Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 368 The Queen Arrives

Chapter 368 The Queen Arrives (35)

After reviewing the papers all night, Yan Yun finally slept in the imperial study.

When he woke up, the sky was already slightly bright, and an attendant reminded him that it was time to go to court.

Yan Yun stretched her waist, and asked the attendants to prepare water first.

Most of the male servants in the palace were not used to Yan Yun, so she brought up a large number of female servants. Just now that Bai Ji came, Yan Yun gave all the male servants to Bai Ji.
in the hall.

Yan Yun first listened to the female officials playing some important matters, and before Yan Yun could say it herself, a female official brought up Bai Ji's matter.

"I heard that the Queen brought back a man yesterday and let him live in the Phoenix Hall?"

Yan Yun nodded: "The news is well-informed. Indeed, what's wrong?"

The female officer had already heard the implication of the rhyme, she cupped her hands, and explained: "Queen, there are already many people talking about it in the palace. I heard this news from my attendants when I entered the palace. The attendants are all in the palace. Talking about this matter, does the Empress really want to make that person the Phoenix Queen?"

They were all present when Yan Yun punished those female officials last time. Naturally, they knew that the empress hated these things the most.

"Oh? Listen to what the attendant said?" Yan Yun knocked on the imperial chair with one hand, and looked at the people below with oppressive eyes.

"What's the matter? I'm going to ask for your opinion when I bring someone back? You are the ones who let me marry you, and now you are the ones who stop me from marrying a husband. Why, do you want to say that he is not qualified to be the Phoenix Queen?"

Yan Yun sneered, then let go of the hand supporting her head, and stared sharply at the female officials below.

Those female officials immediately knelt on the ground: "The ministers are terrified. If the empress really loves that man, it's not a bad idea to be a noble monarch, but this Queen Feng still wants to..."

Before the man finished speaking, Yan Yun stopped, and then waved to the attendants beside him: "Command, if you hear someone talking again, all those involved, male or female, will be punished a hundred times!"

"One hundred?! Empress, this..."

"What's the matter? Do I need your consent to punish my servant?"

If you don't learn anything, you just learn to gossip, and you can talk about your master's affairs casually?
"I have already written the imperial decree. I told you to inform you, not to ask for your opinions. The ministries will follow the ceremony of the post-sealing ceremony. If there is negligence, they will be severely punished!" After finishing speaking, Yan Yun stood up, "Retire towards."

Walking down, Yan Yun's face was still cold.

After becoming an empress, she always took care of the overall situation, but this time the position of Empress Feng can only be Bai Ji's.She wanted to quit now, because she was afraid that those people would rebel.

Back at Fengdian, Bai Ji was drinking tea in the palace.

The heat on the table curled up, and a parrot in the room blew twice.

Seeing Yan Yun's return, Bai Ji straightened up and bowed to her.

"Yunyun, I've heard about it. Actually, there's no need to do this. Don't make things difficult for me."

He didn't want to make things difficult for her because of himself.

"The imperial decree has been issued, just prepare to be your Phoenix Queen, don't think about it. I promised you, and I won't break my promise."

If being an empress doesn't even have this right, then what she, an empress, is doing is too aggrieved.

This country has always been prosperous and prosperous, and there is no need to use a phoenix to stabilize the country's situation from the beginning to the end.

There was a touch of emotion in Bai Ji's smile.

The man pushed the pastry next to her to her, met her eyes after being silent for a while, and said slowly: "Yunyun, thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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