Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 343 The Queen Arrives

Chapter 343 The Queen Arrives (10)

On the way back, Yan Yun was suddenly attacked.

Fortunately, Yan Yun quickly moved away.

Looking at the arrow that fell on the ground, Yan Yun bent down and picked it up.

Someone is trying to harm her?But looking at Jian Feng's strength, it doesn't look like he wants her life.

Yan Yun stared at the arrow and narrowed her eyes slightly.

Someone wants to test her? !
Going back with the arrow, Yan Yun first called out the ugliest number to choose a character to attack.

[Who do you want to choose?No. [-] or No. [-] duck~]

"Choose Bai Ji." Her intuition was more towards Bai Ji.

She chose the right plane last time, and she plans to follow her feelings this time.

[Congratulations, my lord, for choosing successfully.Come on, my lord! 】

After the most handsome number went offline, Yan Yun sat on the chair and stared at the arrow to study for a while.

Who is trying to test her?

Bai Ji's face flashed in Yan Yun's mind, and the girl pressed the center of her eyebrows to suppress the doubts in her heart.

Anyone can do it, and Bai Ji is also quite suspicious.

Yan Yun reckoned that since Bai Ji would appear in Hualou, she wouldn't just go there once.

She was there to find out the news, and maybe he was too.

Saying that he wants to find someone to protect him is probably a cover.

Yan Yun was not in a hurry to go to Hualou, but was going to wait for Master Tianqin to show up before going.

With nothing to do, Yan Yun went for a walk in the street.

Looking around for a week, most of the workers on this street are women, while men are shopping and asking prices.

"Young master, it's unreasonable for you to say this? You dressed like this yourself, and I thought you were here to attract customers. Why, you still blame me?"

A woman was yelling at the man who was carrying a basket, "Don't blame others for showing yourself like this."

There were a few people pointing and pointing, and there were not many onlookers. It seemed that everyone was familiar with such a situation.

Yan Yun raised her eyebrows.

She seemed to only hear these words from men to women, and it was the first time she saw a man being criticized and had nothing to say.

If you look closely, the man is actually not wearing too much, but his chest is a little open.

Before Yan Yun could react, the man immediately lowered his head, looked at the people around him who pointed at him, and left immediately without refuting.

Yan Yun withdrew her gaze, and took a look at an accessory from the stall next to it.

"Did the girl buy it for the servant at home? This jade pendant has been with me for a long time, and the price is a bit high. I haven't seen anyone willing to buy it for my servant." Seeing that Yan Yun was interested, the stall owner immediately set up a jade pendant. talk.

Yan Yun let out a "hmm", looked at the quality, and paid for the money to buy it.

The stall owner immediately recommended other items to Yan Yun enthusiastically: "Miss, would you like to take a look at this jade hairpin? It's the same material as this jade pendant, and it's also very fine."

"I bought it." Yan Yun threw another piece of silver to him, and the stall owner almost laughed like a flower.

"Give this pair of earrings to the girl, the girl likes to come again!"

Yan Yun looked at the light blue jade pendant and jade hairpin in her hands, and put them away together.

Suddenly, there was a rush of hoofbeats from behind.

Yan Yun's eyes became sharp and she dodged quickly.

The horse lost control and kicked over several stalls. The woman sitting on the horse held the reins tightly, but she still couldn't control it.

Seeing this, Yan Yun stepped on the stool next to her, and quickly raised her foot to kick the horse's leg.

Yan Yun was very strong, the horse knelt down immediately after being kicked, and the people on the street immediately hid.

Seeing that the woman on horseback was about to fall, Yan Yun immediately used her strength to fly into the air, quickly reached out to hug the woman on horseback, and brought her safely to the ground.

The woman had closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she found herself standing firmly on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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