Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 418 Brother Don't Run

Chapter 418 Brother Don't Run (47)

"Xiaoqi's girlfriend? Your little doctor? Have you found it yourself?"

Gu Youman nodded generously, and put the fish in the bowl into his mouth.

"That's right, but Nie Qi's cultivation has come to fruition, and my little doctor hasn't caught up yet. The revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still need to work hard."

Hearing Gu Youman's words, Nie Qi was also stunned.

What his girlfriend?When did he say he had a girlfriend?Gu Youman has always misunderstood that he and Yan Yun are in a relationship?

This news was difficult for everyone to digest for a while.

Gu Youman enjoyed eating by himself.

She really didn't call Nie Qi at all, but she wouldn't be so direct if she felt a little bit.

But this is based on the fact that Nie Qi doesn't have a girlfriend. If she has a girlfriend, she won't join in the fun.

"Xiao Qi, why didn't you tell Mom and Dad, you child..." Father Nie and Mother Nie were a little embarrassed by this incident, and so were Father Gu and Mother Gu, and the two families began to scold their children.

Nie Qi kept listening, and waited until Father Nie and Mother Nie had finished speaking before saying, "I haven't caught up yet." Nie Qi not only didn't explain, but also said that he hadn't caught up yet.

! !
This sentence was more like a bomb, successfully silenced everyone at the dinner table.

Gu Youman was eating, and he almost choked when he heard what Nie Qi said.

The girl coughed twice, with a surprised look on her face: "No, you haven't caught up yet? I thought you both had raw rice and cooked rice. So it's true that I misunderstood you, and Yan Yun is indeed not pregnant."

"Why, did I explain for nothing that day?"

Gu Youman shrugged slightly: "Yes, after all, it might be Yan Yun who excused you."

Gu Youman raised his eyebrows at Nie Qi, who was speechless for a while and didn't want to explain anymore.

Father Nie originally wanted to say a few words, but when he heard what Gu Youman said later, he was stunned.

Rhyme? !

Is it the rhyme he thought of?Or just a coincidence?
"What?! Pregnant?" Mother Nie opened her mouth wide in surprise.

Gu Youman immediately waved his hands and explained: "No, no, no, I'm not pregnant, I misunderstood them, auntie. Yan Yun was injured last time, that's why they went to the hospital."

"Injured?" Father Nie said suddenly, and wanted to ask "Is it serious" in the next sentence, but when he saw everyone's expressions, Father Nie immediately changed his words and asked Nie Qi, "Are you not injured, Xiao Qi?"


"What does she do?" Mother Gu was also a little curious.

After all, this matchmaking has to be based on your love and my willingness. Now that the two children have someone they like, there is no need for them to break them up.

"Still in school." Nie Qi replied.

"Go to school? University?" Gu's mother was even more surprised, "How did you know each other? It stands to reason that you shouldn't have crossed paths."

When Nie Qi answered "go to college", Father Nie was basically sure that the rhyme in Nie Qi's mouth was his own daughter.

But due to the situation, he couldn't ask directly, let alone say anything more.

Nie Qi continued to reply politely: "She is good at IT, and we met at the company for an interview."

Gu's mother suddenly realized, and Nie's mother began to ask the other party's family what they did, and Nie Qi didn't want to reveal too much in front of everyone.

"Ordinary families, I haven't caught up yet, so I won't tell you if there are more, and I hope my parents don't bother her with investigations."

"Okay, okay, you can just look at it yourself, but there is one thing, the little girl is a good person. When the time comes, bring her home and mom and dad will help you check it out."

"Uncles and aunts can help you too, hahaha." Parents and mothers of Gu also teased.

(End of this chapter)

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