Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 308 The Law Enforcement Doctor Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 308 The Law Enforcement Doctor Falls in Love with Me (9)

Leng Ye frowned slightly, and was silent for a while before answering: "No."

Yan Yun nodded thoughtfully, and then fell silent.

When he went back, Leng Ye thought his mission had been completed, but Yan Yun followed him.

Looking at the girl standing at his door, Leng Ye showed suspicion on his face.

"Anything else?"

Yan Yun: "We are all neighbors, shouldn't you invite me to your house?"

Leng Ye: "..."

Leng Ye stared at Yan Yun for a few seconds, then turned sideways: "If you are not afraid, please go."

At first, Yan Yun thought that the "fear" he said meant that men and widows were living in the same room, and it was only after entering the room that she fully understood what he meant.

Good guy, there are a bunch of knives and skulls in the house, the collection is like a work of art.

Do forensic doctors have special hobbies?

Yan Yun pulled her gaze back from the skull and turned to Leng Ye.

"Sit." Leng Ye said while pointing to the sofa not far away, "What would you like to drink? Water, juice or coffee?"

Yan Yun: "Water, thank you."

Leng Ye nodded, turned and went to the kitchen.

Yan Yun looked around his house.

The color is black and white, which looks quite gloomy.I was originally a forensic doctor, so I chose this style of decoration, wouldn't it be depressing?

Leng Ye put the water in front of Yan Yun, and then sat on the sofa on the other side to stay with her.

Leng Ye was reticent, and after giving the water to Yan Yun, he didn't speak again.

Leng Ye's indifferent appearance really fit his surname.

Yan Yun was about to find a topic, but Leng Ye suddenly looked up at her: "Eat? I'll do it."

Yan Yun was slightly surprised: "You know how to cook?"

Good guy, she was moved when she heard it.

"Well, a little bit." While talking, Leng Ye stood up and said, "Stay if you want to eat, but I never like to force others."

After Leng Ye finished speaking, she went into the kitchen. As for whether Yan Yun should go or stay, it was all up to her to decide.

Naturally, Yan Yun won't leave, and she still counts on the time spent together to find a feeling.

While Leng Ye was cooking, Yan Yun searched through the original owner's group and address book, and finally found Yang Yan's WeChat account.

Jiang Yunchu: "Haven't you ever contacted Yang Yan? This WeChat account was also his before. I don't know if it has been changed."

Jiang Yunchu and the original owner had a very good relationship in the university, and the two of them usually attended and finished classes together.

Later, they worked separately, Jiang Yunchu was in city B, and the original owner was in city A, so the contact between the two was less.

Yan Yun: "Thanks, I'll try."

Jiang Yunchu: "I'm still so polite. But after so many years, do you still like Yang Yan?"

Yan Yun just wanted to say "I don't like it", but when she thought that Yang Yan might also be a character in the strategy, Yan Yun deleted all the words she just typed.

Yan Yun changed her answer and bypassed the question: "I met him once, and I want to ask him something."

After returning, Yan Yun switched to the interface of adding friends.

After inputting the WeChat ID and typing the note to send the application, Yan Yun closed the interface first.

WeChat has been very quiet, about half an hour later, the phone suddenly vibrated.

Yan Yun glanced down, it was Yang Yan's reminder through friend application.

There was a word from there.


Yan Yun: "Well. Are you free tomorrow morning? I want to chat with you."

If Yang Yan liked the original owner, she might give up on Yang Yan and attack Leng Ye, but the fact is that the original owner liked Yang Yan and was rejected, which is very difficult.

It took 2 minutes for the other side to reply to the message.

"Okay, you can decide the time and place, and send it to me, and I will go there on time."

(End of this chapter)

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