Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 295 Interstellar Love Manual

Chapter 295 Interstellar Love Manual (27)

Since he has promised to be with her, he will never wrong her, and his woman will naturally be pampered by him.

"Sit down, if you don't want to call the maid, I'll do it."

Su Xian pressed Yan Yun to the bed and sat down, bent over and picked up the things on the table.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Su Xian walked away, Yan Yun followed.

Su Xian glanced back, Yan Yun looked innocent: "There is nothing in the room, do you want me to wait?"

"Then go and sit in my palace."

While talking, Su Xian pondered in his heart for a while, then freed a hand and reached out to Yan Yun: "Do you want to hold it?"

"Pull!" Watching Su Xian open up, Yan Yun's brows and eyes are full of smiles.

The girl's eyebrows were curved, and her eyes were as bright as a galaxy. Su Xian's eyes flashed with astonishment, and she looked at her with a bit of enthusiasm.

Realizing that his gaze was a bit direct, Su Xian immediately retracted his gaze, half-covered his eyes, covering all the emotions in his eyes.

Yan Yun tilted her head, the change in Su Xian's eyes naturally couldn't escape her eyes.

The little girl smiled slyly, then quickly put it away when Su Xian looked over, and put on a calm look.

"Wait until I tidy up the master bedroom first, and then move things in."

There are two rooms in his bedroom, a large master bedroom and a smaller second bedroom.

Yan Yun blinked: "Can't we live together? The one in the same bed."

Su Xian:?
"A bed? Are you sure? Yunyun, I'm a man."

He thought she just wanted to live in a palace with him, but he didn't expect that she meant it.

"Sure." Yan Yun said with a "sure and affirmative" face.

Su Xian stared at her for a long time, then reconfirmed: "Have you really thought it through? I don't guarantee that I will do anything."

There was a bit of danger in Su Xian's tone.

Yan Yun: "Don't be afraid. We're all together anyway. Su Xian, you can't escape."

Listening to Yan Yun's words, Su Xian always felt a little awkward.

It seems that this sentence should be said by him...

When Su Xian was distracted, Yan Yun had already caught up.

The corners of the girl's lips raised slightly, and the distance from him was less than two centimeters, and the sound of each other's breathing was clearly audible.

While Su Xian was not paying attention, Yan Yun pressed a kiss on his lips lightly.

Su Xian's mind went blank for a moment, as if something exploded in his mind.

Yan Yun kissed like a dragonfly and left quickly. The little girl looked at Su Xian who was a little dazed, and smiled.

"So, do you want to sleep with me?" Yan Yun tried to seduce.

The small abacus in the little girl's heart was clinking, Su Xian was completely unaware that he had fallen into the little girl's trap.

"Okay." Su Xian's voice was a little hoarse. The man stared at her, with burning eyes, stretched out his hand to pull her back to his side, and kissed her again.

On the way, Yan Yun's body emitted a faint metallic light, but Su Xian didn't change much, probably the result of long-term training.

But Su Xian didn't do anything overreaching, he just hugged her and kissed her for a while, then let go.

After calming down, Su Xian rubbed her head lovingly: "I've been tossing around a few planets, I guess you're tired too. Go to sleep for a while."

"OK, remember to sleep together at night." Yan Yun hugged the quilt while talking, and blinked at him.

Yan Yun's appearance, in Su Xian's eyes, is not a temptation.

In an instant, the man felt that his body was a little abnormal again.

The man stabilized his mind and suppressed all those emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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