronged Yan Yun.

For some reason, he now hopes that what Cheng Yuan said is true.

If Cheng Yuan lied, then he would look like a clown when he went to Yan Yun to ask her to give Cheng Yuan justice.

But the fact once again made him feel cold from head to toe.

Yan Yun suffers from claustrophobia, and Cheng Yuan locks Yan Yun in the warehouse on the top floor in order to grab the role.

It wasn't Yan Yun who framed Cheng Yuan, but Cheng Yuan almost killed Yan Yun...!
 Ask for a monthly pass, babies! !

(End of this chapter)

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