Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 442 Elegant Blood Race

Chapter 442 Elegant Blood Race (5)

Three days...

The target has been determined, and it should be no problem to draw blood in three days.

"Okay, then three days, I don't know how to call it?"

"Lin Zhan."

"My name is Yan Yun."

The two introduced themselves, and then Lin Zhan turned and went back to the room.

In fact, Yan Yun's foot was not particularly serious, she sprained it on purpose, so she grasped the strength in advance.

Watching Lin Zhan return to the room, Yan Yun stood up slowly by herself, ready to go back to the room to rest.

Unexpectedly, after walking a few steps, he saw Lin Zhan coming out.

Lin Zhan frowned slightly: "Aren't you in pain?"

"Fortunately, I can't trouble you all the time." Yan Yun made excuses for herself in a serious manner, and she almost believed it herself.

In fact, Lin Zhan hates contact with others, especially strange women.

But the woman in front of him made him feel familiar. From the beginning of agreeing to pick her up to agreeing to help her, everything was beyond his expectation.

Lin Zhan gave her the safflower oil in his hand: "Wipe it yourself according to the situation."

After sending the safflower oil to Lin Zhan, he went back.

Seeing Lin Zhan walking so decisively, Yan Yun raised her eyebrows slightly.

It just so happened that she didn't want to have too much contact with him, as long as there was blood.

Yan Yun took the safflower oil back to the room, but it didn't work, she just stretched out her hand and pressed her ankle a few times, and after a while, it relieved a lot.

[Trigger task 1: Please get 100% favorability with Lin Zhan]

[Trigger task 2: Please gain 100% favorability with Mu Xuan]

[Remaining selection time: 24 hours. 】

Yan Yun was leaning on the bed, when a system notification suddenly sounded in her head.

Lin Zhan?Really human... Can humans and vampires coexist?

But who is Mu Xuan?Also human?

With doubts, Yan Yun called out the most handsome number, which said that Mu Xuan was a member of the blood clan and the son of a nobleman, and the two had met several times.

How many times have I met...

Yan Yun began to search the memory of the original owner, and found the name after searching for a long time, but the impression was not particularly deep.

"By the way, can you help me forge my personal identity? The reasonable kind."

[My lord, you don't need a human identity, you are a blood noble, and your status is extremely noble. 】

"Nonsense, I know I am extremely honorable, but I am now in the human world."

[Does blood nobles who can come and go freely like an adult still need a human identity? 】The most handsome number turned around obediently and cutely, the more Yan Yun talked, the more she wanted to roll up her sleeves and hit someone.

"You just said you can do it?"

[Well, the most handsome number has no right to interfere with the human world, so if you want an identity, you can only find a way~]

No right to interfere with...

"That's why it can't be done? Aren't you a universal system?" Fucking universal system!
[People can only be omnipotent within the scope of their duties. Your lord already has one identity, and you can't have two at the same time. 】The most handsome number became less and less confident the more he talked, and felt that he was being questioned.

Since she couldn't get her identity, Yan Yun didn't want to talk to the most handsome number anymore.

After taking the most handsome number offline, Yan Yun's mind is full of raiders.

She had contacted Lin Zhan, but the original owner's impression of Mu Xuan was not enough for her to make a judgment.

Yan Yun sighed, staring straight at the ceiling, wondering if she should go back to the blood clan tomorrow.

It shouldn't matter if Lin Zhan finds out, right?As far as Lin Zhan is concerned, she is a stranger now, and Lin Zhan should also have his own job.

Thinking like this, Yan Yun has already started to plan tomorrow's action.

The next day, when Yan Yun woke up, she found that Lin Zhan was not there. She only left a note on the living room, with only two words on it: "Breakfast".

(End of this chapter)

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