Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 302 The Law Enforcement Doctor Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 302 The Law Enforcement Doctor Falls in Love with Me (3)

The boss of the magazine had an accident, and several other leaders decided to close the magazine together.

The original owner had just become a full-time employee, and after including the salary that was delayed for two months, the one who got it was less than [-] yuan.

Looking at the envelope in his hand, Yan Yun sighed.

Well, the job is gone now, and once you pass through, you become a jobless vagrant.

Back at the residence, Yan Yun found that her luggage had been thrown out.

Yan Yun frowned. When the landlord saw her coming, he pinched his waist with one hand and held a cigarette in the other. He glanced at her contemptuously: "It just so happens that you are here. Pack up your things and leave."

Yan Yun glanced at the luggage on the ground, and when she looked up again, her eyes were cold: "If I remember correctly, the rent will not be due until next month."

The girl pressed her fingers with one hand, and glanced in coldly.

It sounded like someone was inside, but she didn't go in, and she couldn't even see a corner of her clothes from here.

The landlord glanced at her, and took 5000 yuan from his bag and stuffed it to her: "Next month plus this month's rent is only [-] yuan. I'll give you [-] yuan, is it enough?"

Yan Yun glanced down, the coolness still persisting.

"Where do you want me to find a house in a short time? The contract is written in black and white until next month."

Is it possible to let her live in a hotel every day?

"Landlord, have you negotiated yet? I won't buy the house if there is a dispute."

There was a male voice coming from inside. The landlord took a look inside and smiled immediately, "That's good, I guarantee there will be no disputes."

After finishing speaking, the landlord turned his head to look at Yan Yun's face immediately became tense, and she took out another 1000 yuan and a business card from her bag.

"I have doubled it to you. This is my sister's business card. She rents out a house in Biting Apartment. You can move as soon as you negotiate. I want to sell the house. Don't be ignorant, otherwise my house will not be sold. Don't even think about lowering your rent."

Because it costs money, her rental price is already very cheap, and the rent in the same area is more than 2000.

Now that someone wants to buy a house, of course she will focus on buying a house first.

Yan Yun glanced at the business card, took out her mobile phone and entered the number, and said to the landlord, "Leave when I've settled the deal."

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, I'll talk to you." The landlord crushed the cigarette butt out impatiently, and threw it into the trash can.

Yan Yun didn't refuse, hung up the phone, leaned aside and waited for the landlord to settle the deal.

While waiting, Yan Yun searched Biting Apartment, and found that the location was not bad, it was a high-rise building, and it looked better than the one she rented now.

Yan Yun straightened up slightly, and added to the landlord: "No more than two thousand."

The landlord's eyes widened in anger: "The rent of Biting Apartment is [-] yuan, you told me [-] yuan? I gave you so much money for nothing!"

"This is the maximum range I can accept." There is no way, she has no money, and the original owner rented this place because it was five hundred cheaper than other places.

"All right, all right, I'm unlucky!" The landlord gave Yan Yun an angry look.

Yan Yun's eyes were cold, and she continued to stand aside, waiting for her to talk.

After the negotiation, the landlord pointed to the things on the ground: "You can move now, take your things and go. I rented it to you because your little girl is very talkative. If I knew you were like this, I wouldn't rent it." Here it is for you." The landlord murmured impatiently.

Yan Yun had already bent over to take the suitcase, but when she heard the landlord's words, she stopped her movements immediately.

"The rent will not be due until next month. It's your fault first, and you should be compensated. I can continue to live here."

(End of this chapter)

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