Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 332 The Law Enforcement Doctor Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 332 The Law Enforcement Doctor Falls in Love with Me (End)
"What are you doing?" Yan Yun put the coffee on the table, going forward to help him close the glass cabinet.

Leng Ye reached out and held her down: "I want to put all these things away, I don't need them anymore."

He put these things in the living room and study before for a sense of security.

But now he doesn't need it.

Just having her is enough.

Yan Yun raised her eyebrows suspiciously: "Where do you take it? You also take the one in the living room?"

"Yeah." Leng Ye responded, "Let's put them in another bedroom, no one lives there."

Yan Yun made an "OK" gesture.

It didn't take long for the two of them to pack up. Looking at the slightly empty house, Leng Ye circled her from behind: "You can decorate according to your favorite style."

"Don't you like this color system? This is also very good."

It was a bit depressing at first, but it looks pretty good after you get used to it.

Leng Ye put his head on her shoulder: "You are the hostess of this house, if you don't like it, you can change it at any time."

"It's good, let's leave it at that." The main reason is that it's too much trouble to redecorate, which is already pleasing to the eye, and it's not bad.

"Go out to play in the afternoon? Yunchu said that a new amusement park has opened."

"Yes." Leng Ye responded.

In fact, he didn't have any feelings about these places, but since Yan Yun mentioned it, he thought she should want to go there, so he went with her.

The amusement park has just opened, and there is a [-]% discount on any kind of ticket.

Seeing a hat seller at the door, Yan Yun bought two cute rabbit ear hats.

Leng Ye refused to wear it for Leng Ye.

The man frowned, looked at the hat in Yan Yun's hand, and retreated subconsciously.

Yan Yun put a hat on her head and waved to him: "Why are you stepping back, how cute, isn't it cute?"

She helped Xiaodong make up for his childhood.Those children like these things very much, and the Raiders when they were young must not be able to resist these cute things.

Yan Yun pointed to her head: "Look, I've already worn it, but you really don't wear it?"

Leng Ye stared at the hat on Yan Yun's head, and finally chose to bow his head and let Yan Yun put it on for him.

After helping him put it on, Yan Yun pinched his rabbit ears in satisfaction: "Look, how beautiful it is."

A child next to him saw the hats on Yan Yun and Leng Ye's heads, and ran over happily holding a small windmill.

"Sister, I also want your little hat. Can I exchange my balloon and windmill with you? There are no hats for sale over there."

The child's mother rushed over immediately after seeing it, with an apologetic expression on her face.

"Sorry to bother you two, we can pay double the money to buy it, and it doesn't matter if you don't want to."

Yan Yun looked up at Leng Ye, and saw that Leng Ye had already taken off the hat from his head and put it on the kid's head.

The little girl tugged at the hat with rabbit ears, and gave Leng Ye the windmill and the balloon with a happy face.

The child's mother was a little embarrassed, and quickly took out a few one hundred sheets from her bag and stuffed them to him, but Leng Ye confiscated them.

Seeing those two walk away, Yan Yun raised her eyes to look at Leng Ye, with the corners of her lips slightly raised: "I didn't expect you to be quite caring."

The little thing looks normal, not at all like having experienced a dark childhood.

Leng Ye took her hand, lowered his head and said, "Do you think I gave it to her out of love?"

"Isn't it?" Yan Yun raised his eyebrows, and Leng Ye smiled softly.

"Yunyun, the things you have worn can only be mine."

Although Leng Ye said so, Yan Yun knew that there was still a touch of kindness in his heart.

Even in the dark, he still strives to face the sun.

(End of this chapter)

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