Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 462 You Are My Dazzling Galaxy

Chapter 462 You Are My Dazzling Galaxy (2)

An exclamation mark suddenly flashed on the virtual screen, and a mechanical notification sounded abruptly in the research room.

Looking at the failure problem displayed above, Yan Yun quickly withdrew her thoughts, turned around and stood in front of the operating table, operating quickly and sensitively with both hands.

Half an hour later, Yan Yun successfully repaired the malfunction, the key flashed suddenly, and He Zhixiao slowly opened his eyes.

He Zhixiao reached out and pressed his shoulder. As soon as he stood up, he caught sight of Yan Yun standing beside him, and the man's pupils shrank involuntarily.

"Xiaoyun, you..."

"What's wrong, teacher?" Yan Yun looked at him with a ignorant look on her face, frowning slightly.

He Zhi Xiao immediately stabilized his mind, and smiled: "No, you should be resting at this time."

"Well, I suddenly remembered that this game still has some problems and needs to be improved."

"Okay. I also wanted to test it on a whim, so I took your key. You won't be angry with the teacher, right?" He Zhixiao observed Yan Yun's face while talking.

Yan Yun's expression was as usual, without any ups and downs: "No, the teacher can test anytime he wants."

"Well, then you can continue to work, the teacher will not bother you, pay attention to rest."

"it is good."

After He Zhixiao left, Yan Yun's tense body suddenly relaxed.

In fact, what she hasn't had time to tell He Zhixiao is that the game does not need a key to start in the end.After the test is over, she will write the program into the bracelet, and those who need to experience it only need to follow the virtual screen prompts on the bracelet to operate.

Yan Yun suddenly thought of space and the taskbar.

The girl reached out to open the space, but found that the taskbar bound to the space had disappeared, and there was nothing in the space, except a cat.

Looking at the familiar kitten, Yan Yun's eyes turned sore, she reached out and hugged it out.

"Xiaobai, you are really here."

Yan Yun stroked its fur and stretched out its hand to scratch its chin.

If it wasn't for Xiaobai's presence, she really would have wondered if what she experienced was just a dream.

Xiaobai squinted her eyes and "meowed" a few times, Yan Yun hugged it for a while and then put her back into the space.

Before entering the virtual world, the game has entered the final debugging stage, but she has not been here to test it, and has not found any problems.

Yan Yun clicked on the screen and found that there were several archives inside.

What is recorded in the archive is not the replay of the experiencer's experience, but the data record of the experiencer's unsatisfactory experience during the experience process.

Looking at the five files, Yan Yun looked down at the time again.

After experiencing so many worlds, she only slept for three days...

After sleeping for three days in a row, didn't the teacher find out what was wrong with her?The teacher didn't even ask just now, is there really a problem?
There was a bit of coolness and disbelief in Yan Yun's eyes.

She didn't want to believe that it was really the teacher who did it to her.

If the teacher wants the research results of this game, she can give the whole game to the teacher, even without adding her own name.But why use this method...

Yan Yun shook her head, trying to get rid of those strange thoughts in her mind.

No, it's impossible. The teacher loves me so much and trains me so hard. That person's words must not be trusted. There must be something wrong!
Yan Yun closed her eyes and opened her eyes after emptying her mind, and lowered her head to operate on the screen.

(End of this chapter)

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