Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 269 Interstellar Love Manual

Chapter 269 Interstellar Love Manual (1)

"Warning, there is an enemy invasion, do you want to turn on the defense mode immediately?"

"The selection timed out, the protection has been automatically turned on, and the defense mode is turned on."

When Yan Yun woke up, she felt that her head was about to explode.

The girl looked at the console in front of her with a dazed expression.

Where is she? !
The fighting scene was displayed on the crystal display, and the people in it were different from those she had ever seen, or they couldn't be called at all.

The creatures inside have two forms.One is robot-like, with metallic luster all over its body; the other is animal-like, with sharp claws.

"MD, which of these is the enemy and which is our own!" Yan Yun looked at the people scurrying around above, and her head hurt even more.

"Reminder: The red mark is an intruder." Following the rhyme, a mechanical voice came from the operating room.

The rhyme is surprising.

Who is speaking?

Yan Yun looked around, and finally locked her sight on the robot on the console.

"It's you?"

"It's my master, don't you know M123?"

The robot's mouth opened and closed, and Yan Yun felt a little cute.

But without allowing her to think too much, the siren sounded again from the operating room.

"Our planet is being destroyed, and the attack is about to be locked. Please select the attack range."

As the alarm sounded, several selection areas instantly appeared on the display.

Yan Yun scanned and clicked on the place with the most red marks.

Immediately, the "Confirm" and "Cancel" buttons popped up on the screen, and Yan Yun clicked the confirmation button without hesitation.

After pressing it, Yan Yun immediately heard a bombing sound.

Seeing that the selection area was still flashing on it, Yan Yun continued to light without hesitation.

Suddenly a soldier came to report, Yan Yun looked at him, it seemed that it was not the same as what he saw on the monitor just now, but he looked a bit like her.

Could it be that there are several types of creatures on this planet?
"King Yun, our planet has successfully defended, and the first battle has been won!"

"Well, let's go down first."

"M123 Congratulations to Queen Yunyun for successfully defending the planet, it's great." The robot turned mechanically in a circle, with a cheerful voice.

Yan Yun felt that this robot was a bit like the most handsome number.

【Ah, do you think of me, my lord? ] Said the most handsome number and the most handsome number came out.

However, there is still a difference between the most handsome number and the Q-version robot. Compared with the most handsome number, the most handsome number is more advanced.

[Of course, it is a universal system, how can it be compared with a small robot! 】

After the narcissism was over, the most handsome account got down to business: [Welcome to the interstellar plane, please be ready to accept the plot of this plane~]

As the words of the most handsome number fell, Yan Yun's head began to flood with memories.

The original owner's name is Yan Yun, the queen of Liuli Planet.

Because of an accident, the original owner fell into the earth by mistake and fell in love with a man from the earth.

But the man on earth disliked the fact that the original master's gene was weird and not from earth, so he didn't like her.

But because the original owner is powerful and is the queen of a planet, although the man on earth dislikes the original owner, he does not dislike her identity and status.

After some consideration, Yi Hang followed the original owner back to Liuli Star.

Although Yi Hang hated the original owner in his heart, he treated the original owner very well on the surface, coaxing the original owner to get engaged to him, and handed over one-third of Liuli Star's military power and spaceships to him.

However, Yi Hang has great ambitions and is not satisfied with this third of military power and warships.

During a planet visit, Yi Hang met a woman who came from Earth like him.

The two fell in love at first sight, and conspired to seize the original owner's planet.

(End of this chapter)

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