Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 392 Brother Don't Run

Chapter 392 Brother Don't Run (21)

Yan Yun found a chair and sat down. There was a tree behind her. When the wind blew, there was a rustling sound.

Yan Yun originally wanted to sit and play games for a while, but she didn't expect to run into acquaintances.

Gu Youman walked by directly, but the more he looked at the person on the chair, the more he felt familiar.

"Nie Qi's people?" Gu Youman paused and lowered his head to ask.

Yan Yun was playing a game, when she heard the sound she raised her eyes, then lowered her head again.

"Nie Qi is mine."

Her expression is not quite right, she prefers her own expression.

Seeing Yan Yun kept pressing her phone, Gu Youman subconsciously glanced at her, and raised her eyebrows when she saw that she was playing a game.

"You're the only one here? Where's Nie Qi? You're pregnant with Nie Qi's child, are you here for an examination? If he doesn't come with you, it's a bit too scumbag."

Listening to Gu Youman's words, Yan Yun felt that she had misunderstood the end of the Pacific Ocean.

"No." Her game was over.Yan Yun put away her phone, stood up and looked at her.

"Come over to see a patient, just sit for a while."

Gu Youman suddenly said: "My name is Gu Youman, how about you?" Gu Youman took the initiative to extend his hand to introduce himself.

Yan Yun glanced down at Gu Youman's hand, but did not shake it, but introduced herself: "Yan Yun."

When he reached out and missed, Gu Youman was not embarrassed, and took it back directly.

"Then don't bother Miss Yan, goodbye."

Gu Youman waved to her, took two steps in the high heels "da da", then stepped back and gave her an unclear look, "If you are pregnant, you should let Nie Qi know, after all, you look too No big deal, love is one thing, hurting yourself is the little sister who will regret it for the rest of her life."

Looking at Gu Youman's graceful and slender back, Yan Yun pinched her brows with a headache.

Where does she look like she is pregnant?

But when it comes to pregnancy, she has never experienced it in these planes.

Is it because of the virtual world?

If so, it's not bad.You don't have to worry about your children, and you can enjoy a beautiful and happy life.
In class the next day, as soon as Yan Yun entered the class, she saw many people cast strange glances at her.

Although I usually take classes with other majors, people in my class still know each other.

Although the original owner is a little face blind and can't remember so many people, it doesn't prevent others from knowing her.

Yan Yun randomly found an empty seat, and her eyes flicked around those people.

Xu Shi Yanyun's eyes were cold and oppressive. After being swept away by Yan Yun, many people automatically turned their eyes away.

Those people stopped looking at her, and began to bow their heads and whisper again. Not only people from this profession, but people from other professions also booed.

Yan Yun was a little annoyed by those peeping gazes, so she took her book and went to the last row to sit down while class was not in session.

What century news did she miss?
Yan Yun quickly recalled what happened recently in her mind, and finally, Yan Yun thought of Zuo Hao.

At this time, Yan Yun had countless conjectures in his mind.

The girl took out her mobile phone, found the campus forum and the campus wall, and went through all the posts.

When she saw the hottest campus post, Yan Yun raised the corners of her mouth coldly.

Sure enough, she said something was wrong.

Zuo Hao is really a weirdo, just because of the thousands of dollars in scholarships so black the original owner?Are men so narrow-minded these days?The original owner didn't steal or rob, so it's okay to take it with his own ability?

(End of this chapter)

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