Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 471 You Are My Dazzling Galaxy

Chapter 471 You Are My Dazzling Galaxy (11)

He Yuruo walked forward while staring at Lu Beili's back, and didn't wake up instantly until she saw Lu Beili walk to the corner.

He Yuruo looked out, hesitated for half a second, then turned around and went back to the bar.

He Yuruo looked for Lu Beili in the bar, and finally saw him on the sofa in a corner.

He Yuruo was overjoyed, and hurried over to say hello to Lu Beili.

Next to Lu Beili was a man who looked about the same age as Lu Beili.

"Hello, can I make a friend?" He Yuruo extended her hand generously, with a look of anticipation on her face.

Lu Beili's face was cold, he slightly raised his eyelids when he heard the voice, and looked up at her: "No."

Lu Beili obviously refused, and He Yuruo bit her lip, a little unwilling to give up: "Is it okay to leave a contact information?"

The person next to Lu Beili jokingly pushed him: "Okay, you, Lu Beili, you have a lot of good fortune. How many times is this today?"

Lu Beili...is his name Lu Beili?
He Yuruo handed the mobile phone to Lu Beili, Lu Beili glanced at her, raised his head and drank the wine in the glass.

"It's better for students to come to the bar less." Lu Beili's voice was indifferent, and he didn't intend to give He Yuruo his contact information at all.

He Yuruo defended herself unconvinced: "I'm already an adult."

Seeing He Yuruo's persistent look, Xue Shi suddenly smiled: "He has already made it very obvious that you are not his type, so there is nothing to do, sorry little sister. But if you want my contact information, I can give it to you." Xue Shi raised his eyebrows, looking like a dandy.

He Yuruo glanced at Xue Shi.

Xue Shi is indeed quite handsome, but He Yuruo doesn't have any feelings for him, she prefers someone like Lu Beili.

Indifference and abstinence, just one glance can make people's hearts move.

Seeing He Yuruo who ignored him, Xue Shi shrugged and said nothing.

Lu Beili still didn't say anything.

Seeing Lu Beili who didn't even intend to talk to him, He Yuruo bit her lip and turned her gaze to Xue Shi.

"Then let's exchange contact information." He Yuruo said and handed the phone to him.

The two of them seemed to be friends. If she had his contact information, she should be able to get Lu Beili, right?
Xue Shi raised his eyebrows slightly, and reached out to take He Yuruo's cell phone.

The man pressed the phone a few times with his slender fingers, and then returned the phone to He Yuruo.

"Same number on mobile phone and WeChat."

"Thank you." He Yuruo clicked to add WeChat while talking.

Seeing He Yuruo who added friends on the spot, Xue Shidun found it interesting.

Is it because he is afraid that he will not join?

The man reached out his hand and passed it, and gave He Yuruo a look.He Yuruo was relieved when he saw that his friend passed the message.

Just at this time, He Yuruo's cell phone rang suddenly, looking at the caller ID on it, He Yuruo apologized: "I'm sorry, I have to go back, bye."

Seeing He Yuruo's back, Xue Shi touched Lu Beili's shoulder, and said, "Hey, you don't pay much attention to her, this little girl looks pretty good."

Lu Beili: "I'm not interested in children."

"Children? Didn't you hear people say that they are all adults?"

Lu Beili lowered his head and poured a glass of wine, then looked up at him: "You're still childish, can't you see it?"

"All right, all right, I know you have a lot of principles."

Looking at Xue Shi, who lowered his hair, Lu Beili added a warning: "Don't reveal my contact information."

(End of this chapter)

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