Chapter 262

Li family.

When Li's father saw Yan Yun, his face was full of smiles, and Li's mother was also very kind, and kept talking about Yan Yun.

If Li Han hadn't told her that his parents didn't care about him, she would have mistaken him for a very happy family.

"Director Li, I'm not going to play tricks on you anymore. I just came here to ask you what you plan to do with the Li family. Do you want to give it to your illegitimate son, or to Li Han?"

When Li's mother heard Yan Yun's words, she also looked at Li's father.

She had known for a long time that Father Li had someone outside.

The two of them were originally married in a business relationship, and there was no relationship between them, so they didn't care much about their private lives, as long as they could get by in front of outsiders.

Although she has been busy with her own affairs these years and has paid little attention to Li Han, she is of course more inclined towards her son in regards to Li's succession.

When Li's father heard Yan Yun say this, his whole face sank a bit, and he looked at Li Han with anger in his eyes.

"Li Han, what did you say?!"

"What do you have to say about that matter?" Li Han said with a sullen face and a cold tone.

Yan Yun held his hand and squeezed it gently, as if to comfort him.

The little girl looked up at Father Li, without the slightest fear in her eyes, and her tone was calm: "What Li Han told me is not important, what is important is the question I asked you just now. Besides, I am already Li Han's wife, and he still has Can't you tell me anything?"

"What?! Are you his wife? When did it happen?!"

Hearing what Yan Yun said, Li's father found it even more inconceivable, and the sullen expression on his face became even worse.

"Li Han, when can you discuss things with me? Marriage matters, you just made your own decision without even talking about it?!"

"Then did you discuss with me before doing things? Did you tell me when you were having fun with other women outside?!"

The more Li Han spoke, the colder he became, Yan Yun scratched his palm to comfort him, and comforted him softly: "Don't be angry, be good."

After finishing speaking, Yan Yun looked at Father Li again, and said, "The Li Group has only two choices, either the heir is Li Han, or it goes bankrupt."

Father Li felt amused when he heard this: "Yan Yun, so what if you are from the Yan family? The little girl is not old, but her tone is not small!"

"Why, you still want to give the group to your illegitimate son?" Li's mother mocked lightly, "Don't forget, I owe half of the credit to the Li family's position today. The Li family's successor can only be Li Han."

She has no other children, only one son, Li Han.

She doesn't care how he hangs out outside, but when it comes to property issues, she will never give in!
Father Li was so angry that his chest hurt: "Okay, okay! Are you planning to join forces to force the palace?!"

"If you think it is, then so be it." After finishing speaking, Yan Yun looked up at Li Han with soft eyes, "Let's go."

The goal has been achieved, and there is no need for them to stay any longer.

After leaving Li's house, Li Han hugged Yan Yun tightly in his arms, put his head on her shoulder, and didn't speak for a while.

Yan Yun thought, he must be suffering now, right?

She couldn't fully empathize with it, but she somehow knew how it felt.

Lonely and powerless.

The little girl raised her hand and patted him on the back lightly: "Let's go, go eat. We haven't had dinner yet."

"Okay." Li Han's voice was hoarse.

The man raised his head, stared at her with dark eyes, slightly raised the corner of his mouth: "Thank you, Yunyun."

Thank you for protecting me so much.

(End of this chapter)

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