Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 306 The Law Enforcement Doctor Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 306 The Law Enforcement Doctor Falls in Love with Me (7)

—— "I have a friend at the police station, and I heard that the boss died strangely."

——"Strange? Isn't it just ordinary murder and throwing away corpses?"

——"You are stupid, if it were an ordinary case, it would have been solved long ago. I heard that the boss was dressed neatly and put on makeup when he died."

——"No way, the boss is not such a delicate person at ordinary times, it's frightening to think about it carefully."


After reading those comments, Yan Yun felt that she was not well.

I don't know anything, it's okay, but the more I look at it, the more I panic.

Yan Yun rubbed her arms and pressed Xiao Bai into her arms.

The phone rang suddenly, and Yan Yun picked up the phone to see that it was Police Officer Zhang Lin.

On the rainy day, police officer Zhang asked her for contact information, but he never contacted her except for the interview that day.

Yan Yun answered the phone with doubts, and the other party said they wanted her to go to the police station.

The police needed her cooperation, so she naturally had no reason to refuse, so she put Xiao Bai in the space and left.

She also wanted to indulge in the virtual world once, for fear of being arrested as a criminal suspect and over in prison before completing the mission.

When going out of the apartment gate, Yan Yun's shoelaces were untied, and the girl accidentally bumped into someone when she was tying up her shoelaces.

Yan Yun frowned habitually, took a step back immediately, and apologized to the man.

"It's okay, pay more attention next time." After speaking, the man seemed to have noticed Yan Yun's face.

Yang Yan showed surprise on his face: "Yan Yun, do you live here too?"

This man knew her...

Yan Yun searched through her memory before finding any information about this person.

His name is Yang Yan, and the original owner had pursued him when he was in college.

The original owner wrote him a love letter, asking him to meet him at the library at [-] o'clock on Friday afternoon, but the original owner waited all afternoon but didn't get him, and later found out that he had gone abroad.

After graduating later, the original owner found a job and started a two-point and one-line life, and the two never contacted again.

After finding the memory, he nodded in a detached manner, which was regarded as a polite greeting.

Seeing Yan Yun's alienated appearance, Yang Yan felt apologetic on his face.

"I saw the love letter you wrote, but I'm sorry, I don't have feelings for you. I wanted to go to the library to tell you face to face, but I was in a hurry and I didn't have time to go there. I contacted a friend to tell you, But he was so busy that he forgot to keep you waiting, I'm really sorry."

His friend also went abroad that day, but it was two hours later than him. He had asked him to tell him about it, but his friend was busy packing his luggage and forgot about it.

Later, he always felt sorry for her, even though he didn't like her, but he did let a little girl wait for him all afternoon.

"It's okay." Yan Yun is not the original owner, and she doesn't like Yang Yan, so she doesn't care about these things.

However, his apology did not disappoint the original owner who had waited for him all afternoon.

"I still have something to do, excuse me." After speaking, Yan Yun left first.

Yang Yan stared at Yan Yun's back in a daze, always feeling that she was different from before.

police station.

Yan Yun found Officer Zhang and greeted him politely.

Officer Zhang beckoned her to sit down.

"We have asked all the people in the magazine. Although we have talked once, I still trouble you to come and make a note."

Yan Yun: "It should."

Police officer Zhang asked some very common things, such as whether Li Mingyi had any habits, whether he usually went to and from get off work on time, and whether there was anything wrong a few days before the business trip.

Yan Yun told everything she knew, but there was not much useful information, after all, she was really unfamiliar with the boss.

(End of this chapter)

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