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Chapter 299 Interstellar Love Handbook

Chapter 299 Interstellar Love Handbook (End)

A few years later.

The initial planetary civilization of Guru Star has been established, and the rest needs to be continued by the residents here.

Yan Yun spends most of her time at Small Planet, and if Su Xian goes to Liuli Planet for a long time, she will also take her with her.

Su Xian couldn't bear that she was too tired, so apart from visiting other planets, Yan Yun would stay in the palace at other times.

On the spaceship, Yan Yun sat next to Su Xian and stroked the cat, and Su Xian leaned towards her to lean on her.

Yan Yun tilted her head slightly, and said, "Su Xian, I think I need to give you a three-good husband award."

Little Nima is so considerate that she almost can't bear it anymore.

Su Xian chuckled, and thought about it cooperatively: "Then we will set up such an award after we go back, and I will be the first to receive it."

"Set!" As an advanced and developed planet, how can there be no such award, it must be set!
The two of them had arrived at their destination while they were talking.

The event they came to participate in this time was a banquet organized by the Interstellar Administration, and all the invited people were star kings with more than three planets.

It is stated on the invitation that one family member can be brought along, and those who are married are basically accompanied by a couple.

When Su Xian and Yan Yun got off the spaceship, many people's eyes were on them.

After seeing it, the director immediately came over to greet him, and joked with a smile: "It's rare to see you at a banquet, so I thought you wouldn't come."

Su Xian leaned slightly, his movements were polite and gentlemanly: "The event organized by the Interstellar Administration is coming."

Su Xian and Yan Yun caused quite a stir when they got married.

Not to mention that Yan Yun gave all the planets to Su Xian, it is very enviable that Su Xian can hold a wedding on Yan Yun's home planet.

The married life of the two was even sweeter, and the residents of Small Star passed on from one to another, and soon spread to other planets.Listening to their subjects talking, the leaders also wentssip.

In addition, the two of them are both talented and beautiful, not to mention Duo Deng is right, no matter how many people envy them, they will not be envious.

Su Xian held Yan Yun's hand, and after the whole banquet, the two of them never separated from the beginning to the end.

After seeing this, many wives began to ask their husbands to learn from Su Xian.

A certain queen poked her husband in dissatisfaction: "Look at others and then look at you. It's fine if you don't look good. No one cares about you."

A certain star king is very innocent: "But I am also very good to you. His parents are handsome, but his wife is also beautiful!"

A certain queen was furious after hearing this: "What?! You mean I'm not as good-looking as other women?!"

"No no no, I was wrong about my wife. You are the most beautiful, the most beautiful woman in the universe!" The star king hurriedly begged for mercy, boasting his wife into a flower.

Hearing those words, Yan Yun couldn't help laughing.

In a place with few people, the girl stretched out her hand and scratched Su Xian's palm: "Did you hear that, you are now a model husband for the nation."

"Yeah, I don't even look at who my wife is." Su Xian smiled lightly and scratched her nose.

The scene of their interaction was filmed, edited into a small warm video and posted on the Internet. Everyone said that they were forced to watch a large-scale show of affection again, and the singles expressed their blessings with tears in their eyes.

Su Xian hugged her into his arms, kissed her forehead lightly, and said with tender eyes, "Yunyun, it's an honor to be your husband."

From the moment you walked into my life, it was destined to be forever.

(End of this chapter)

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