Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 353 The Queen Arrives

Chapter 353 The Queen Arrives (20)

"What kind of marriage is it? It's all a pretense. I heard that the daughter of the Zhou family has taken a fancy to two young masters, and one of them is from the Nanfu. She will marry all the people in the Nanfu."

"Hey~ If two brothers serve one wife together, wouldn't they have the final say in the backyard?"

"Shh, be careful that walls have ears."

"What are you afraid of, I will just talk about it."

Yan Yun withdrew her gaze and didn't care about these things.

All she can think about now is her strategy characters and resurrection energy, and the maid of Dorfu is rarely seen in this world anymore.

But there are already six, and two more will make eight. Will Zhou's daughter be able to bear it this week?

Yan Yun went to Bai Ji's residence and found that Lan Jiu was the only one in the house.

Seeing Yan Yun coming, Lan Jiu politely greeted Yan Yun to sit down.

"Where's Bai Ji?"

"Young master went to Hualou to find Qin."

After listening, Yan Yun frowned slightly.

Why did you go again?Doesn't that mean it's dangerous there?What kind of flower house do the boys go to?

He should have received the news that those female officials were punished, since he received it, why did he go there?
"Haven't you heard the news that those female officials were punished?"

Lan Jiu leaned forward to salute: "Got it, thank you Yanyun girl for helping us avenge us, we will always remember the kindness of the girl in our hearts forever."

Yan Yun waved her hand: "Those female officials deserve what they deserve, not any kindness. I mean, since he already knew, why did he go to Hualou?"

"The young master will be back later, you can ask the young master then." After speaking, Lan Jiu changed the subject directly, "Would you like something to eat, Miss? Lan Jiu's pastries are also very good."

"Okay, thank you, Miss Lan Jiu." A girl who can cook is simply a little angel!

Hearing that Yan Yun was so polite to her, Lan Jiu felt even warmer.

The last time Yan Yun served her dishes was beyond her expectation, she never expected Yan Yun to talk to her so politely.

Especially now that it's just the two of them.
Bai Ji hasn't come back for a long time, Yan Yun has already walked back and forth more than ten times, and Lan Jiu ate most of the cakes made by her.

Lan Jiu also felt that Bai Ji came back a bit late today, usually after noon Bai Ji would come back.

"Sit down and wait, girl, Lan Jiu will go to Hualou to have a look."

"No, I'll go." Yan Yun called her to stop, and went to Hualou by herself.

In the flower building, Yan Yun searched around but didn't see Bai Ji, so she went to ask Qin, Qin said that Bai Ji had gone back.

After listening, Yan Yun is even more puzzled.

It shouldn't be, she didn't see Bai Ji when she came here just now...

Yan Yun plans to go back to Bai Ji's residence to take a look.

Not long after she walked out of the flower building, Yan Yun heard the sound of a carriage.

Yan Yun immediately took back the strides she took, and stepped back to make room for the carriage.

"The daughter of the Zhou family is really persevering. It has been seven days and she is still chasing that young master."

"No. But if I chase after him too, that young master is really good-looking!"

"I met him once in Hualou, but that young master has martial arts, and I have even touched him with this hand."

Hualou?martial arts?
Yan Yun's pupils trembled slightly.

Is it Bai Ji? !

Yan Yun immediately turned around and quickly followed the carriage.

The carriage drove for a distance, then stopped suddenly.

The horse roared to the sky, and a woman jumped out of it.

The woman was dressed in a pink gauze dress, with brisk steps, and flew out on the carriage.

Yan Yun also stepped on her feet and flew up, catching up with the woman.

Yan Yun looked cold.

It's fine to rob civilian men by force, but she is still her strategy figure!Can't bear it!
(End of this chapter)

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