Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 400 Brother Don't Run

Chapter 400 Brother Don't Run (29)

The stairs in the corridor are all concrete floors, and there are various small advertisements for unlocking on the walls, as well as some colorful graffiti.

Nie Qi frowned the whole time: "You've been living here?"

The environment looks bad, and it's not too close to the school.

"Well, why, do you feel bad?" Yan Yun turned to look at him, the corners of her lips slightly raised.

"Actually, it's not bad here, you can live here and try."

The reason she likes it here is because she is the only one living here, the rent is cheap, and the bed is very comfortable.Under such conditions, she was satisfied.

Yan Yun lowered her head to unlock the lock, and as soon as the door opened, a group rushed towards her.


Xiaobai nestled in Yan Yun's arms, licking her paw coquettishly.

Nie Qi was a little surprised when he saw the kitten.

"You still have cats?" Nie Qi had already looked at the house while talking.

The room is very clean. Although the furniture is simple, it is much better than the outside environment.

When he saw Nie Qi, Xiaobai waved his paw vigilantly, and Yan Yun patted its head: "Be good, don't be aggressive."

Xiaobai is so fierce every time he sees a man, especially when he sees a raider.

Yan Yun put Xiaobai on the ground, went to the kitchen and poured a glass of water for Nie Qi.

Nie Qi saw a laptop on the sofa, but it was a business laptop.

"You use this?"

Looking at Yan Yun's small notebook, Nie Qi picked it up and looked at it.

"Well, it's not an ordinary notebook." Yan Yun put the water in front of Nie Qi, raised her head and signaled to him, "You can open it and have a look."

Nie Qi glanced at Yan Yun, then lowered his head, took the notebook, and opened the fold.

The first thing that popped up was a password. When Nie Qigang wanted to transfer the notebook to her, she heard her say, "The password is your birthday."

At that time, in order to make herself more familiar with the information of the raiders, Yan Yun deliberately set the passwords to be related to Nie Qi.

his birthday? !
The question that popped up when it was just opened flashed again in Nie Qi's mind.

- "What's your favorite person's birthday?"

Favorite person's birthday...his birthday...

Nie Qi frowned slightly, didn't say anything, but continued to look at the computer.

There are only a few folders and a few software on the desktop, which is extremely simple.

And Nie Qi discovered that there was actually a folder named after him on Yan Yun's desktop.

Nie Qi was even more surprised.

Before he had time to think, Nie Qi had already opened that folder.

Yan Yun saw Nie Qi's movements, but did not stop them.

It's all been discovered, if she stops him now, wouldn't it prove that she has a guilty conscience.

One click to open it contains basic information about Nie Qi, as well as a video of him being interviewed and a few pictures.

Nie Qi looked up at Yan Yun in astonishment.

"Yan Yun, what does this mean?"

"That's what you see. But I didn't expect to be seen by you."

She can prove to herself that when she did these things, she never thought that Nie Qi would see them, and these were all her private information.

Just now when she asked Nie Qi to turn on the computer, she just wanted him to look at her modified computer, completely forgetting about the folder.

Nie Qi's gaze towards Yan Yun was a bit complicated, but Yan Yun didn't explain too much.

"Aren't you looking at the computer?" Yan Yun raised her eyes as a signal, and her eyes were quiet, not flustered by being caught.

Seeing such a calm rhyme, Nie Qi's eyes became even darker.

(End of this chapter)

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