Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 365 The Queen Arrives

Chapter 365 The Queen Arrives (32)

Bai Ji opened his mouth slightly, waiting for Yan Yun to feed him.

Seeing Bai Ji's appearance, Yan Yun just wanted to rub her in her arms and love her a lot.

The appearance of the little thing is too cute, a little bit arrogant and a little cute, if I use a modern word to describe it, it is probably... a little milk dog.

Yan Yun fed him the pastries, supported his head and watched him eat.

Being stared at by Yan Yun like that, Bai Ji felt a little unnatural.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Bai Ji took the initiative to take the pastry from Yan Yun's hand, trying to hide his unnaturalness.

"Look at you, it looks even better if you smile again." The pastry in Bai Ji's hand was taken away, and Yan Yun took another piece, staring at Bai Ji while eating.

Bai Ji didn't even know how he finished the pastry in his hand.

When he spoke again, there was nothing in his hand.

Bai Ji clenched his fist and put it to his mouth and coughed lightly: "I'm done eating, you go back to rest early after eating."

"Wait." Seeing that Bai Ji was about to leave, Yan Yun quickly reached out to hold him.

Why, he is still shy by her?
Bai Ji looked at her suspiciously, and Yan Yun motioned him to close his eyes.

Bai Ji didn't understand what she was going to do.

Seeing Bai Ji not moving, Yan Yun waved her hand.

"Forget it, open your mouth, hurry up."

Bai Ji was even more confused, and after a second of stunned, he followed suit.

Yan Yun quickly put the piece of pastry in her hand into her mouth, leaving a section out, then leaned close to Bai Ji, and before he could react, she had already sent the pastry into his mouth, and the lips of the two Just touched it.

The fragrance is soft and sweeter than the purple rice cake he ate just now.

This was Bai Ji's first reaction when he touched Yan Yun's mouth.

But Yan Yun didn't linger long, before Bai Ji could react, Yan Yun quickly bit off the purple rice cake and withdrew her body.

"Isn't this sweeter?" Yan Yun's lips curved into a smile, and she looked at Bai Ji jokingly.

After realizing it, a blush appeared on Bai Ji's face, and he immediately ate the purple rice cake near his mouth.

"Well, sweet. I'm going back to my room first." After returning, Bai Ji immediately got up and walked to his room.

Seeing Bai Ji leaving, the smile in Yan Yun's eyes deepened.

If she guessed correctly, the little thing should still be in a dazed state.

The mouth that tasted the little thing for the first time seemed really sweet.

Yan Yun thought about it carefully, and then returned to the room with the whole plate of pastries.
In Bai Ji's room.

The man sat on the stool, tapped his fingers on the table, and the scene of Yan Yun biting the pastry was all in his head.

Were they kissing just now?

Bai Ji felt that his question was extremely stupid.

He could feel the temperature of her lips just now, if it's not a kiss, what is it...

Bai Ji stretched out his hand to caress his lips, there seemed to be her remaining warmth there.

The images in the man's head played back and forth, and he chuckled after a while.

Indeed, it was sweeter that way.
Qin has always been hesitant about the question of whether to go or not.

Because he has been staying in Hualou, he already has feelings for Hualou, and no one forces him here. For him, this place is like a second home.

In the end, Qin decided to stay in Hualou.

Bai Ji and Yan Yun naturally respected his opinion.

Hearing that Qin would not leave, Lan Jiu also hesitated.

Indeed, she planned to go to the palace with Bai Ji and Yan Yun at the beginning, but now Qin will not leave, if she leaves again, Qin will be alone.

After struggling for a while, Lan Jiu also decided not to leave, and stayed with Qin.

(End of this chapter)

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