Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 355 The Queen Arrives

Chapter 355 The Queen Arrives (22)

Naturally, Yan Yun would not beat her to death.

If the energy is deducted again, the loss outweighs the gain.

So when Zhou's daughter fell into the air, Yan Yun quickly caught her, and then let go of her when she was about to hit the ground, and Zhou's daughter fell to the ground unexpectedly.

The people below were in an uproar.

"No way, this woman doesn't look so powerful, but she can't hide it."

"I haven't seen anyone who can defeat Zhou's daughter. Who is this woman? I have never seen such a master."

"Hey, hey, I've collected the money, I've collected the money, I lost the bet just now, don't try to renege on it."

"Hey, hey, he made a wrong bet. It's really annoying."

Bai Ji heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Yan Yun landed unscathed.

"Do you believe that I can protect you now?" Yan Yun quietly stretched out her hand and scratched Bai Ji's palm.

Under the crowd, Yan Yun scratched his palm so blatantly, a blush inevitably appeared on Bai Ji's face, and the man bent his fingers: "I have always believed it."

This time Bai Ji didn't withdraw his hand directly and decisively. Seeing him like this, Yan Yun raised her eyebrows slightly, and there was a little bit of smile in her eyes.

The progress is gratifying, the little thing no longer hides from her.

The servants of the Zhou family rushed over and saw the daughter of the Zhou family lying on the ground. They were startled, and quickly stepped forward to help her up.

Fortunately, the fall was not very serious, and Zhou's daughter stood up with anger in her eyes.

"Okay, how dare you treat me like this!"

"How?" Yan Yun raised her eyelids, without any fear in her eyes.

The more Yan Yun is like this, the more angry Zhou's daughter will be.

"Aren't you afraid of me? Aren't you afraid of the Zhou family?!"

"Really? What happened to the Zhou family?" The girl had a dignified and indifferent aura all over her body, calm and calm.

It's just a wealthy family. If the daughter of the Zhou family hadn't made such a fuss, she wouldn't have known about it.

Now everyone is talking about her, and her strategy is involved. If she doesn't investigate, she will be sorry for the fight she had with her today.

Zhou's daughter pointed at Yan Yun with an angry look on her face: "Okay, you wait! If you beg for mercy now, I can still let you go!"

Bai Ji looked up at Yan Yun, who gave him a reassuring look.

"Okay, I'll wait." After finishing speaking, Yan Yun led Bai Ji and turned to leave.

On the way, Bai Ji was a little worried: "Although the Zhou family is not a family of officials, it is a wealthy family whose strength cannot be underestimated. Part of the city's economy is driven by the Zhou family."

The Zhou family loved their daughter very much, and with the status of the Zhou family, that's why the daughter of the Zhou family was so fearless.

"It's okay. By the way, didn't you get the news that those female officials were punished? Why did you still go to Hualou? It's said that you are not safe as a man."

That's why the girl from the Zhou family fell in love with it.

"The flower building is mine. If it is not necessary, I seldom show up." Usually he is upstairs or looking for Qin, and does not show up frequently.

"Then why did Zhou's daughter meet you in Hualou? Since Hualou is yours, there should be a back door."

"The daughter of the Zhou family didn't meet me in Hualou, but on the street."

on the street?Not Hualou?
"Then I'll go out with you in the future, so that I won't be afraid that someone will covet you."

The little thing looks so good-looking, and it is a beautiful sight to walk on the street casually. She has to follow and protect the little thing at all times.

"Okay." Bai Ji responded, and Yan Yun said again: "By the way, my house here has reached the lease term, so I might have to borrow from you temporarily. It's okay if it's inconvenient, I can stay in the inn first. "

After Yan Yun said that, how could Bai Ji say no.

(End of this chapter)

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