Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 381 Brother Don't Run

Chapter 381 Brother Don't Run (10)

Yan Yun exhaled, reassuring herself not to be angry.

She just met Nie Qi. If Nie Qi remembered her, he should be even more angry.

Comforting herself like this, Yan Yun called Nie Qi again, and it took a total of three calls before she got through.

Looking at the phone call, Yan Yun finally felt better.

It's just that the other party's voice was cold, colder than what she heard yesterday.Yan Yun didn't care what the other party's tone was, she directly exposed her identity and asked Nie Qi about the contract.

When she heard Yan Yun's name, Nie Qi didn't remember who it was for a moment, but when she mentioned the contract, Nie Qi remembered it.

"About tomorrow, the company will contact you when the contract is completed."

After Nie Qi finished speaking, he was about to hang up the phone, but Yan Yun stopped him before he could.

"By the way, do you have a private WeChat account? I think it might be more convenient to assign work this way." Yan Yun made an excuse very calmly, with a serious look that almost convinced her herself.

The other party was silent for two seconds, and continued: "Is your mobile phone number your WeChat?"

Yan Yun: "Yes."

"OK, I'll ask the head of the department to contact you later, and he will assign you directly if something happens."

"Wait. You signed me, shouldn't it be your responsibility? You will use me." Yan Yun said the last sentence very firmly.

Nie Qi was silent for another moment: "I'll add you later. I still have something to do, so hang up."

After speaking, Nie Qi hung up the phone directly.

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Yan Yun rarely curled up her lips.

Finally got the WeChat account of the little things.

The phone hasn't prompted yet, and Yan Yun is not in a hurry.

If she can't wait tomorrow, then she will ask for it again when the contract is signed.

She always felt that she was getting more and more patient when doing the strategy tasks.

Gu Youman's attitude was not particularly serious, and Nie Qi frowned the whole time.

For him, it doesn't matter.Those who are capable are capable, and those who are not capable are incapable. Only the strong are qualified to put on airs.

"Start as an intern, do you have any opinions?"

Nie Qi raised his eyes and looked at her coldly.

Gu Youman frowned when he heard about the interns.

Although she had prepared for the worst before coming here, she thought that she was also an ordinary regular employee. What did Nie Qi mean by giving her an intern?
"Nie Qi, am I not even worthy of a regular employee?" Is it his meaning or her father's meaning?
If you want to hit her, then this move is really ruthless!
"If you are the eldest lady of the Gu family, of course you can. But if you are a newcomer in the workplace, then I'm sorry, you can't even enter the door of the Nie family."

Not to mention attitude issues, she wouldn't be able to get here with just this resume.

Gu Youman took a deep breath: "OK, interns are interns."

Who do you look down on? Can't she be an intern?
"OK, you can choose to start work now, or you can choose to start work tomorrow."

"Get it now." Gu Youman met his eyes straightly, without fear, as if he wanted to compete with Nie Qi.

Although she is a rookie, she cannot lose her momentum.

Nie Qi glanced at her, picked up his cell phone and dialed a number.

Soon, a man came into the office, and the man greeted Nie Qi respectfully.

"Boss Nie."

"Take her to report to the HR department and arrange a position for her."

Nie Qi pointed at Gu Youman, and Yang Feng nodded respectfully: "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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