Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 292 Interstellar Love Manual

Chapter 292 Interstellar Love Manual (24)

Yan Yun communicated with another spaceship, making Dill always pay attention to his instructions. Suddenly, Su Xian stood in front of the console and said in a deep voice, "I'll do it."

Yan Yun raised her eyes to meet him, then turned sideways to give way.

Su Xian stood in front of the spaceship console, controlling the spaceship while talking to Dill about how to cooperate.

Afterwards, Su Xian turned the spaceship into attack mode.

The hulls on both sides of the spaceship opened, revealing the cartridge and sword barrel.

Su Xian locked on to the enemy spaceship, and then quickly pressed OK.

Afterwards, Su Xian controlled the spaceship to quickly dodge the opponent's attack. Those shells hit the floating stone behind the spaceship, and a large cloud of mist floated out.

Dill controlled another spaceship to cooperate with Su Xian, and successfully destroyed the three spaceships.

Yan Yun's spaceship was fine, but the one operated by Dill was hit because he didn't dodge in time. Fortunately, it was not serious and could continue to fly.

When the group arrived at Guru Star, they happened to encounter the accomplices of the alien spaceship attacking Guru Star's defensive barrier.

Su Xian controlled the spaceship, skillfully flew over from one side, and fired a cannonball at the right time.

The spaceship was concentrating on dismantling the defense barrier of Gulu Planet, and when it found something unusual, it was too late to escape.

The front spaceship was overturned, and then the other two were also destroyed by Su Xian.

Yan Yun quickly opened Guru Star's defensive barrier, and our two spaceships quickly entered Guru Star.

Yan Yun recorded the logo of the invading spaceship and uploaded it to the planet website for searching.

The website of the planet shows that it is a very small planet, and Yan Yun is relieved when she sees that the star king of that planet has only one planet.

The ambition is quite high, do you think Guluxing is easy to bully?Don't even look at whose planet it is!

Su Xian got off the spaceship, looked around, and said: "There are creatures here, and they really need to be built."

When he came here before, he didn't check it carefully.

If it is an inanimate body, it can still be used as a tourist planet, but it is different with a living body.

"So this arduous task is entrusted to you!" Yan Yun released the chip certified by the planet while talking.

The chip floated into the air, and Yan Yun completed the handover with Su Xian according to the handover process.

After handing over the planet, Yan Yun felt relaxed and squinted her eyes in satisfaction.

Finally, you don't have to worry about planetary affairs from dawn to dusk!
Since he came here, Su Xian summoned the creatures here and issued an order.

After receiving Su Xian's order, those creatures poked their heads one after another, with a confused look on their faces.

"Just follow the instructions I gave you. At that time, Guru Planet will also build its own planetary civilization. At that time, no planet will dare to invade Guru Planet casually."

One of the reasons why they dared to invade is also because the Guru planet is relatively primitive, and they thought it would be easier to attack if it was left unattended, but it would be different after the planetary civilization was established.

The creatures on Gulu star nodded and did as Su Xian said.

Yan Yun stood aside, looking at Su Xian who was serious about issuing the order, the more she looked at it, the more she looked at it.

The Raiders characters are really handsome and attractive.

"Go back to Small Star? I plan to stay forever." Yan Yun tilted her head and looked up at Su Xian.

Su Xian was slightly surprised: "Long stay? You're not going back to Liuli Star?"

Yan Yun nodded: "No, I'll be right where you are."

Now Liuli Star also belongs to Su Xianguan, so naturally she will be there wherever Su Xian is.

Dill stood aside, always feeling redundant again.

It seems that he is only worthy of being a steward of the planet on Liuli Planet.

(End of this chapter)

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