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Chapter 313 The Law Enforcement Doctor Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 313 The Law Enforcement Doctor Falls in Love with Me (14)

There was a new development in Li Mingyi's case, so Zhang Lin contacted Leng Ye.

When Leng Ye arrived, several police officers were analyzing.

Leng Ye glanced at the relationship diagram of the characters on the blackboard, and then turned his gaze to Zhang Lin.

"What else do you need me to do?"

"We've found a new key player."

Zhang Lin pointed to the photo on the blackboard while talking.

"This is what we discovered during our investigation. The chat records between Li Mingyi and a 'Struggling Snail' half a year ago. Looking at the chat records alone, this 'Struggling Snail' seems a bit extreme. He wanted Li Mingyi to sign him published the book for him, but Li Mingyi disagreed, it seems that the content of his book is not good."

Leng Ye was silent for a while, and said, "Can you find the book?"

Zhang Lin shook his head: "The file is damaged, and our technicians are repairing it."

They checked all the people around Li Mingyi, and none of them had a motive for committing the crime.

After thinking about it, I can only start from the chat records, maybe I can find some clues.

Leng Ye: "I'll go and have a look."

After Leng Ye finished speaking, Zhang Lin led him to the technicians.

Leng Ye stared at the computer for a while, then said, "I'll try."

The technician glanced at Zhang Lin, Zhang Lin nodded, and then the technician gave up his position.

Leng Ye's expression was serious, and after he fiddled with the computer keyboard, the computer began to display a series of progress bars.

The progress bar slowly increases, and finally becomes [-]%.

Zhang Lin's eyes lit up as he watched Leng Ye restore the files that the technicians hadn't finished for more than half an hour in ten minutes.

"Okay, you boy, you still have this hand. Are you really not coming to the police station?"

"No." Leng Ye refused without thinking.

Zhang Lin is also used to it.

From the time he knew Leng Ye to now, he didn't know how many times he asked him to come, but every time Leng Ye refused.

Leng Ye clicked on the book written by 'Struggling Snail', Officer Zhang pulled a chair from the side and read it with him.

The length is not long, about 10,000+ words.

After reading the previous chapters, the two still felt that there was nothing wrong with it, it was urban romance.

But the more you look back, the more wrong it is.

Article content:

Zhou Zhu hugged his wife's body, smiling affectionately and strangely.

"You are finally mine forever. Don't try to find another man, baby, you can only belong to me completely."

Looking at his wife lying on the bed, Zhou Zhu stroked her body carefully and lovingly.

Zhou Zhu changed his wife into her favorite clothes, and personally put on delicate makeup for her.

Looking at his wife who was bright and charming on the bed like a sleeping beauty, Zhou Zhu smiled contentedly.


Seeing this, the two looked down a few more lines.

After watching the whole process, Zhang Lin slammed the table down.

"'Struggling Snail' is very suspicious! The modus operandi in his book is exactly the same as Li Mingyi's death method! Li Mingyi had a head bump, and Zhou Zhu's wife was hit to death by Zhou Zhu's head!"

Zhang Lin immediately called other police officers to inquire about the whereabouts of the 'Struggling Snail'.

When I turned around, I found that Leng Ye's face was not quite right, and he had been staring at the article on the computer.

Zhang Lin frowned, stretched out his hand and waved in front of his eyes.

"Leng Ye, what are you looking at? Is there something wrong?"

Called by Zhang Lin, Leng Ye withdrew his thoughts, his expression still cold: "No, let's check first. Then check the hotel where Li Mingyi stayed when he was on a business trip. It is very likely that Li Mingyi was hit to death by pressing his head."

(End of this chapter)

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