Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 484 You Are My Dazzling Galaxy

Chapter 484 You Are My Dazzling Galaxy (24)

"Lu Beili, why do you speak so eccentrically? It's not a day or two since you know this news!" Hearing Lu Beili's words, Lu Yuan couldn't help but look sour.

Lu Beili stared at Lu Yuan for a while, but Lu Yuan didn't look averted or guilty.

Did he really think too much?
"Is this game really made by Lu alone?"

"What do you mean? You mean Lu's plagiarism?! Yes, I did have this idea. I want you to steal X Technology's game data. Didn't you agree?" Lu Yuan patted the table and said Standing up with displeasure.

"That's it. It's settled. Go and keep an eye on it tomorrow. Finally, you can find a way. Don't mess up again. Lu's holographic game must be launched earlier than X Technology!" Not only to be the best, but also to Be the fastest!Only in this way can we maintain the leading position in the industry.

Looking at Lu Yuan's back, Lu Beili fell into deep thought.

Judging by his father's behavior, it seems that he did not lie.
Yan Yun had been studying the screen for several hours without knowing it, and looked at the time, it was already twelve o'clock.

Looking at the unchanged content on the screen, Yan Yun's head swelled.

The girl turned her head to look at He Zhixiao with guilt on her face.

"If I had insisted on experimenting by myself, you would have had no accidents." Back then, the teacher adopted her and gave her a second life, but she didn't reciprocate and put the teacher in danger.

After staring at He Zhixiao for a while, Yan Yun got up and walked to the sofa.

Lying on the sofa, as soon as Yan Yun closed her eyes, there were dense characters in front of her eyes.

How can it be cracked... She has never seen such a strange way of attack.

Yan Yun closed her eyes and fell into thinking, and before she knew it, it was already the second day.

The research room is closed, so you can't see the changes of the scenery outside, and all the time sources rely on mobile phones.

Yan Yun got up and ordered takeaway, and after ordering, she walked to the operating desk.

Yan Yun tried another method to crack it, and tried to trace the other party's IP.

But the other party hides it very well, she can't even crack it, and it is even more difficult to track the IP.

Yan Yun's fingers danced skillfully on the screen, and not long after, there was a knock on the door of the research room.

He glanced at his phone, but there was no missed call.

It's not takeaway... Could it be Lu Beili again?

For some reason, the first thing that popped into Yan Yun's mind was Lu Beili.

After thinking of him, Yan Yun thought of He Yuruo again.

In the research room, no one except the two of them would come again unless she called.

Yan Yun walked to the door of the research room and opened it. Lu Beili was still standing at the door.

Yan Yun paused for a moment, then moved her gaze down to his hand holding the plastic bag.

"I've already ordered takeaway, so you don't have to trouble yourself in the future."

"Did it come? It should be early now." Lu Beili looked down at the time, it was almost eight o'clock.

He was afraid that he would wake her up if he came early, so he came a little later. He didn't expect that she even ordered takeaway.

"Don't eat the takeaway, eat this." Lu Beili said as he walked in, put the things on the table, and said, "I watched these things, so don't worry."

Yan Yun wanted to say "no need", but everyone had already put the food in front of her, so she refused at this time, which seemed a bit ignorant.

Yan Yun said thank you, then called the rider and told him that the takeaway was delivered to him.

The rider panicked at first, but he was relieved when Yan Yun repeatedly said that it was free and no compensation was needed.

(End of this chapter)

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