Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 433 Brother Don't Run

Chapter 433 Brother Don't Run (62)

Nie family.

Knowing that Yan Yun is coming today, Mother Nie has been ordering the kitchen to prepare since she woke up in the morning.

Worrying that Nie Qi would forget about it in a hurry, Nie's mother specially called him to ask him.

Listening to Nie's mother's words, Nie Qi couldn't help laughing: "No mother, you won't be busy when you wake up in the morning, right?"

"Either way, you still understand mom. I'm afraid I'm too rushed, so let the kitchen prepare the dishes first, so that it can be faster. Hurry up, mom won't bother you, don't forget to bring your girlfriend over .”

After hanging up the phone, Nie Qi looked at the phone, with a smile on his lips, and shook his head helplessly.

Looking at Father Nie who was looking at his phone, Mother Nie patted him dissatisfied: "My daughter-in-law will be here in a while, so you wear this?"

Father Nie looked down: "Is there any problem? Isn't this very good?"

"It's too casual, go and change. Where's your shirt? Change it up."

Father Nie didn't want to move at first, but in the end, Mother Nie pushed him into the room.

Nie Qi and Yan Yun arrived around 05:30.

When seeing Yan Yun, Father Nie's pupils shrank slightly, a little excited, but he didn't come forward to recognize her.

Nie's mother pulled her to sit next to her with enthusiasm. During the whole process, Yan Yun's words and deeds were also very appropriate.

In the middle, Yan Yun glanced at Father Nie a few times, and Father Nie always felt a little uncomfortable.

"Xiao Qi, come with me."

While Nie's mother was talking to Yan Yun, Nie's father called Nie Qi upstairs.

Mother Nie looked at the two of them with some doubts, then quickly turned her gaze to Yan Yun, smiled and patted her hand.

"Wait a minute, Auntie has something for you."

in the study.

Father Nie looked at Nie Qi, and gave him the household registration book from the drawer.

"Xiao Qi, what Dad means is that you want to get your marriage certificate first, and then take care of the wedding later."

He had long nights and many dreams, and he was afraid that one day his wife would find out the ending would be even more difficult to undo.

It might have been better if they had married earlier.

Looking at the account book, Nie Qi frowned slightly.

"I have to ask Yan Yun's opinion on this, I can't make the decision alone."

"Well, you two discuss it. Judging by your mother's appearance, she really likes Xiaoyun. The more I look at it, the more sad I feel."

Accompanied by Father Nie's words, there was a sudden sound outside the door.

Father Nie's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly got up and opened the door.

Looking at Mother Nie outside the door, Father Nie panicked.

"Is there something you are hiding from me? I like Yan Yun, why are you sad, huh?" Nie's mother stared at Nie's father tightly without blinking her eyes.

"I... can we wait until the two children leave after dinner? Xiao Qi finally brought his girlfriend back..."

Nie's mother glanced at the rhyme downstairs through the gap in the stairs. After all, she was a little scruples: "Then let's go into the study and talk. Old Nie, you know that I hate other people lying to me the most. And you Xiaoqi, why don't you Won't you tell mom?"

Nie Qi was silent.

Father Nie stared at Mother Nie for a while, then sighed.

"Xiao Qi, go down and accompany Xiao Yun, I'll talk to your mother for a while."

Nie Qi glanced at the two of them, then nodded slowly: "Okay."

When going down, Yan Yun frowned slightly when she saw that Nie Qi was the only one coming down.

"Why are you alone? What about them?" It stands to reason that it was Nie's mother who came down. Why did Nie Qi come down alone?
Could it be... Her identity has been exposed?so fast...

(End of this chapter)

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