The Legend of Shushan Swordsman

Chapter 25 Sprinkling Snow and Spraying Beads

Chapter 25 Sprinkling Snow and Spraying Beads
Speaking of Qiu Zhixian mentioned earlier in this book, since Lingyun and others left, Li Yingqiong and Shen Ruolan also wanted to ride the divine eagle to Qingluo, and only Zhixian stayed behind in Emei.Because of Ningbiya, although Ningbiya is said to be a blessed place, and there are spiritual clouds and other spells to block the cave, but now the good and the evil factions are in conflict, and he has only just learned swords, and his skills are low. What if something happens.In addition, the sisters were used to being lively together, and once they would all go away, she would be left alone, alone, lonely and afraid, and she was reluctant to do so.Knowing that although Yingqiong is the youngest, because of her unique blessings, she was born with celestial roots and celestial bones, and has a good celestial relationship. She is the most respected and loved by all the sisters, and she has a firm temperament on weekdays.I am inferior to others, how can I force her not to leave?Thinking that Ruolan has the gentlest temperament, he went to complain to her euphemistically, begging her to turn Yingqiong to listen to the elder sister's advice, not to go.He thought that as long as Ruolan was moved by her, Yingqiong would be able to get rid of her invisibly if she couldn't pull herself together.Unexpectedly, Ruolan also has the same mentality as Yingqiong, she likes to succeed in good deeds, but she is too embarrassed to refuse face to face, but pushes it on Yingqiong.Zhixian's dissuasion was ineffective, and he didn't dare to follow her example, so he went with Lingyun on his back.In desperation, Ruolan had no choice but to teach the method of stalking and hiding with wood and stones, and also gave a cloud and mist flag as a gift for self-defense.Seeing Yingqiong and Ruolan joyfully flying away on the eagle, she was confused for a moment, and couldn't help but feel sad.After thinking about it for a while, I comforted myself: "If you don't meet a demon, at most you will marry your husband and son-in-law, and you will die in the old age. How can you go to this kind of fairy mountain and blessed place, hang around with these fairy sisters, and learn flying swords? And inherit the crowd." Sisters never give up, not because they lose their virginity, they are not demons, ordinary talents, low abilities, and contempt. Young people are happy and victorious, it is human nature, since I have no ability to follow and make meritorious deeds, how can I force others to be difficult and force others to accompany me? Not to mention Yingying Qiong and Ruolan urged them again and again, as if they were sorry, and when they left, they accepted Ruolan's kindness to pass on the spell and presented the magic weapon, wouldn't it be more touching?" Thinking of this, he no longer bored, summoned up his courage, and went outside first. I practiced swordsmanship for a while, practiced the spells passed down by Ruolan for a while, and then went inside to meditate and practice Qi. Although I felt a little lonely, it was not too uncomfortable.At first, I thought that Yingqiong and Ruolan must follow Lingyun and return at the same time. At the earliest, it will be after the Dragon Boat Festival in May, and it will take several days to calculate.They are in the mountains, and they can go to the caves to wander around the mountains at will. Now that they are left alone, they have little responsibility, so how dare they be careless.Apart from practicing swordsmanship in front of Ningbi Cliff, he didn't dare to go far.Even the orangutan Yuan Xing was afraid of causing trouble when he went up to pick flowers and fruits, so he repeatedly told him to go early and return early.

On the second day, Zhixian finished her homework and was bored for a while, so she called Yuan Xing, and they walked together to the foot of the small peak of Ningbi Cliff where the flying spring stood on the wall.Because this small peak stands alone and gushes into a waterfall, the sound is like fairy music. Even the small peak opposite Taiyuan Cave was named by everyone after discussion. One is Xianlaiding and the other is Yuxiangshi.When everyone is free, they often call out the golden cicada and fly to take a bath in the cold spring on the top of Xianlai.At this time, the summer vacation is approaching, and the world is more and more beautiful, and the realm is cool.Zhixian usually sees people flying up and down, bathing at will, and is very envious.Due to my lack of ability and many worries, I am not always as lively as everyone else, and I chatted and laughed casually, so I called Jin Chan away like everyone else; I always quietly called Yuan Xing to give it to me when everyone was practicing swords and playing on the front cliff. Watching the wind, she ran to the jade ring stone opposite Taiyuan Cave, took off her clothes in a secluded place, took a photo by the stream, and bathed in the clear waves alone.Xian Lai Ding has never been to it.At this time, just walking down the peak, Yuan Xing said to Zhixian: "Miss Qiu, you are playing here. I will go up and take a bath while the masters are away." From then on, I love to imitate people's movements everywhere, and I also feel ashamed.When Zhixian had nothing to do, he changed some clothes for it to wear, and it became more and more fond of it.Except for the owner Li Yingqiong, she is the most dedicated to Zhixian, and Zhixian loves it very much.Once it saw everyone go to Xianlaiding to take a bath, and it wanted to follow suit. Yingqiong saw it and got angry with a child, saying that it was furry, and blamed it for dirtying the water. Thanks to Zhixian talking to everyone with a smile.

Seeing that it was going to take a bath again today, Zhixian laughed at it and said, "You forgot the last time again, didn't you? Your master came back, and she beat you, so I won't persuade you." Yuan Xing said, "I know the girl is kind, no I will tell. I told the girl that taking a bath is still a trivial matter, and I can wash it anywhere. But although I am an animal, I have been to many mountains and rivers, and I have seen many strange scenery. The stone in the stream in front of Taiyuan Cave is so strange. Especially the small peak of Xianlaiding, which is isolated on the top of the cliff, has constant flowing springs and waterfalls, but no one knows where the source of this spring comes from. When I went up last time, I saw that the top was just a shallow depression with a radius of three or four feet. It was only three or four feet deep, and there were edges about two feet wide on all sides. It was like a natural bath. The water was sweet and clear, and I I touched the bottom of the pool with my hands and feet, but there was not a single hole, and it was still flat, only slightly sunken in the middle, but it was solid. The water originally flowed from the dragon stone beside the cliff into the pool, and then by Dozens of small waterfalls flowed down the pool. I looked at the dragon stone again, and it was even more strange. From the bottom, the dragon stone seemed to be connected to Ningbi cliff. When I went to the top, not only The two are completely irrelevant, and the colors of the stones are different: the Ningbiya stone is gray-white and ocher, but the dragon stone is black and green from top to bottom, and even some shades are indistinguishable. Not to mention. Look at the water, It is also the same shallow depth as the bathing pool below, only one piece is missing in the east corner, and the water flows out from that corner, turning into a waterfall two or three feet thick, falling into the bathing pool below, and then splashing in all directions.

"I was looking for the water source, and the Buddha slave went to sue my master, called me down and scolded me. I didn't understand why the Buddha slave wanted to sue me, and I didn't understand what it said. After two days, I gradually understood Fonu's bird cry, I asked it why I was beaten that time. It refused to say, how many times did I ask before it said that this peak and the jade ring stone in front of Taiyuan Cave are very particular, and now even the owner I can't even say that when the opportunity comes in the future, I will know it. It lived here with the old Zen master Baimei for many years, so it knows it clearly. I also said that last time I went up, even though I told the master that the master didn't hit me, it still didn't feel it. Relieve hatred. It has the decree of the old Zen master Baimei. The first is to protect the master, and the second is to guard the peak. If I sneak up, it will not tell the master again, and it will definitely use its bird claws to catch me to death. I knew I couldn't beat it, its eyes were sharp, so I didn't dare to go up. Every night, I saw the precious light bursting from the top of the dragon stone and Xianlai. Everyone thought it was the light of water and moonlight. According to my opinion, it is by no means a moonlight, but somewhat similar to the cave in Mangcang Mountain. You said that there is no treasure, the surrounding stone walls are self-luminous, and the night is like day; you said that there is a treasure, my master once ordered my son The sons and grandchildren searched the cave all over, but they couldn't find any shadows. No matter what others say, the golden cicada has a pair of insightful eyes, so he didn't notice the strange origin of the fairy spring. I wanted to be right The master said, I am not angry with Buddha slaves who are so domineering and domineering, and they will take the lead in everything. I always want to find a chance to find out the root of the fairy source and see if there is any treasure hidden in the source. After checking the truth, I will then The girl went to tell my master that it would not hurt the Buddha's face, but also please the master and all the fairies. It's rare that they are not at home, and they want to go up to find out. Before they find the treasure, even if they come back, they will Please don't mention it, girl."

After hearing what Yuan Xing said, Zhixian became curious and wanted to go up together.It goes without saying that Yuan Xing is good at vertical jumping and climbing.Even though Zhixian couldn't control Qi to fly after receiving everyone's guidance and hard work, she already had a solid foundation in the way of lightening her body.What's more, Xianlaiding is only a few dozen feet high. Although Longshi is much higher, with Yuan Xing's help, it is not difficult to go up and down.There will be no outsiders breaking into Ningbi Cliff.Immediately, Yuan Xing and Yuan Xing took off their upper and lower clothes, Zhixian only wore a pair of underwear, from the waterfall fountain to the peak of Xianlai, supported by Yuan Xing, half climbed half vertically to the peak to have a look, Sure enough, it was exactly as Yuan Xing said.At first, I thought that the shallow pool on Xianlaiding was formed by the impact of a waterfall hanging from the Dragon Stone over the years. Then I saw the sides of the pool were wide and narrow, evenly rounded, and all sides were one, as if made by man. Somewhat strange.Immediately, I loosened my underwear in the pool, ran to the place near the Feiquan, and washed it for a while.He opened his mouth again to pick up some spring water to eat, and it was really sweet and fragrant, and cool and refreshing.

But Yuan Xing didn't want to take a bath, he just bent down and groped around with his hands and feet.After stopping for a while, he stood up and said to Zhixian, "I can't find any clues here. Let's go to the dragon stone where it originated." The waterfalls hang like jade dragons, pouring down the Milky Way.Weak in self-knowledge, I dare not stand under the waterfall, only two or three feet away, and I feel that the flying pearls are spraying jade, and I am soaking in the cold spring.While taking a bath, you can enjoy the fairy scenery all around, and listen to the rumbling sound of waterfalls, corresponding to the complex sounds of dozens of small waterfalls falling on the stones under the peak, just like a symphony of fairy music.Just as he was getting carried away, Yuan Xing's voice was disturbed by the sound of the spring and waterfall, and he never heard it.It wasn't until Yuan Xing came to pull her, talking and comparing, that he understood what it meant.Looking up, looking from under the dragon stone, the connection with Xian Lai Ding still seems to be broken.When I got to the top, I realized that there were still seven or eight zhang away between the two.The source of the waterfall, like a dragon stone, stretches out from the top of Xianlai.The four sides of the dragon stone are cut and covered with moss. It is not slippery, unlike Xianlaiding, which is plump at the top and sharp at the bottom, but there is still a place for feet to climb.In addition, the three-to-four-foot-thick waterfall hangs upside down from the sky, with silver light and thunderous sound, which is dazzling and shocking.If you want to fly tens of feet up the waterfall, you can't help but feel a little timid, and more than half of your courage when you first came up.Yuan Xing saw that Zhixian was in trouble, so he said: "If you want to go up from here, talk about the girl, even I can't go up. I just accompanied the girl to the top of Xianlai to have a look. The situation on the dragon stone is even worse. It's strange. When the girl wants to go up to see it, she waits here and waits for me to go down. She will make a detour and pass over Ningbi Cliff, and then use mountain vines to help her. As long as she avoids this big waterfall, it will not be difficult to go up." Zhixian Hearing this, he nodded with a smile.Yuan Xing went down to Xianlai Peak, excitedly found a long mountain vine, and ran to the top of Ningbi Cliff, only seven or eight feet away from Longshi.Yuan Xing took the mountain vine and flew over to the dragon stone.I chose a suitable place near the waterfall and hung down the long vines.Zhixian hurriedly jumped to grab the vine tip and climbed up.When I got to the top, I saw that the source was a pool of clear water. The light can be seen, and the shape of the stone was like a half gourd, and the water flew down from the gap in the handle of the gourd.Below is such a flying spring, the sound is like thunder, but the water above stops and stops evenly. If the water flow is not a little faster at the gap, it is almost impossible to believe that this is the source.Looking at the area, it is not as big as Xianlaiding, but the water is a little deeper, and it is bone-chillingly cold.

When Yuan Xing reached the top, he was never quiet for a moment, using his hands and feet to search in the middle and west of the water.Zhixian then asked what it was looking for.Yuan Xing said: "Why doesn't the girl care at all? You see, this is where a waterfall several feet thick originates, but the water stops so evenly. The stones at the bottom of the pool are like jasper, and there is not even a water hole. If there is no hidden The girl gouged out my eyes." Zhixian said with a smile: "There is a baby, such a big stone peak, taller than Xianlaiding, the baby is hidden inside, how to get it out? These two peaks It’s the fairyland here. Man said that there is nothing to do with it, so there is a way to think that if you dare not destroy it, so as not to be punished by the eldest sister and others, and the ancestors blame you, isn’t it just a fantasy?” Yuan Xing said: “That’s not what I said. , the treasures left by the immortals and Buddhas in the collection may seem difficult, but they are very easy to get if you really have to be lucky. Don't worry, I will find out the root of it sooner or later. If you get one or two treasures, please respect them. My master and the girl, it is not in vain for me to follow, and I have received a lot of kindness from the master and the girl." After saying that, he went to explore in the water again, and calculated that it was almost night, but there was still no result.Zhixian floated and sank in the blue waves, and as time went on, she gradually felt a chill in the soles of her feet, so she urged Yuan Xing to get down.Fortunately, going down is easier than going up. You only need to fly over the Dragon Stone to Ningbi Cliff, and you don't need to take Lu Xianlai to the top.At present, Yuan Xing flew over first, and Zhixian clung to the mountain vines and swung to the opposite cliff.He ordered Yuan Xing to go back to the top of Xianlai to take off his close-fitting clothes, and went into the cave together to change into dry clothes, then went out of the cave again and sat in front of the cliff.Yuan Xing went to fetch some fruits again, and talked while eating.

When I was having fun, I suddenly saw a colorful cloud flying down from the sky.Zhixian had never seen this kind of colorful cloud before, she was so panicked that she recited the mantra, and was about to use the method of sneaking wood and stones to hide it aside.Where the colorful clouds converge, four women and one man appear.The man is Jin Chan.Among the four daughters, one is Li Yingqiong, the other is Shen Ruolan, they are already exhausted; there are two others who don't recognize each other, all of them are born with great manners and heroic looks.Only then did I make up my mind and come forward to meet each other.Jin Chan first called Zhixian and said: "Sister Ruolan and Junior Sister Yingqiong have both been poisoned by the demon law. These two are senior sisters Qin Ziling and Qin Han'e who are new to the profession. You and Yuan Xing help the two senior sisters and get her Let's help the two of you into the cave. I'm still looking for Zhixian to give birth to blood." After finishing speaking, he didn't introduce Zhixian, and hurried away from the back cliff.Zhixian shouted: "Brother Chan, come back quickly. Zhixian is not on the back cliff. I saw it appearing alone just now, worshiping the moon on the jade ring stone. Go there and find it." Turn around and run to Taiyuan Cave.When Yuan Xing saw that his master was injured, he was already in a state of anxiety, and tearfully followed Ziling and Zhixian to the room of the two in Taiyuan Zhongdong.At this moment, Yingqiong and Ruolan both had their teeth clenched tightly, their faces were like black gold, they both stared wide open and didn't say a word.Knowing that the matter was urgent, Ziling helped Shen and Li onto the stone bed respectively, and asked Zhixian, "This sister must be the senior sister Qiu that Senior Sister Lingyun mentioned. Li and Shen have been poisoned already. Deep, it's Wufengjiu. They can't make a sound now, do you know where the Wufengjiu is hidden?" Before Zhixian could answer, Yuan Xing had already run into the room after hearing Wufengjiu's words Go to the house, take out the black wind wine and serve it up.Zi Ling came over and told Han E to stand outside the door, in case Jin Chan broke in and was inconvenient.Han E said: "Why are you calling me? I still have work to do." Zhixian then told Yuan Xing to go outside the door.Yuan Xing said with tears in his eyes: "My good girl, you go, I want to see how my master is doing." Zhixian knew that it was eager to be the master, so she stood up.Zi Ling knew that there was such a psychic orangutan named Yuan Xing, but she didn't expect it to be so loyal, and she was very impressed.At the moment, Shen and Li take off their clothes together.As soon as the Wufeng wine bottle was opened, the room was immediately filled with a strange smell.Han E said: "Why is this fairy wine so stinky?" Zi Ling said: "This is to fight poison with poison. Be careful if it splashes on your hands, you'd better get some kind of cloth." Yuan Xing heard the words and hurriedly took off his coat She tore off a large piece of her skirt and handed it to Zi Ling, and ran out of the cave as if flying, and found a branch in no time.As soon as Ziling tied the cloth on the branch, Yuan Xing went to help Yingqiong up.Zi Ling knew that it wanted to save Yingqiong by herself first, seeing it tearful and anxious, she praised it very much, so she said to it: "Put her down quickly, I will rescue your master first." First, he went to Yingqiong's bed, dipped the cloth on the branch with some black wind wine, and wiped Yingqiong's whole body except the front, back and heart.When the black wind wine was rubbed on Yingqiong's skin, there was a puff of blue smoke, knowing that it was poisoning, she hurriedly called Han'e to come forward to rescue her.Han E then took out Mrs. Baoxiang's elixir, channeled her true energy, and swayed her heart before and after Yingqiong.After a while the blue smoke dissipated, and the dark golden skin gradually turned rosy.Suddenly, Yingqiong yelled: "I'm burned!" Then there was a loud fart, urine and feces poured out, and the smell was incomparable.At this time, Jin Chan had already fetched Zhixian's raw blood and waited outside the house. Seeing that it was time, Ziling hurried outside to fetch Zhixian's raw blood, split half of it with Yingqiong and poured it down, and asked Yuan Xing to watch over it.Then Tong Han'e went to save Ruolan, and did the same.After a while, Yingqiong and Ruolan wake up one after another.Zhixian also came in to have a look, and saw that although the two were mentally exhausted, the sickness on their faces had diminished, so she was relieved.Ziling then said to Zhixian: "The two of them have already been brought back to life, and after a while, they will be back to normal. I saw the waterfall outside just now, and I had better give them a bath. This house also needs to draw some clear springs. Cleaning up." Jin Chan heard the words outside, and knew that she had to avoid it by herself, so she said loudly to the room: "I'll go to the top of the cliff to have a look, and don't forget to call me when the two sisters leave." Zi Ling also said After agreeing, Jin Chan flew straight to the cliff.

Yingqiong woke up and saw that she and Ruolan were both lying in the filth, remembering that she didn't listen to the elder sister's words, she really suffered a loss and came back, feeling ashamed and angry.Seeing Yuan Xing smiling and standing beside his couch, he said coquettishly, "You don't fetch water to wash the house, what are you laughing at here? I suffered a loss, so you are glad!" After finishing speaking, she reached out to hit him.Han E hastily stopped her and said: "Don't blame the good guy. When we first came down, it saw your dangerous look, with tears in your eyes, as if it was so anxious; now that you wake up, it smiles through tears. Its ugly face I haven't shed my tears yet." Hearing this, Yingqiong glanced at Yuan Xing's face and stopped talking.After all, Ruolan has a gentle temperament, when she wakes up and sees that she has returned to Ningbiya, she puts everything to death.Because although I am older than Yingqiong in cultivating Taoism, my foundation, endowment, and celestial affinity are not as strong as hers, so I dare not be careless and just close my eyes to rest. When I heard Yingqiong scolding Yuan Xing, I couldn't help opening my eyes and laughing: "Sister Qiong Just being so impatient, everything is doomed, what is there to suffer? Jiake, the second sister of the Qin family, came here for the first time and saved our lives. There is no good hospitality, and the two of us made a mess The room was full of stink. I didn’t even ask Sister Zhixian to accompany the two of them to sit in another room, or accompany her to see the scenery of the fairy mountain outside, but what kind of childish temper did you have?" Sister Ziling had heard about Ningbi The fairy scenery on the cliff is boundless, and in the future it will be the place where I practice Taoism. Although I was eager to save people when I came down just now, I only saw a glimpse, and I feel that I have never seen it in the fairy mountains I have seen in my life.Reminded by Ruolan's words, she was eager to see and see, and guessed that Jin Chan would definitely avoid it at this time, so she replied: "This is the place where Sister Yu will join Ji to practice Taoism in the future. There is no need to rush, but the two sisters must take a bath once. .I think Shicai falls down the waterfall just fine, why don't you go there?" At that moment, he and Zhixian met each other for interrogation.

Yingqiong and Ruolan wanted to get up when they heard the words, Ziling hurriedly said that they should not be overworked yet.At present, Sister Ziling is still supporting Li and Shen separately, and Zhixian leads the way, and they both go to the top of Xianlai.Sister Ziling heard Zhixian say that this fairy spring is very good, and she couldn't help seeing Lie Xinxie, leaving only Zhixian below, each of them took off their clothes, supported Li and Shen, and shouted: "Get up!" above.After washing for a while, Sister Ziling looked around for a while, and it really is a paradise, the fairy scene is very beautiful, and she is full of praise.After washing, it was already the turn of Yin and Mao, and Yuan Xing had already brought Li and Shen's clothes and put them on.Li and Shen originally wanted to follow Ziling to return to the green snail, but when they tried driving Jianguang, they found it very difficult and they couldn't control it.After being persuaded by everyone, he agreed to rest in the mountains.Because Sister Ziling came here for the first time, and she still had time before Poqingluo, she ordered Yuan Xing to ask Jinchan to come down and accompany her, and they traveled all over the mountain.Zi Ling was delighted in her heart, while Han E was even more fond of it and smiled.I also heard people talking about the joy of studying together, wishing I could break the green snail immediately and come to live here, forgetting the old residence of Ziling Valley long ago.

The crowd talked for a while, then walked into the cave again.Seeing that Yuan Xing was not by her side, Yingqiong asked Ruolan, "I said Yuan Xing was spoiled by Sister Zhixian, didn't I? Look, when I came back, it wasn't by my side, and I don't know where it went to be naughty!" Before he said that, he had already entered the cave and arrived at Yingqiong's living room.Yingqiong was afraid of smell, so she covered her nose first, and was about to tell Ziling to wait in another room, when Yuan Xing came out with an old wooden barrel made by Li Ning when Yingqiong first arrived in Emei.Yingqiong was about to drink and ask, when Ruolan poked her head into the room, suddenly a strange fragrance came to her nostrils.Looking inside, he quickly turned around and said to Yingqiong: "I said you are blaming good people, don't you? I said, where is Yuan Xing going? In just a short while, it saw that it was not needed, and it had already cleaned our house. We Go in and sit." Han E also smelled the fragrance, and shouted that it smells good.After everyone entered the room, Ruolan sniffed it again, and said with a smile: "This thing is really abominable! The box of glamorous incense made of thousand-year-old cinnamon that I brought from the Fuxiantan Osmanthus House, was thrown away. It was stolen and used."

Everyone chatted and laughed, and sat down again, before Zi Ling took a closer look at the place where the two lived.It turned out to be two huge stone chambers, the walls are as clean as jade, and the stone beds, tables, tables, and piers inside are all as smooth as suet jade.In addition, Ruolan loves nature, so she transplanted a lot of exotic flowers from outside the cave, making it even more secluded and very interesting.I suddenly feel that Ziling Valley is rich and tacky.In addition, there are thousands of stone chambers in Taiyuan Cave, divided into separate portals, and there are golden courts and jade pillars everywhere, grand and solemn, shining with brilliance, and bright from ancient times.Lingering to watch, just going when he was reluctant to give up, Jin Chan couldn't help thinking about the green snail, and urged him to leave again and again.Zi Ling also remembered that they were employing people there, but luckily they would come back soon, so Yingqiong, Ruolan, and Zhixian left the cave right away.The three sent them to Ningbi Cliff, and Yingqiong repeatedly told the slave of the Buddha sculpture, if it doesn't work, please ask Elder Sister Lingyun to order it to come back first.Zi Ling nodded and said goodbye, and asked Han E and Jin Chan to stand together, unfurled the dusty streamer, turned into a colorful cloud, and flew straight to Qingluo.

The three of Zi Ling had just left for a while, when suddenly a golden light flashed and flew down a Taoist priest and four young men and women.Ruolan knew that the peak was blocked by spells, and outsiders were not allowed to enter without permission. When she was busy making preparations, the Taoist greeted her from a distance, and said, "Liu Quan, the poor Taoist, was ordered by his teacher Ling Zhenren to take Qin Ziling's friend Qin Ziling on the way. The rescued Yu Jian, Yang Chengzhi, Zhang Nangu, and Hu'er were sent to Xianshan Mountain. All fellow Taoists are asked to take them in temporarily. When fellow Taoist Qi Lingyun returns, I will explain myself. The poor Taoist still obeys the orders of his master, and there are other things, so we will go on another day I have learned." After saying that, he raised a talisman in his hand, and it turned into a golden light and flew away into the sky.

At this time, Yu, Yang Ertong and Zhang's siblings had already knelt down in front of Ruolan, Yingqiong and others, requesting to be recorded.Li and Shen hurriedly woke them up, asked him about the four people's passing, and then ordered Yuan Xing to take them into Taiyuan Cave to resettle the four people's residence, and then come out to talk.Yu and Yang Ertong were still not doing well, Nangu and his brothers couldn't help being a little timid when they saw Yuan Xing was born so hideous and tall.Zhixian saw the expressions on the faces of the two of them, so she took Nangu's hand and said: "It's called Yuan Xing, it's the immortal ape used by Sister Li, although it looks scary, it has a disgusting and kind face. You are afraid when you first come, so I will lead you there." After saying that, he asked Yuan Xing to lead the way, and he brought four people to follow.Zhixian couldn't help but feel the same life experience after hearing Nangu's story; and Nangu was smart and clear in conversation. Intimate, more and more loving.So he placed her alone with him first, and then discussed after Lingyun came back.Yu Jian, Yang Chengzhi and Zhang Hu'er were also housed in Jinchan's room.And he said to the four of them: "Emei is very cold, although it is spring all the time here, it is extremely cold up here. It doesn't matter if it is summer now, and the four of you don't have many clothes and quilts. I will give you some ideas when the elder sister comes back. After all, he still led four people and came out of the cave to meet Li and Shen.Yingqiong laughed and said, "Both of us were poisoned too deeply. Although we were rescued by Senior Sister Qin, we were still not feeling well, so we didn't accompany them into the cave to see the residence. Senior Sister Qiu, where do you place the four of them?" Zhixian laughed and said: "I think it's pitiful for Nan Gu at her age. She can't live in the same room with her brother. I'm afraid she will be afraid of other rooms, so I will put her in my room first. Her brothers and Yu, The two of you Yang are living with the junior brother, we can talk about it when the senior sister comes back." Li and Shen nodded.Everyone sat and talked in front of the cliff for a while, and Li and Shen went back to their caves to recuperate and study hard.Zhixian had nothing to do, so he took Yu, Yang Ertong and Nangu sister and brother, took Yuan Xingmanya for a walk, and told the four of them what happened in the past.Seeing that they could live in such a blissful place, the four of them all smiled happily.

Zhixian usually stays with everyone, and her skills are the most limited, she is ashamed to come forward when encountering problems, and always follows behind everyone.At this time, I saw that Yu, Yang and others were beginners, and I also saw that Li and Shen were recuperating from illness and had no time to take care of entertainment, so they pretended to be old horses who knew the way, and led these four people all the way. I was happy, and unknowingly went around from Ningbi Cliff to the west of Taiyuan Cave.There is a cliff, the walls are full of exotic flowers and plants, the blue peaks line the sky, and there is no way to go up.

Zhixian was about to tell everyone to turn around and go back, when he suddenly saw Yuan Xing climbing up and down, using his hands and feet, swift as a bird, he had already climbed more than ten feet high.Nan Gu and the other four had seen such a spectacle before, and they couldn't help clapping their hands and cheering.Zhixian just yelled: "Yuan Xing come down!" Suddenly, Yuan Xing yelled: "Miss Qiu, come here!"Zhixian had just learned light-weight kungfu, and was delighted to see Lie Xin, and estimated that it was more than ten feet tall, so it was not too difficult to climb up.So he gave up the four people, put his feet on the pads, and went straight to the cliff. He held his breath and used the light kung fu of a gecko to parade, and he arrived in front of Yuan Xing without any trouble.At first glance, it turned out that the place where Yuan Xing was standing was a smooth and clean stone slab, seven or eight feet square.The cliff is more than tens of feet long, and it is covered by white clouds all the year round, so the top cannot be seen, and it seems that the more you go up, the more difficult it is to walk.Although there are some vanilla and exotic flowers all around, except for this white stone where you can sit and lie down, everything is the same as what you see below.Then he asked Yuan Xing: "What are you shouting for?" Yuan Xing said: "Girl, what do you think this is?" Caves, there are writings on the cave door.At this time, Yuan Xing had already used his hands and feet to push away the radishes, Zhixian looked forward, and saw that the cave gate was on the cliff halfway up the mountain, because it was covered by vines and herbs all the year round, so he never saw it.Yuan Xing stepped on the wrong foot when he came up, so he discovered it.Looking at the handwriting on the cave door again, it turned out to be the four seal characters of "Fei Lei Mi Jing", and the vermilion color is as new.The entrance of the cave is only more than one person high and three or four feet wide.In the depths of the cave, some light can be seen faintly, and there are rumbles inside.

Zhixian knew that this place was a blessed place, and there would never be any beasts or monsters hidden in the cave. In addition, Yuan Xing had already entered first, so she followed it and walked forward dozens of steps.The cold air in the cave hits people, the sound of the waves is loud, and there are smooth white jade-like stone walls everywhere, and there is nothing.When they reached the end, Yuan Xing suddenly disappeared.Just as she was wondering, she suddenly heard Yuan Xing yelling from below: "Girl, come down quickly, I'm here!" Zhixian looked down and saw that there was a deep ditch more than three feet wide on the west corner of the cave wall. There are two or three floors of steps with a height of three feet.The silver waves below are rolling, the sound is like thunder, and the spring water comes from nowhere.Then he went down and took a look. At the end of the stone steps, there was another stone beam, which turned to the southwest, and there was a small hole five or six feet high.Only then did he crawl over, and felt a gust of cold air rushing towards his face.Looking up, a big waterfall like a jade dragon hangs upside down from the gap in the opposite stone wall, and it is impossible to see how deep the water below is.At the place where the waterfall falls below, the Baitao Mountain rises, the waves dance, and a piece of silver light appears, reflecting the echo of the valley, like ten thousand horses galloping, dragons singing and tigers roaring, the momentum is very frightening.Looking at the place where I was hiding, it was just a stone beam less than a foot wide, facing a precipitous ravine, leaning against a dangerous joint, if I stumbled, it would be unimaginable.Just as he was startled, Yuan Xing called out from the front again.Zhixian is full of curiosity, relying on her courage and lightness skills, she is not afraid of making mistakes, she holds her breath and concentrates on following the past, who knows that the road ahead is getting brighter and brighter.After walking through the single stone beam more than ten feet long, it turned to the south, and suddenly a stone flat appeared in front of it, facing two stone houses.Walking over, the inside is the same as the stone chambers in Taiyuan Cave, with stone beds and alchemy stoves, full of color and color.Seeing light flickering on the stone wall, Yuan Xing hurriedly called Zhixian and said, "Miss, be careful, there must be a treasure hidden in the stone wall! I am an animal, and I have not been taught by the patriarch, so I dare not take it. Why don't you kneel down and pray?" Hearing the words, Zhixian felt blessed for a moment, and she knelt down and said silently: "Disciple Qiu Zhixian was mistakenly taken away by a demon, and Duo was led by Master Miaoyi, the ancestor of the sect, and brought him back to his sect. It's just that the celestial relationship is shallow and the aptitude is mediocre, and it will be difficult to succeed in the future." True fruit. Just now I heard from Yuan Xing that there are treasures hidden in the stone, which are difficult for the disciple to see with the naked eye. I think it was left by the immortal master of this cave. For example, the immortal master felt sorry for the disciple and made the treasure appear and gave it to the disciple. The disciple From now on, you should work hard to follow the Tao, do good with your heart, and repay the grace of the gods." After finishing speaking, he stood up, and was about to pass by, passing by with a few chirps, when the stone wall suddenly split in the middle, and three swords, two long and one short, appeared in the cave. there.Zhixian was overjoyed, and hurried over to take a look. Under the sword, there was a cardboard letter in Dan script, which read: "Short sword Frost Dragon, long sword Jade Tiger. Gifts are destined, and gods last forever. In April Geng, the third year of Guangwu in the Great Han Dynasty. Chen, Yuan Gong returned to the immortals, sealed the three swords with the talisman of Tianfu, and left them as a gift. In the past 32 Jiazi, the same year, month and day, the stone was opened and the sword was released, and the winner was one person and one beast. Baoer Shenzhen, to be among the true fruits; relying on this is evil , will be killed!"

These dozens of large characters are like seal script but not seal script, and the strokes are vigorous and graceful, like a dragon and a snake.

Although Zhixian had read books for many years, after several times of identification, she had to decipher the context carefully before she could recognize it.Although I don't know Yuan Gong's origin, it is estimated that he must have been a Taoist immortal in Han Dynasty.He knelt down on the ground again, prayed devoutly and silently, and thanked him.Get up and calculate the date carefully, today is the day when the Cambodian post said that Shi Kaijian was released.Since it is said that "the winner is one person and one beast", the predestined ones must be pointing to himself and Yuan Xing.However, although humans and beasts each have one piece, there are three swords, and the card did not specify which one should be longer and which should be shorter.Although the long sword and the short sword are both treasures, I don't know which one is better.Holding these three swords, looking at this and that, I don't know which one to take.Turning around suddenly, he saw Yuan Xing standing beside him, staring at a pair of big red eyes, looking at the three swords in his hand, with the intention of salivating.I thought to myself: "Being human should not be selfish. If Yuan Xing hadn't discovered this hole today and told him to come in, how could he have met such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Besides, it was clearly written in the invitation card that he also had a share. Take a look at the contents of these three swords, why don't you pull them out to see clearly, and then distribute them?" At that moment, he handed over the two long swords to Yuan Xing, without explaining their origins.First hold the short sword in your hand and take a closer look, the arrow is two feet nine inches long, the sword case is neither gold nor jade, the green is dark and glowing, and there are two words "Shuangjiao" on the hilt in Zhushu and seal characters.Holding the hilt of the sword with his hand, he only pulled it lightly, a cold light passed by, the sword was out of the box, the silver light shone everywhere, and the air-conditioning frightened his hair.Then he walked out of the stone room, and on the stone flat outside, he moved slightly according to the sword technique passed down by Lingyun.As soon as he made a move, a white light of two or three feet long was emitted from the sword, and the big cliff rock fell down like putrid mud with a slight sweep.Because of the narrow terrain, Zhixian might have damaged the fairy scene in the cave, so she hurriedly returned the sword to the box.Then he took the long sword out of Yuan Xing's hand.This sword is seven feet long, and half a tiger is engraved on the hilt.Compared with the one in Yuan Xing's hand, half a tiger is also engraved on the hilt, and it really is a pair of long swords.Seeing that the sword was too long, Zhixian ordered Yuan Xing to hold the sword box, and lightly drew the hilt with his own hand, and a blue light came out from his hand.When you hold it in your hand, you don't feel very heavy.When he fiddled with it a little, he found it difficult, and the sword was too long, so it was inconvenient to wear it, and he knew that he was not blessed to enjoy it.I also heard from Lingyun and others that the flying swords of each sect use golden light first, white light second, blue light second, and yellow light second.Then he pulled out the mouthful from Yuan Xing's hand and saw that the brilliance it emitted was yellow, and he felt more and more that the two lengths were not as good as the one shortness.

Just as he was about to tell Yuan Xing what he knew, Yuan Xing couldn't bear it anymore, and said, "Congratulations girl! You got three good swords out of thin air. I'm just surprised that these three swords seem to have been seen somewhere." Zhixian heard the words , I suddenly remembered that the name of the fairy who kept the sword was Yuan Gong, and it was also called Yuan Xing, and it was originally a kind of orangutan.In the past, Yue Nu used to compete swords with Yuan Gong, Senior Sister Lingyun also said that Yue Nu's swordsmanship is different from Yuan Gong's swordsmanship.Yuan Xing also said that he had seen this sword before, could it be that Duke Yuan was its ancestor?It's rare that it is tall and big, this sword must be much easier to use than me, I still take the short one as my own.However, although it is a coincidence that there is a fairy fate, and there is an invitation letter from the immortal, saying that the one who gets the sword from Shi Kai is the one who is destined, but I am dependent on others, and I have not officially passed the master's biography. Everything should be decided by the elder sister. Punishment?At this level, it must be made clear to Yuan Xing that although the sword belongs to it, it can only be worn by it temporarily, and it will officially belong to it. You have to wait for Senior Sister Lingyun to come back and explain what happened. Stand up to your own position.At that moment, he said to Yuan Xing: "You deserve good fortune, you monkey, these two long swords belong to you!" Then he said one by one what he meant by posting Yuan Gong's suicide note on the card and waiting for Lingyun to come back to be the master.

Yuan Xing jumped up with joy when he heard the words: "Now, I'm about to learn how to be a man. Girl, do you know who Yuan Gong is who keeps the sword? I heard from my ancestor that he is still our ancestor. Since During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, he became a sword celestial being, but because he suffered a loss in the sword competition with the Yue girl in other countries, he hid in the mountains to live in seclusion and practiced Taoism, and did not live in the world. Listening to what the girl said on the card, it must have been in the Han Dynasty I just became a fairy. My eyes can best see where the treasure is hidden. Just now I saw the girl get the three swords at once. Although I like it, I didn't expect that I would have a share. As soon as Qi Daxiangu comes back, she will become me. Yes, from now on, I am no longer afraid that Buddha Nu will look down on me. I think this cave is the place where Yuan Gong practiced Taoism, and there may be other treasures hidden. The girl is all right, why don't you go through it and see what kind of fairy fate you can get? No?" Zhixian was moved by what it said, and she also had hopeful thoughts, so she nodded with a smile, put the short sword by her side, and told Yuan Xing to go ahead.With two long swords between his hands, Yuan Xing happily searched for a way, and then walked forward.

(End of this chapter)

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