Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 383 Brother Don't Run

Chapter 383 Brother Don't Run (12)

Yan Yun waited at the door for a while, and after Yan's mother transferred to the ward, Yan Yun followed her in.

When she saw Yan Yun, Yan's mother dodged her eyes, as if she felt guilty: "Xiao Yun, I..."

"Have a good rest, I'll go to the police station." Yan Yun's tone was devoid of emotion.

No blame, but no concern either.

The mother of words responded.

Seeing that Yan Yun was about to leave, Yan's mother stopped her immediately.

"Xiaoyun, come here first."

Yan Yun paused, glanced at the policeman, and then turned back.

"what happened?"

Yan's mother gently raised her hand to beckon her, beckoning her to come closer.

After Yan Yun approached, Yan's mother began to speak in a low voice, her tone was still a little tangled.

"Xiao Yun, you go home later. There is a wooden box under the bed, and there are thousands of dollars in the wooden box."

Yan Yun raised her body and looked at Yan's mother, frowning slightly.

"Mom knows that it's not easy for you, and the money for hospitalization may trouble you again..."

The only thing left at home was the 2000 yuan, which Yan Yun gave her not long ago.

If she hadn't been admitted to the hospital today, she should have gambled the money tonight.

"Understood." Yan Yun got up, didn't say any more, turned around and followed the police to the police station.

Looking at Yan Yun's back, Yan's mother's eyes turned red.

She didn't want to do this either, but she couldn't control herself once her gambling addiction started.

When she saw the police, she panicked, fearing that she would be arrested and sent to jail.
When Yan Yun arrived at the police station, the owner of the car was already there.

The owner of the sedan was fine, but the car was scratched.

Yan's mother was riding an electric scooter, so she was seriously injured.

According to surveillance and eyewitnesses, the police finally determined that the car and the electric car were half responsible.

After leaving the police station, Yan Yun found the money according to what Yan's mother said, and then took out her own savings, but she couldn't make up even five thousand.

The car is fully insured, but even if her current money is shared equally with the car driver, it is not enough to pay for medical expenses.

Yan Yun pinched her eyebrows with a headache.

It's not appropriate to ask Nie Qi to pay her salary in advance. She asked for money before the contract was signed. Even if Nie Qi gave her the money, she probably lost her favorability.

After thinking twice, Yan Yun called out the most handsome number.

【Adult, do you want to exchange currency?I think adults can go to Nie's house to meet relatives according to the proposal of the original owner's mother, so that not only can you get money, but you can also have close contact with the raiders. 】

"Are you stupid?" Yan Yun felt that the IQ of the most handsome number had dropped again.

The girl's eyes were slightly cold, and she glanced at the phantom of the most handsome number.

"After I went to recognize my relatives, wouldn't I be brother and sister with Nie Qi? How would I make a strategy?" And after I recognized my relatives, the strategy characters must have a worse impression of her.

Even if Father Nie and Mother Nie were his adoptive parents, it would be difficult for him to fall in love with an illegitimate daughter, let alone his nominal sister.

Yan Yun didn't want to discuss this topic anymore, so she went straight to the point and said, "Tell me, how many points do you get when you exchange 5 yuan?"

[If you follow the ratio of currency exchanged by adults before, that is 1 point = 100 currency.But if adults exchange so much, then give adults a 250% discount, 5 points = [-] currency! 】

After finishing speaking, the most handsome number still had an expression of begging for praise.

Listening to the words of the most handsome number, Yan Yun picked up the pillow and hit him.

The phantom of the most handsome number flashed, and quickly changed back.

[What's the matter, everyone gave the adult a [-]% discount, and the adult is still so fierce. 】

The most handsome number was extremely wronged, and put two small fists on his face to make a "crying" expression.

"100 points, exchange or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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