The Legend of Shushan Swordsman

Chapter 27 Wanli Guzheng Yu Yingnan Kills the Thieves Zaohuaya 1 Heart Dotes on the Golden Virgin Pa

Chapter 27 Wanli Guzheng Yu Yingnan Kills the Thieves
The woman knew the goods at first, and when she saw this purple light, she knew it was unusual, and thought to herself: "The purple sword light in the world, I only heard from my master a few years ago, I haven't seen it in person, and I don't want to meet here. These two women I don't know why, but the small ones are already so powerful, let alone the big ones." Can't help but feel a little scared amidst anger.But he was usually victorious, and because he brought a lot of magic weapons when he came, he left without reconciliation.Unexpectedly, at the moment when she changed her mind, the purple light had already met the blue light, and the moment she touched it, she felt overwhelmed.The woman knew that it was not good, and it was too late to wait for the sword to be withdrawn.Yingqiong's Ziying sword has been tempered by Emei's true teachings, and it has become more and more divine. The enemy can't take it back, and when it meets twice, it only twists two or three times, and it smashes the woman's blue sword light into ten thousand points of blue. Firefly, falling like rain.Then Yingqiong tapped her hand, and the purple light flew towards the woman's head like a rainbow.This time the woman saw the opportunity early, seeing the flying sword destroyed, although she hated it, she knew it was dangerous.Seeing the purple light flying fast like lightning, I couldn't resist it, so I didn't dare to delay any longer, I quickly took out something and shook it in the wind, it turned into three streams of fire, and flew away in three directions.Yingqiong was still waiting to be chased, but she disappeared in a blink of an eye.

After the woman fled, the four met again.Ruolan said: "The female thief is not a good person. She escaped just now and used the method of the trinity and unity of Kanli's incarnation. In the past, my teacher also used this method, but unfortunately I didn't learn it. If I hadn't been taught by a capable person from a different school It's hard to have this ability. It's a pity that I didn't bother to ask her name and surname, so I scared her away." Yingqiong said: "I only care about us talking, and I forgot to ask Brother Zhao. Uncle Li's crane can kill Brother Shi If you carry it back, you must be psychic and know the whereabouts of the female thief. Now Senior Sister Shen and I want to use it to lead the way to rescue a person from the female thief. Originally, I was ordered by my master to go back to the cave to get something. I brought a card, saying that Emei’s newly opened Taiyuan Cave in Ningbi Cliff will soon have a big door, and it has been known by various sects. Sooner or later, I will come here Infringement. Feilei Cave is the key point, the key to Ningbiya’s back road, so brother Shi and I should pay attention to it at all times, try to open up the road leading to Ningbiya, and connect them together so that we can communicate with each other. I wrote a letter about the shortcut being opened up by my sisters and sisters, and asked Senior Brother He to take it to reply to Master, now Senior Brother He has left." After finishing speaking, he asked Yingqiong who to rescue.Yingqiong told him one by one about how she used the crane to lead the way to rescue Yu Yingnan.Sure enough, both Shi and Zhao asked if they could help each other.Yingqiong said: "It is not possible to ask the two senior brothers for help now. Senior brother He has already left, and we can't recognize the way. Let's wait for the Shenhe to come back and try to ride it. If it doesn't work, we have to wait for the Qingluo fellows to come back. It's over." After talking for a while, he still bid farewell to Shi and Zhao, and turned back the way he came.

Just before returning to Taiyuan Cave, I saw Zhixian and the four newcomers playing with bacon.Yingqiong was overjoyed and hurried over, hugged the god eagle's neck, and rode on the eagle's back.Seeing that its master was safe, the divine eagle seemed very happy, and kept nodding its head to touch Yingqiong's body.Stretching out the two steel feathers like a plank door, three or four feet above the ground, flying low over the cliff.All I could see were the looks of surprise on the faces of the four newcomers.After flying for a while, Yingqiong greeted the eagle to land.Zhixian told Yuan Xing again about getting three swords in the cave.Yuan Xing had already knelt aside with a long sword in his hand.Yingqiong and Ruolan took out the three swords and took a look at them respectively, they saw that the cold light was dazzling and the cold mist condensed into a radiance.Knowing that it is a treasure used by the sword immortals of the seniors, I am very happy on behalf of Zhixian and Yuan Xing.It is also advocated that apart from Zhixian, Yuan Xing's two long swords must wait for Lingyun to come back and report it before making a decision.For the time being, it is still worn by Yuan Xing, and he is instructed not to use it indiscriminately.Yuan Xing was obedient to his orders, and got up to serve him respectfully.Yingqiong discussed with Ruolan and Zhixian, and agreed to Yingqiong, wishing she could rescue Yingnan at that time.Ruolan said: "It's getting late now, and the outside is always brighter than Ningbiya, and there is no moonlight these few nights. I'd better plan to go before the outside is still dark, and it will be daytime when we get there, so we can look for it."

The three of them discussed for a while, then turned back to Taiyuan Cave, and Zhixian led the four newcomers, and went to rest first.Yingqiong and Ruolan practiced kung fu for a while, and ordered Yuan Xing to go out and call the divine eagle.Yingqiong asked: "Gang Yu, didn't you go after my sister Yingnan with Senior Sister Zhu and Senior Brother behind your back? Later, the two of them came back and said that you flew to a place where you could easily go down. Take away Sister Yingnan's vagina. Sutang, did you just hide in that cave? Do you still recognize it?" Hearing this, the divine eagle kept humming and nodding his head, Yingqiong was delighted in his heart.

At the time of Chou Yin's acquaintance, Zhixian came to ask the two of them if they really wanted to go out, if they had anything to say.Yingqiong said: "We just go to pick her up and come back, at most it will only be a whole day. The matter in the cave is still presided over by Sister Zhixian. The most important thing is not to let the four new children leave you, so as not to cause trouble That's it." Ruolan said: "You are too careful, how big you are, old-fashioned, and you keep calling other people's children. When you are new here, you don't know the severity. When you see us chasing Zhixian, you think we are really going to catch it. It's good intentions. Step forward to block you. You are not afraid of being ashamed at all, and you don't show any sympathy, just say a word. They are so old, do you still cause trouble after being taught a lesson? I feel sorry for the Nangu sister and brother, just now you ride When Diao Fei was playing, she kept apologizing, and begged you not to blame the four of them. Her brother Hu'er kept saying that he had nothing to do with it. His siblings seemed to have caused trouble with someone who came with them, and even they It's like being tired. But you don't care about them very much, and they feel more and more uneasy." Yingqiong said: "Who blames them anymore? I just told Sister Zhixian that they don't know how deep they are when they first come, so pay more attention That's all. Because they were busy hearing about sister Zhixian's acquisition of the sword, and were busy discussing how to bring sister Yingnan back, they restrained themselves from speaking. Do I have nothing to say? I don't know why, but Nangu and his brother are okay Well, Yu and Yang, I was not very happy when I met. It can be seen that it is hard to tell whether a person is destined or not." Ruolan saw how contradictory Yingqiong's words were, and knew that her childlike innocence was still there, and she was used to speaking frankly, so she didn't go. Let's talk next.It is getting late, Yingqiong and Ruolan bid farewell to Zhixian and prepare to save Yingnan.

As soon as the two of them left Taiyuan Cave, Ruolan suddenly remembered what Zhao Yan'er said yesterday about the story of Li Yuanhua, the bearded fairy Li Yuanhua, who passed the flying crane to Cambodia, so she asked Yingqiong: "Shi and Zhao were willing to help each other. Of course, such things are rare. It's good, but I have to inform them. There is also a shortcut to the Thunder Cave, which is no better than Ningbi Cliff. There is a spell blockade, and Master Uncle Li, the Bearded Immortal, even sent a letter to Feihe for this purpose. It's very important, although it may not happen when we walk for a while, but we can't be careless. Anyway, it's the same way, why don't we go out from the back hole, see Shi and Zhao, and tell them the meaning I sent Yuan Xing to guard the entrance of the cave. I saw yesterday that its two new long swords are better than my flying sword. Although they have not been trained, they cannot fit with the body. It can resist it. Once there are police, with the help of Shi and Zhao, I will save the spell to seal the cave door in an emergency, and it will be fine." Yingqiong heard this, thought it was true, and took a look Carving, go out from the back hole.

At this time, the sky was only a little twilight in the east, and it was the time when Shi and Zhao were working hard.As soon as Yingqiong came out of the cave, she saw Shi Qi standing on the stone flat in front of the cave, and Yan'er standing on the half-waist of a lonely peak, each stabbing each other with their sword lights, you come and go, under the starry sky, Sometimes it is like a white rainbow pouring down, sometimes it is like lightning flashing, and silver snakes scurry about.Coupled with the turbulent waves on the wide cliff on the left, converging into flood waterfalls, and the sound of valleys echoing with mountains, the sound is like thunder, which makes the current characters more majestic and magnificent, and one can't help but cheer up.When Shi and Zhao heard the sound, they saw that it was Li and Shen, so they took away the sword light and went forward to meet each other.Li and Shen said what they wanted to do.Yan'er saw Shendiao and Yuan Xing at a glance, and only heard Yingqiong's generalization yesterday, she was very envious, so she asked questions again.Yingqiong smiled and said: "Brother Yan Shi, let's talk about it when we come back. There are still things to do." Shi and Zhao also knew that the responsibility of defense was heavy, so they stopped talking about helping each other.

Ruolan laughed again: "Actually, considering the skills of the two senior brothers, they are not afraid of someone coming here to invade. But the uncle has warned in advance, so you have to be more cautious. The younger sister also has a little bit of blindness, which was taught by the former master to prepare the younger sister to go deep into the mountains. Cultivating the Tao, it is used to prevent people from infringing. I want to pass it on to the two senior brothers as a help in case of emergency, how about it?" After finishing speaking, he took out a nine-inch-long small flag. Although the flag was small, it had countless storms, clouds, thunderstorms on it. , mountain spirits and water monsters, and earthworm-like strange charms.Ruolan showed it to everyone, chanted a mantra according to the direction of the Nine Palaces, and threw it towards the stone flat in front of the cave. The nine o'clock red light fell to the ground, and disappeared into the ground.Then he said: "This is called Qiankun Transformation Hidden Form Banner. If you encounter a powerful enemy, you only need to recite the mantra and avoid it in the formation. Wufengcao was pierced once by Master Changmei, the patriarch of Emei, and no one broke it. It was not taught to the sisters for self-defense until half a month before the teacher passed away. This flag can only be used for defense, and cannot be taken out and used at any time. It must be arranged in advance. Now I will pass on the usage to the two senior brothers, and if something happens, don’t forget to bring Yuan Xing." Then pass the usage spell to Shi and Zhao, and then fly with Yingqiong to the back of the carving, each with Shi and Zhao said goodbye, shouted: "Get up!" and flew straight to Zaohua Cliff.

The divine eagle flew fast, and the two sat firmly on the eagle's back.Above are the bright stars, if you can climb them; below are the clouds and mist, the peaks rise and fall, and the mountains, big and small, are like galloping horses, straight back from the two people's feet.At this time, looking at the horizon, the east has a slight understanding.A burst of dark clouds suddenly rose, covering the blue light of the sky into darkness, and even the cloud mountains below were faintly visible in the faint mist.Yingqiong just said: "Why is it not yet dawn, maybe it will change?" Before saying a word, Ruolan hurriedly called: "Sister Qiong, let's see the wonderful scene!" Yingqiong turned her head to look at the southeast Two or three golden shadows flashed in the black clouds.After a while, another group of red light with a radius of several acres suddenly rose to the sky, with colorful clouds shining; suddenly disappeared into the clouds and disappeared.Ruo Jin Jiu sprinted, bouncing up and down, rolling non-stop, trying to struggle out from the black clouds in the sky.From then on, the red light became more and more prominent, turned faster and faster, fell down quickly, and disappeared into the sky again, and then it did not reappear. Only half a day in the southeast appeared the color of a fish belly.The stars above the head are also hidden a lot.Facing the wind on the back of the eagle, the two of them flew by virtue of the emptiness, talking all the way, and watching how the morning sun rises to the sky.Suddenly, I saw a flash of red shadow in the east, and in an instant, the red sun with half an acre's radius had already surged upright from the horizon.Those black clouds also disappeared, and the sky was clean, except for a half-circle of red shadows where the red sun rose.There are only dozens of hundreds of sparse stars left in the sky, their brilliance has dimmed, and they are crumbling, showing the sky higher and higher.Looking down again, there is a sea of ​​clouds and tides below, clucking and gurgling, covering all the mountains under your feet, leaving only the peaks of the high mountains like islands, looming in the sea of ​​clouds.The sky above is as clear as washing, and there is no limit to it.Ying Qiong smiled and said to Ruolan: "We watch the sunrise on the mountain, and I don't know how many times we have seen it, but I never thought that the phantom before sunrise, the higher the height, the better. At first, the phantom that reflected the sunlight in the southeast was mistaken. It's funny to be where the sun rises and talk again, and not notice it until the sun is halfway up."

Before Ruolan could reply, the eagle suddenly turned around and let out a long cry, retracted its wings slightly, turned sideways, and flew straight down into the clouds below, immediately even the human and the eagle got into the clouds.Pieces of white clouds flew in and out towards the sleeves of the two of them, and they felt their faces were moist.The two of them guessed that they had arrived at their destination, they didn't bother to gossip anymore, they concentrated their attention, and prepared to see the opportunity.In a blink of an eye, the eagle had passed through the clouds with the two of them on its back, and landed on a mountain.The two flew down and saw that there were towering jujube trees everywhere on the cliff. It was May, and the golden yellow fine flowers were in full bloom. Against the rocks, there were many unknown red and purple wild flowers clustered together, like the whole mountain. They are all draped in five-color brocade, gorgeous and eye-catching.In addition, there are waterfalls on the top and clear streams below, the sound of springs and waterfalls, and the booming of Chengkou, intertwined into complex sounds.In the depths of the shade, the sound of birds is heard from time to time, and occasionally they flutter, gold and silver are falling, and the sun shines brightly.It is really beautiful with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the scenery is strange. Although it is not as good as Ningbi Immortal Mansion, it has another kind of seclusion.

Yingqiong is eager to pick up Yingnan, and has no intention of enjoying the scenery.Because Jin Chan and Zhu Wen had heard that there was a cave on the cliff, they and Ruolan searched carefully.Ruolan advocated not to get involved in danger easily, and asked the divine eagle to go down to the sky and wait for greetings.He and Yingqiong went to the cave and found a secluded place to hide.If Yingnan is here on this mountain, he will definitely not stop coming out, but if they have to meet each other, it is safer to quietly lead her back to Emei.I really can't meet, let's make a fuss.After the two agreed, they walked up the cliff not too far, and passed a jujube forest, and they saw a stone cave in front of them. The three seal characters of "Jade Girl Cave" were written on the cave door. The stone gate was closed, and there was no one there.The two lurk behind the rocks next to the cave, waiting for someone to come out, and act for the camera.After waiting for an hour, there was no movement, Yingqiong was impatient and impatient.Ruolan heard for a long time that her master Honghua and grandma talked about Yin Sutang's strength, and she repeatedly told her not to make mistakes.Yingqiong was helpless, and waited for another hour, but it still had no effect, so she said to Ruolan: "This prison is tightly closed, and no one comes out, let alone Yingnan sister, it doesn't even matter if there is anyone in here or not." I know. It seems to be waiting like this, when will it be? I think it will be difficult to bring the person back safely, so I should go to the door to ask for clarification. If Sister Yingnan is here, we will say that she is her friend, so come here Visiting, meet her first and then make a fuss. If you are not here, you can make another plan, so you don’t have to worry about waiting here.” Ruolan couldn’t resist her, so she had to say: “Go to the door, I’m weak; What Sutang originally wanted was you, let alone you. I thought that since Yingnan was here on the mountain, he would never step out of the cave. If there is no one in the cave and we wait, I can go over and have a look."

After finishing speaking, I told Yingqiong not to go away, and flew to the side of the cave, took a look, and came back and said: "It's really weird! The jujube flowers are so lush here, and the god eagle has been here before, and the place is the same as the little brother. The words match, of course it is Zaohua Cliff. Just now I went to see the cave door, not only was it closed, but someone used magic to seal it from the outside. Thanks to my knowledge, I didn’t take the liberty to approach the cave. If it was someone else, she would have caught her earlier. It’s hard to get out. Seeing this look, the person in the cave has already gone. Since she has sealed it with magic, she will never leave this place, and she will come back, but the date and time may not be certain.” Yingqiong jumped up when she heard this. He got up and said, "If the people in the cave seal the cave and go away, there is no doubt that Yingnan sister is in the cave." Ruolan asked why she could see it.Yingqiong said: "As far as you can see, the female thief is neither Yin Sutang herself, but must be Yin Sutang's favorite disciple or fellow party member. The two senior brothers Shi and Zhao once said that she was not good to Sister Yingnan. Sister Yingnan I'm afraid of her, and I'm eager to meet me, so I inquire about the whereabouts of the divine eagle. After a long time, won't the female thieves see through her? Of course, she must be very strict. Judging from the situation before and after, it must be Yin Sutang is not here, only the female thief and Yingnan sister are here to practice. The female thief has suffered from us, and she estimates that she is not capable enough, so she may go to other places to ask others for help, or even to ask Yin Sutang. She is afraid Sister Yingnan fled, but she didn’t want to take her with her, so she used spells to seal her in the cave. If we can open this prison cave, we can take her away. Do you think I’m right?”

When Ruolan heard the words, she felt that she was right, so she replied: "If it's really inside the cave, it's easy to handle. Although her magic to seal the door is powerful, it's just that people who don't know will suffer if they go in by mistake. If they see through it in advance It's not that there is no way to break it, and it's not difficult to enter the cave. However, if people are not at home, breaking into the caves of others, no matter the righteous or the evil, feels logically unreasonable. Why don't we wait a little longer until sunset and no one returns, and then start. You What do you think?" Yingqiong said angrily: "These evil spirits are heretics, who specialize in harming people and doing evil, what reason should I talk to her? I just want my sister Yingnan, and I will take her back anyway." After finishing speaking, she got up and went to the cave fly forward.Ruolan was afraid that something might be lost, and when she hurriedly flew after her, she just shouted: "Sister Qiong, wait a minute!" Yingqiong's Ziying sword had turned into a purple rainbow, flying towards the cave door as fast as lightning. Then break the cave door.Suddenly a puff of smoke passed, and dozens of rockets shot out from the hole.Not to mention Yingqiong, she pointed at Jian Guang and said: "Sick!" There was a dense cloud of purple lightning, and after a little circle around, the rockets were wiped away.Although Ruolan knew that the Yingqiong Ziying sword was a treasure passed down from the immortals, she didn't expect that it would be invincible, invincible and invincible, so she was very happy.Seeing that the demon law has been broken, she hurriedly told Yingqiong to stop, she flew into the cave first, took a closer look, pulled up three small triangular flags on the ground, and said: "I only know that there is a smoke and cloud talisman hidden at the entrance of her cave, there must be an ambush inside the cave, Unexpectedly, she still has three Martian flags hidden. Qiongmei's Ziying sword is really supernatural!" While talking, Yingqiong had already followed into the room.

Looking at the cave from the outside, one would think that the inside is very large, but in fact there are only seven or eight stone chambers, which are extremely ornately furnished, unlike a place where monks practice Taoism.Ruolan said: "Looking at the furnishings in her cave, you can tell that the owner here is a heretic." Just as he was speaking, he suddenly saw the shadow of a little girl swaying by the side stone room.When the two hurriedly chased after him, Yingqiong caught a glimpse of a piece of paper on the ground, which seemed to have the words Yingnan written on it, and picked it up.Ruolan flew forward and pulled the little girl over.Yingqiong saw that the girl was only thirteen or fourteen years old. Although she was young, she had bright eyes and white teeth, a delicate face, and a hint of emotion in her brows. She was not afraid of seeing strangers. She struggled and asked, "You guys?" How did the two get in? Are you looking for my senior sister?" Yingqiong was about to open her mouth, Ruolan winked at her, and asked the girl with a smile: "We are looking for your senior sister and that Yu Yingnan. , do you know where the two of them have gone?" The girl seemed a little surprised when she heard the words, and said: "That bitch Yu Yingnan who doesn't know what to do, she has no friends, why are you looking for her?" When Qiong heard the girl calling Yingnan a lowly girl, she was already angry. Before she could finish speaking, she stepped forward and grabbed her, and shouted: "I am Yu Yingnan's friend. Since you scolded her behind her back, she must have received you all the time." Quickly tell me where she lives and lead us there." Before she finished speaking, the girl let out a sneer and broke free from Yingqiong's hand, and a puff of green smoke rose from her foot. Then want to escape.Ruolan laughed and said: "These tricks are also for showing off." When she said that, Zao Fei approached her and caught her back, and said to Ying Qiong: "This is the exit. I don't know Ying Nan, you go to another room to look for it. When I ask this girl, I have my own way, and I don't worry if she doesn't tell the truth." Yingqiong heard this, and searched Hedong all over, but there was no one.Another room was found in which there were some clothes worn by Yingnan in the past.When I came out, I saw that the girl was restrained by Ruolan's magic, her eyes were tearful, she had already told the truth.

It turned out that Yin Sutang violated the Kunlun canon and broke away from the orthodox religion, so she tried her best to stand out and fight against Kunlun.Together with Chichengzi and Chichengzi, they help each other with evil, looking for disciples everywhere, regardless of men and women, they all accept them.Several caves were opened up as places for her disciples to practice Taoism.There were four proud disciples under her sect, three men and one woman, and they took these new disciples and scattered them all over the place.At the same time, he ordered them to pay attention to various places, looking for boys, girls, and children who had a solid foundation.Zaohuaya is just one of Beppu, originally lived here.Recently, she found a good cave in the Twelve Peaks of Wushan Mountain, and she brought two smug disciples to move there, leaving her favorite third disciple Sun Lingbo and Yu Yingnan, the Peach Blossom Fairy, to live here, and ordered Yingnan to learn from Sun Lingbo first. sword.At first, Yin Sutang couldn't find Yingqiong, so she unintentionally used Yingnan to recruit Yingqiong, but she didn't give up on Yingqiong.Later I heard that Yingqiong got the Ziying sword in Mangcang Mountain, and she has already belonged to the Emei sect.Different sects also described the miracles that Yingqiong encountered in the fairy world as icing on the cake. They all said that the real person with long eyebrows had San Ying and Er Yun's prophecy, and would be a hidden danger for different sects in the future.Yin Sutang felt regretful, complaining that Chichengzi was too careless and should not have left Yingqiong in the Mangcang Mountain and let outsiders collect him.First of all, he was very kind to Yingnan, and originally planned to pass on his Kunlun direct lineage with heart.Unexpectedly, Yingnan has been practicing since he was a child, and he is very talented and has a strong root. He has seen all kinds of corruption and bad deeds of Yin Sutang, and there will be no good results in the future.Also thinking of what the dead teacher said, he and Yingqiong are as close as flesh and blood, and are extremely attached to each other. Apart from learning swords, he is always frowning.Yin Sutang saw that she seemed to be in harmony with nature, and she was not affectionate to her master or her classmates, so she was already unhappy.Not long after, someone brought up the prophecy of the real person with long eyebrows. Yingnan's name was a taboo, and several fortune-tellings were not good for his future. Because Yingnan was too good, he was reluctant to leave the door.However, Sun Lingbo has always been used to being pampered. When he first met Yingnan, he heard the master say that this girl's fundamental endowment is above all other disciples. I am afraid that Yingnan will be favored in the future and pass on the master's mantle, so he will feel jealous.As soon as he saw that his master had doubts, he took advantage of the vacancy and slandered him from time to time.As the days passed, Yingnan gradually fell out of favor and was often bullied by Sun Lingbo.Yingnan is extremely smart, seeing that the situation is not right, she has added a lot of caution in her words and deeds, but she still can't win back the favor of her masters and apprentices.Not only thinking of the deceased teacher, but also cherishing friends, I feel sad every day because I want to cry.Fortunately, he was able to look outside the cave, but Yingnan used the excuse of practicing swords to stand outside the cave every day, looking forward to the sky, hoping that the eagle would fly by, so that he could take her to meet Yingqiong.Unexpectedly, looking through with both eyes, there is no divine eagle flying over.I only know that Yingqiong is in Mangcang Mountain, and she wants to find it, but she doesn't know the way, and she can't go down the mountain, she just feels sad.

Since Yin Sutang moved to Wushan, under Sun Lingbo's control, she has become a fish on the sword. Although she was not beaten severely, she was often insulted, which made her feel embarrassed; Under Sutang's sect, she is regarded as a junior junior sister.That girl is the one that Ruolan and Yingqiong saw, her name is Tang Caizhen, although she is young, she is already out of style, cunning, can talk and laugh, can flatter others, and is very suitable for Sun Lingbo's taste.In addition, she found it by herself, and the days to come are not long, and she has already passed on a lot of little magic tricks.This Tang Caizhen saw that Sun Lingbo hated the British men, and became more and more helpful to the evildoers.That's nothing.Once, Sun Lingbo actually seduced a young man surnamed Han from the foot of the mountain into a cave for sexual pleasure, which frightened the British man into even more distress, feeling that this place was by no means a good place.Fortunately, Sun Lingbo was very jealous, and the surnamed Han was not allowed to talk to Yingnan and Tang Caizhen, so he was relieved a little bit, but his desire to leave became more and more intense.

A few days ago, Sun Lingbo didn't know who had heard that the fish in the Feilei Cave at the back of Emei Mountain was delicious. Knowing that it was the Emei School's sword fairy cave house, he boldly went to steal it twice by relying on his demonic sword skills. No one interfered. with sweetness.I went again for the third time, met Shi Qi, and felt that he was much stronger than Han, so I was relieved.When he came back, he caught up with the man surnamed Han blindly flirting with the British man, who was scolded by the British man.I couldn't help feeling jealous, and slapped the guy surnamed Han, and finally saw that it wasn't Yingnan's fault, so I just said a few sarcastic remarks.The next day he wanted to steal fish again, so he used his camera to seduce Shi Qi, fearing that the surnamed Han was causing trouble at home, so he took Yingnan with him.Seeing that Sun Lingbo went to steal fish again, Yingnan was afraid that Han would come and shout at her again, but when he heard that the place he was taking her with was Emei again, he felt more at ease, and happily followed her to Feilei Cave.Seeing Shi Qi standing there vigorously, he guessed that he is not a bad person.Originally, I wanted to inquire about Yingqiong's whereabouts. I knew it would be difficult to find out if I asked myself. The golden-eyed eagle is so big and unusual that it must attract people's attention. You only need to ask where it came from, and you can find some traces.While Sun Lingbo was stealing fish through the waterfall, he hurriedly flew over and asked Shi Qi if he had ever seen that divine eagle.While talking, Sun Lingbo came up to see him.She had seen Shi Qi's upright face, since he lived in this kind of fairy cave house, he must have a big background, even though his heart was itchy, she didn't dare to make a move, and planned to come a few more times, he would take the bait himself.Seeing that Yingnan hastily stepped forward to talk to him, and by mistake, Yingnan also has an interest in him, so he can't help feeling jealous again.Just about to scold Shi Qi after chasing him, when he saw Shi Qi on the opposite side, it was even more obvious that he was extraordinary in appearance, tall and handsome, the more he looked at him, the more he loved him, and he didn't want to show him his aggressiveness.He also felt that Yingnan was an eyesore and it was inconvenient to flirt with him, so he decided to come back tomorrow morning, so he stopped talking and brought Yingnan back.She was only wary of British men, but she forgot that Tang Caizhen was born dissolute, and she had long been moved by the debauchery of Sun and Han, and while she was away for a long time, she was seduced by Han again, so she fell in love with her.Sun Lingbo didn't notice it when he went back, he just insulted Ying Nan.

Ying Nan was wronged, and the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt, and he felt that if he lived any longer, it must be a disaster.He also heard from Shi Qi that he had never seen the eagle, so he guessed that Yingqiong hadn't returned from Mangcang Mountain and had never seen the letter he left, so he didn't come to pick her up.There is no way out here, so it is better to take the risk to find her, and you can survive from death.Because I heard from Yin Sutang that Mangcang Mountain is thousands of miles to the southwest of the mountain.Although I don't know the way, so far, I have no choice but to bump into it, which is nothing to say.Just as he was undecided, Sun Lingbo was obsessed with Shi Qi. Although Yingnan was worried at home, he didn't care.The next day, he went to seduce her again by stealing fish, but was attacked by Shi Qi and Yan'er twice, and drove her back.Because she saw Shi Qi talking to Ying Nan in a gentle manner yesterday, she mistakenly thought that it was easy to get started, and left in a hurry, except for the flying sword, she almost suffered a big loss, and only then did she know that the other party is not soft .When he came back, he vented his anger on Yingnan and cursed a few words.The more I think about it, the harder it is to let go.On the second day, I took some of the magic treasure that Master left at home and took it with me, and rushed to Feilei Cave. Shi Qi happened to be watching the waterfall with his hands behind his back. Shi Qi hugged him and left.

Back in front of the cave, Tang Caizhen came up to her and whispered, "Master has a guest inside. Fortunately, I was playing outside with Brother Han before, so I was not in the cave and I was not bumped by her. Now I hide Brother Han on the cliff. I have found time to come outside to wait for you several times." Although Sun Lingbo knew that his master was playing tricks like himself, the people under his door had never blatantly hid men and women in caves, so he had to avoid it. .So he handed Shi Qi over to Caizhen and ordered her to choose a place to hide.When I went inside, I saw that the guest was Chichengzi, and he hurried forward to meet him.Yin Sutang asked her where she was going.Sun Lingbo didn't say anything about Emei, but only hesitated a few words.Yin Sutang said: "My old Yunnan mansion has not been back for a long time since I wanted to take in that girl surnamed Li. Your second senior brother recently suffered a big loss from a thief monk for a girl, and almost gave her away. The little thief was named Monk Xiao. He was an ascetic disciple of Toutuo. He was young, ruthless and bad. Your elder brother had to be rescued. He went for many days, but he didn’t see the letter. I plan to go back. Take a look. There are a lot of little evildoers in Emei now, they are very vicious. The foundation of this faction has not yet been established. It is best to close the cave door temporarily and don't provoke them. It will be a waste of money. I passed by here with Chi Shishu, and I came down to ask You guys. Although Yingnan is talented, she doesn't have strong confidence in me. You should always enlighten her. Caizhen is not bad, only a little floating. I don't have time to stay, so you should be careful when things happen. If there is an emergency, you can burn the letter incense From now on, I will come to rescue myself." After saying that, he ordered Sun Lingbo to take two magic weapons that could be used, and flew directly to the old lair in Yunnan with Chichengzi.After Sun Lingbo sent Yin Sutang away with Yu Yingnan and Tang Caizhen, Sun Lingbo hurriedly asked Tang Caizhen where she hid her.Tang Caizhen led her to have a look, but the man was nowhere to be seen, guessing that he was rescued by his companions, what a pity.I have no choice but to still make fun of Han's boredom.

On the next day, he rushed to Feilei again.After she left, when the surname Han and Tang Caizhen were just getting started, how could they bear it, they started to have sex in another room.Yingnan was originally sitting at the entrance of the cave and watching, planning to stay or stay.Unintentionally, he went in and took out his sword and came out to practice. When he saw the two of them struggling, he couldn't help but exclaimed.The surnamed Han was originally uneasy and kind, seeing that he was smashed by the British man, he simply refused to do anything, and kept going, trying to drag the British man into the water together, and jumped forward naked.Yingnan's martial art is already high-strength, although Yin Sutang only taught half of the way of practicing swords, after her hard work, she has a solid foundation.The surnamed Han is just a thief in eastern Sichuan, how could he be her opponent.Seeing the ugliness of this pair of dogs and men, he was already ashamed and angry; the next time he saw that he wanted to contaminate himself, he casually swiped his sword and chopped Han in half.Although he was sullen, he suddenly remembered that he had caused a catastrophe. When Sun Lingbo came home when he was young, and saw his sweetheart killed, how could he let it go?At that time, I turned my heart and pointed at Tang Caizhen and said, "I won't kill you, you stinky girl. I'm leaving now. You are not allowed to tell her the real direction I am going when I am young. If I recover it, I will tell her about your scandalous behavior with that thief, and she will not spare you!" After finishing speaking, he hastily took a pen and paper, and wrote two sentences that he killed Han because he refused to rape him. Return, meet again and other words, then walk down the mountain.When Sun Lingbo came back from the second loss, he saw that Han's head was in a different place. Because of his long-term love and estrangement, his heart had been moved by him, and he was not moved.But Ying Nan left, Master knew that he must be offended, not to mention he was angry because of his misbehavior, so he decided to chase after him and kill him to silence him.This time, because he offended Emei's sect, he was afraid that he would be followed by him, so he dared not be careless.Ask Ming Yingnan where he is going, and tell Tang Caizhen not to go out, ambush the cave door with a magic weapon, block it with spells, and chase Yingnan with a sword light.Tang Caizhen was young after all, she was really afraid that Sun Lingbo would chase Yingnan back and ask the truth, which would be bad for her, so she saw that Yingnan was going south, but she said she was going north.Sun Lingbo ran in the opposite direction, how could he catch up.This is what happened to the British man over the years, so let's not talk about it for now.

It is said that Ruolan and Yingqiong learned about Yingnan from Tang Caizhen's mouth. They only knew that she ran away to avoid disaster, but they didn't know that she went to Mangcang Mountain to look for Yingqiong.I only regret that I was late for a long time, Yingnan has already gone, and the note I wrote has no place to go. The world is boundless, where can I find her trace?And I was afraid that she would run away alone, if she met some kind of villain from another faction, wouldn't she just come out of Longtan and fall into the trap again?Hao Sheng worried on her behalf.Because the girl was too young, he spared her.Yingnan was not here and had nothing to miss, so he walked out.At that time, the divine eagle was still flying in the air. Seeing its master coming out, it let out a long cry and flew down.Yingqiong suddenly remembered that Yingnan still doesn't know how to fly, although it took a long time, he must have never gone far.Although I can't find it myself, the divine eagle's eyes are like lightning, and it can see through the clouds without leaving any needles; Wouldn't it be good for her to take it back?Thinking of this, he hurriedly said to the divine eagle: "The British elder sister who was escorted by you to the Jietuo Nunnery in Emei before, is of the same flesh and blood as me. Now she is forced to flee to the southwest by the wicked. I want to be like Ruolan. My sister went after her along the way, I'm afraid I won't be able to find out. Please fly ahead to check first, and Ruolan and I will pursue separately in the back, at least we should chase her back." After finishing speaking, the eagle gave a long cry, and headed towards the southwest first. fly away.

Yingqiong and Ruolan discussed a few more words, and they were about to fly low with their sword lights, searching along the southwest mountain road, when they suddenly heard the sound of piercing the sky, and two blue lights flew like arrows from the northeast, and landed in the blink of an eye , two women appeared.As soon as they met each other, one of them yelled: "It's these two lowly servant girls!" Immediately, two blue lights flew towards the top of Yingqiong and Ruolan.Yingqiong's eyes were quick, and she recognized that one of them was the Peach Blossom Fairy Sun Lingbo who had been defeated from Feilei Cave. With a slap of the sword pouch, the Ziying sword turned into a purple rainbow and went forward.Ruolan also flew up the sword light to meet the enemy.A woman in red among the visitors was startled when she saw the purple light flying towards her, and took the sword light back in a panic.

Sun Lingbo was originally chasing Yingnan, but after chasing him for a long time before catching up, he guessed that Yingnan was cunning and deliberately said east but went west, Tang Caizhen never figured it out.But he didn't expect that Tang Caizhen was afraid that if she knew the details, it would be bad for her, so she deliberately fell for her.Since she couldn't catch up, she wanted to go back to the cave, and asked Tang Caizhen carefully how Yingnan walked, so she wanted to chase her back and kill her to silence her.Anyway, Yingnan doesn't know how to fly with a sword, as long as she doesn't get attracted by others, no matter how fast she walks, she will never be able to escape from his hands.Thinking of this, he inadvertently looked up, and he was already very close to Emei.Thinking of meeting Shi Qi recently, my heart moved, and I couldn't help but spit.Just when I was about to fly back, I suddenly saw a blue light flying straight towards me in the valley below the southeast. When I looked closer, it was Shi Longgu, the daughter of my good aunt Ling Huangshidong Golden Needle Virgin Mary, and I was overjoyed .After the two met, Shi Longgu invited Sun Lingbo to hang around in the cave below for a while.

Sun Lingbo and Shi Longgu were originally acquaintances ten years ago when they collected herbs in Gupoling.At that time, the Virgin Mary of the Golden Needle had not yet been robbed. Although she entered the sect, she had changed her ways and turned to good for many years.I only have this daughter and no disciples, so I dote on it, so I said to Long Gu: "In ancient times, men practiced swords for self-defense, and women practiced needles for self-defense. They can also make flying disappear and kill people thousands of miles away. Besides. It’s a pity that the flying needle has been lost for a long time. Since the Han and Tang Dynasties, women have also practiced swords, and there are no needles. When I was not born with you in the early years, I shouldn’t have made a wrong step and entered a side door, forming many evil relationships. Now Although I improved my behavior, Du Men thought about my mistakes, and I am afraid that there will be no good results in the future. 50 years ago, I also practiced swords, and I didn’t know how to practice flying needles. Because I suffered a big loss when comparing swords with others, I was angry and hated, thinking about revenge day and night As a plan, I unintentionally obtained a Daoist book in the depths of the Gouya Mountain Village in Guangxi, which contained the method of refining needles. I practiced hard day and night, and after nine years, I refined ninety-nine 81 Xuannv needles. After looking for enemies and revenge , more than ten years later, when you were under three years old when you were born, your father suffered a catastrophe. I was shocked, saw through the world, lived in seclusion in this mountain, devoted myself to cultivation, and stopped making troubles. I have done a lot of evil in my life, and it is difficult to redeem myself. Fortunately, I turned my head back early. After the calamity, my soul and spirit will not be destroyed. I can re-enter the samsara and cultivate the next life. It is unusual. Although there are quite a few people who practice flying needles in various sects, except for the white eyebrow needles made by Mrs. Tianhu Baoxiang, who has been robbed, which has other magical effects, the flying needles used by others are not comparable to this needle. I want to pass on my life skills to you, but you inherited your father's inheritance, and you are born with evil roots. In the future, you will definitely follow in my footsteps. With this needle, you will help you do evil. Not only will you end badly, but I will also be implicated in committing crimes It's a pity that I don't want to pass it on, and I don't have anyone to pass it on. I want to take advantage of my luck for a few years, and think of a way to get the best of both worlds, and pass it on to you. Now there are two paths, and I don't know which way you want to go One, as long as you deserve one." Long Gu wanted to learn flying needles for a long time, when she heard this, she hurriedly asked which two paths it was.The Holy Mother of Golden Needles saw that she was determined to learn acupuncture, and she didn't care about her biological mother being robbed not long ago, so she couldn't help sighing and said: "The first thing is that you should swear not to injure anyone from the time you pass the needle, and it doesn't help you achieve whatever you want. What kind of desire can only be taken out and used at the critical moment of life; before it is passed on, you have to face the wall with me for a year without any distractions." Long Gu heard the words, didn't even ask about the second one, and hurriedly agreed.The Holy Mother of the Golden Needle said: "Don't take it easy, you have to face the wall for a year first." After that, he took nine bigu pills, took it with Longgu, and ordered to face the wall first, and teach the needle after a year. Law.

(End of this chapter)

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