The Legend of Shushan Swordsman

Chapter 42 Thousands of Hooves Raise Dust, Iron Feather and Red Clothes Drive the Beast Array

Chapter 42 Thousands of Hooves Raise Dust, Iron Feather and Red Clothes Drive the Beast Array

After hearing Jin Chan's words, Renying hurriedly asked why.The golden cicada blocked the Qingjing acupoint and was unintentionally polluted by the spirit ape. It should be the time when the Qixiu sword was born.Later, I asked Zhixian about the similarity between Jianguang and Renying, as well as the words of Mrs. Miaoyi's Cambodian post.The smiling monk said: "If you talk about the Green Snake Sword among the Seven Swords of Repair, it was quite easy to collect. Later, the elder sister and I entered the acupuncture point to collect the other five, but it was so complicated. I just don't know what about this one? Like those five people, the three of us may not be able to accept it. Regardless of him, this sword was originally used for three Emei sword fights to break the five poisons of demons. "After all, Renying still led the way, and searched the most secret place in Hedong together again, and then searched separately.Don't tell others, if there is precious light, it has to be concealed from Jin Chan's wise eyes, but in the end, nothing is found.Knowing that it is one of the seven swords of repair, the three of them are not willing to give up, until the next morning, fearing that Yingqiong will come and disagree with each other, they stop and go out of the cave together.Monk Youxiao and Yan Renying were waiting in front of the cave, watching Jinchan follow their path and fly forward to meet her.At the beginning of noon, as expected, Yingqiong and Qingyun drove the divine eagle, and came through the clouds.Jin Chan had been waiting in the air and hurried forward to greet her.There was no time to talk to each other, guided by the golden cicada, they came to the cave, stopped the sculpture and let it fly away by itself.Seeing the smiling monk and Renying, after everyone said the ceremony, they went in and sat down together.Thinking of Yuan Xing, Jin Chan couldn't help asking: "Master sister, didn't you bring Yuan Xing too? What about it?" Yingqiong said: "Don't mention it anymore, even I almost suffered a big loss. It's still alive and dead." Qingyun smiled and said: "You two are always talking in such a hurry, such nonsensical questions and answers, how can others understand? Brother Cicada, just listen quietly, let her Let's start from the beginning." While talking, they inadvertently met Renying's eyes, both of them felt something in their hearts, and they both turned their faces to one side, avoiding it.Here, Yingqiong will also tell the story of Yu Yingnan's rescue and the robbery of jade.

It turned out that Yingqiong had read the letter passed by Mrs. Miaoyi Feijian that day, and allowed her to go to Mangcang Mountain alone to rescue Yingnan.Not long after he joined the sect, he couldn't help but be overjoyed that his master promised such an important task.Hastily bid farewell to the fellow sects of Ningbiya, took a vulture and an ape alone, and rushed straight to Mangcang Mountain like lightning.Since Yingqiong came to Emei, she has been practicing with her fellow disciples at Ningbi Cliff, and has never ridden a long journey alone.The last time I flew green snails with Ruolan riding the eagle, when we went there we were very happy, chatting and laughing with each other, not paying attention to the scenery below.Twice poisoned and defeated, he came back in a feather, and was escorted by Ziling with a dusty banner, let alone watching it in confusion.Thinking of the past, I often feel depressed.It is rare to have this kind of opportunity, and after days of hard work, I can try my skills, and I feel very happy.Standing on the back of the eagle, piercing the clouds and facing the wind, relying on the lower boundary, where you pass, there are mountains and rivers, and some mountains and mountains, like waves undulating, recede as if flying straight behind you.Sometimes it penetrates into the clouds, and the dense clouds outside the body are smashed by the carved wings.Occasionally play, the grip is light and empty, and the jade fiber is stretched, there seems to be traces, and it disappears in a blink of an eye, leaving only coolness.When flying out of the clouds, soaring in the blue sky, the sky is clear and bright, the sky is endless, the city walls, mountains and rivers are all in sight, and the ants and leeches are flowing, as if they are similar.Facing the opposite wind, he flew more and more happily, and scolded: "Fo Nu took Yuan Xing forward, watch me chase you." As soon as he finished speaking, he had already surpassed the back of the eagle, his body and sword united, the purple rainbow pierced the sun, and he was as fast as star fly.Seeing that its master was happy, the divine eagle showed off more and more, quickly closed its wings, dropped its hands like a projectile, and fell down.Tens of feet above the ground, he quickly vibrated his feathers and went straight up through the sky.Flashing and moving all the way, the phoenix dances and the dragon soars, flying forward quickly.With Emei's true biography and Ziying's famous sword, Yingqiong can only chase a tie.Yuan Xing only suffered, and with his two long arms, he hugged the god eagle's wings tightly, and couldn't help screaming: "Master, come up quickly, Yuan Xing is going to fall to his death!" , and funny.Later, I saw the divine eagle writhe and vibrate so violently that Yuan Xing was so frightened that he dared not even open his eyes. Carved back.Seeing its master riding on it, the divine eagle regained its level as if sailing along the water.I saw the mountains and rivers under my feet, flying backwards, the iron feathers lingering in the wind, only the soft hairs on the top of the sculpture trembled slightly, and the steady speed was extraordinary.Yuan Xing stopped breathing.Yingqiong also said that it has no courage, how can it fight against people in the future?Yuan Xing didn't dare to speak back, he only sneaked his eyes to the front, and suddenly said to Yingqiong: "Mangcang Mountain is here!" Hearing this, the divine eagle looked back at Yingqiong.Yingqiong followed the path indicated in the card and ordered not to disturb the demons first, but to fly to the shade of the mountain.The divine eagle nodded, then went up another hundred feet and continued to fly.Yuan Xing saw that his master was no longer angry, so he dared to speak freely. He kept pointing to Yingqiong, where the old traveler passed by, and not far ahead was the place where the monster was killed.

Flying quickly, while talking and laughing, I flew over the vast mountain sun, and gradually reached the shade of the mountain.Suddenly, I heard a shrill sound, coming from behind the mountain, like a thousand orifices shouting, and the surging waves.Faintly seeing the gloomy clouds and the misty fog in front of me, I felt the sharp wind piercing my bones and the cold air hitting me.Yingqiong flew into the dark clouds while driving the divine eagle.With the eyes of himself and the divine sculpture, he carefully searched for where the cold crystal cave was located.Flying in the cloud for a while, suddenly heard a long cry from the divine eagle, suddenly the left wing slightly deflected, turned sideways, and flew up obliquely.Yingqiong knew something was wrong, so she quickly fixed her eyes and looked down, only to see a cliff looming beneath the gloomy clouds.In the hollow at the root of the cliff, there was a gust of dark wind, and black air in the wind, like boiling water in a pot, was bubbling and foaming, and it was rising to the feet of the carving.Shen Diao thought that he knew how powerful it was, and as soon as he turned his body to avoid it, the whirlwind had rolled up thousands of black shadows, soaring into the sky, flying into the air, and after a slight agitation, it made a very sharp and mournful sound.Scattered quickly, turned into thousands of wind pillars, rolled up black spots all over the sky, and scattered in all directions.Yingqiong's face was slightly swept by black dots in the wind on the eagle's back, feeling extremely cold and shivering.Take it off and take a look, the color is like smoky crystal, the shape is like a petal, thinner than a cicada's wing, like snow but not snow, although the tentacles melt, and you feel a slight ice pain and numbness, you know that the black frost on the box must be this thing.Looking at the divine eagle and Yuan Xing, what time did they catch each other, Yuan Xing was indifferent, even the divine eagle couldn't help shaking his feathers and chirping, and it stopped for a while, he couldn't help but secretly startled.All of a sudden, the strange sound gradually faded away, the wind gradually weakened, and the scenery below was slightly recognizable, only to be able to see that the back of the cliff was leaning against the shade of the mountain, the color was as black as lacquer, and it was extremely dark, with no grass growing.At the root of the cliff there is a deep hole with a radius of [-] zhang, rolling and rolling, belching black air, like a giant lion squatting, a monster sitting in the corner, with a wide kiss, wanting to swallow the sky, the situation is dangerous and dizzying.

Just as I was about to go down to have a closer look, I suddenly heard strange noises in the giant cave again.The Divine Condor had been on guard for a long time, and before the whirlwind Heishuang rolled up from the hole, it was the first to soar into the sky.Flying higher this time, I saw black ink churning in thousands of wind pillars under the eagle's feet, flying flowers splashed, strange noises roared, and thousands of ravines roared together, the momentum was even more terrifying than before.Although Yingqiong was on top of the wind, sometimes the Diaoyi was swept by the wind, and she felt that even the iron feathers and steel feathers could not resist, she knew how powerful it was.Wait for the second whirlwind to blow away, look down again into the haze, and then reach the entrance of the acupuncture point, the third whirlwind rises again.It went up and down like this, and flew about ten times, but with the skills of Yingqiong and Shendiao, she couldn't get a foothold below, don't worry about entering the cave to save people, Yingqiong is in a hurry.The Divine Condor was stirred by the strong wind for a while, but it was not a big deal.Yuan Xing couldn't bear it anymore, because Ying Qiong said a few words on the back of the eagle just now, he didn't dare to show fear, even though he was supporting himself, his upper and lower teeth didn't stop chattering.Yingqiong thought to himself: "It's no wonder. It's just a beast. It hasn't been psychic for a long time. How can it compare with the divine eagle who has been taught the truth and has profound morals. Cameron said that only when the cold wind comes out of the cave can it enter the cave to save people. Look at the wind. Every time is more intense, it must be earlier. Why don't you order Shendiao to find Yuan Xing's descendants and the whereabouts of those horse bears, in order to use it to steal jade again?" Thinking of this, he expressed his heart to Shendiao and Yuan Xing, He also ordered to be careful, don't make trouble and mischief.When Yuan Xing heard the words, it was exactly what he wished for, so he rode on the divine eagle and took orders to go without mentioning it.

Yingqiong simply flew up and waited in the air, until noon, the wind gradually decreased.In a hurry to save people, regardless of the cold, he decided to protect his body with Mi Chenfan and Jianguang, and ventured in.After making up his mind, it happened that the whirlwind black frost gradually stopped, only the black air remained at the mouth of the cave, like a mountain spring in a cave rolling up and down slightly.Yingqiong didn't use Michen Banner first, and her body and sword formed a purple rainbow, poured from the sky, and went straight into the cave.Flying towards the entrance of the cave, he felt that the black air at the entrance of the cave seemed to block his way like a thousand catties of resistance.After all, the Ziying Sword was unusual, and Yingqiong scolded her, using her profound arts to break through the atmosphere of darkness.When I entered the cave, I saw in the shadow of the purple light that there was only a stone floor less than five or six feet wide inside the entrance of the cave.

In the past several feet of ground, there was a bottomless cave that was wide and hundreds of thousands deep, with a dark atmosphere, extremely cold, and horrifying hairs.This is the time when the cold scorpion is exhausted, even Yingqiong, who has immortal roots and bones, has taken a lot of elixir and pills, and has the body of a half-immortal, feels unbearable, dare not neglect, so she throws Mi Chenfan Unfold the bodyguard.Looking at Yingnan again, there is no trace.I thought: "Cam Shangyuan said that she was counted by the demon way, and she fell down when she entered the cave. Now I don't see it here. If I fall into the bottomless cave, how can I go on looking for it?" I was sad and anxious, and suddenly heard the bottom of the cave. There was a strange sound, and the strange howling outside the cave seemed to be approaching from far away, echoing each other from afar.Secretly shouted: "No! If the strong wind returns to the cave, and the frost and haze come out of the cave, and attack twice, if the banner can't support it, wouldn't even yourself be buried in the cave?" Passing away, thinking of Yingnan, I couldn't bear to go, wandering and looking around, so panicked.He kept calling Yingnan, but there was no response, and felt the wind roaring and thundering at the bottom of the acupoint, getting tighter and tighter.In the shadow of the purple light, seeing the black atmosphere in the cave getting thicker and thicker, the whole body was shaking from the cold, and the crisis was approaching in an instant.I thought: "If you don't rescue Yingnan today, don't say sorry for the deceased. You have failed to go out of the mountain many times. What face do you have to see Ningbi's fellow disciple?" Check out the bottom.

Yingqiong was facing the entrance of the cave, before she entered, she suddenly saw a ray of yellow light flashing on the cave wall.Turning around and looking, there was a faint yellow light receding at the place where the black atmosphere gathers at the entrance of the cave.With a quick glance, there seems to be a four or five foot long bulge on the ground near the entrance of the cave, the whole body is covered by black frost, only a white patch is slightly exposed at one end.After a closer look, I couldn't help being overjoyed in my heart, as if I had found a treasure, I flew forward, picked it up, and immediately felt cold and numb all over my body.At the same time, there was a loud noise in the cave, and the black atmosphere had risen.Knowing that the crisis was coming, he didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest, and he didn't have the time to care about the cold, so he put up his sword light and flew through the air from the thousand-layered black atmosphere at the entrance of the cave.He was only tens of feet away from the ground, when suddenly he saw a yellow light flying directly from the opposite side.Yingqiong was holding a person in her arms, trembling all over, Zhengchou couldn't resist, and suddenly saw a black shadow cast down lightly.Yingqiong just got out of the way with the Ziying Sword, when she heard a scream, two beams of light flashed at the same time, the yellow light fell like a meteor, falling to the ground.Looking back, that group of black shadows was Yuan Xing riding a divine eagle, wielding two long swords, emitting two beams of brilliance, and had shot down the enemy.Because Yingqiong is saving people, even though she has a banner and a sword to protect her body, she is still afraid of missing, so she hurriedly shouted: "Come quickly!" .After walking for a while, there was a strong wind behind, and the sky was covered with darkness, just like the gloomy weather just now.

After a while, it flew over the shade of the mountain, found a sunny place and landed.Looking at his whole body, he was already soaked.Looking at the British man in his arms again, his whole body is stiff, several inches of black ice, covering his whole body, only his mouth and nose are slightly exposed.I couldn't help feeling sad for a while, and shed tears.Anxious to melt the ice off Yingnan's body, to see if his chest is still warm.Fortunately, the mountains are shaded and the mountains are sunny, one cold and one hot, as if in another world, and it is the middle of summer, when the sun is under the sun for a short time, the mysterious ice melts away, revealing the whole body of a handsome man with a lifelike face.It's just that the color is blue and white, the eyes are closed, the upper and lower teeth are clenched, and the whole body is stiff.He took off the wet clothes and touched it, and sure enough, although the chest is not warm, it is not as cold as touching it elsewhere.Knowing that there is still salvation, he first pried the opening of the panacea with him and stuffed it in.Asking about Yuan Xing, I know that his descendants and horse bears have been harmed by demon corpses, and are now hiding in two secluded rock interlayers.Yingqiong focused on Yingnan and didn't want to take Yuan Xing with her, so she ordered him to stay in Mangcang Mountain temporarily, and when she came back from saving someone, they went to steal Wenyu together.Hastily picked up Yingnan, put him on the back of the eagle, and flew back to Emei.

When they arrived at Ningbi Cliff, Lingyun and others were very happy to see that Yingnan had been rescued, and hurried into the cave.At this time, Yingnan took the elixir and was exposed to the warm wind and warm sun along the way. From the abdomen up, it was no longer as cold as before, only the limbs and feet were still cold.Lingyun said to Yingqiong: "I didn't expect that sister Qiong was so fast. It's really gratifying to rescue the person. According to my observation, there must be hope of rebirth. But she was in the Xuanjing Cave, and she suffered from many winds and frosts, and her whole body was already frozen. Numb and unconscious, if she is rescued at this time, the essence and blood of all five limbs have been frozen, it must be extremely painful. It is better for Qiongmei to rush to steal Wen Yu to rescue her. Just now, Junior Brother Zhao from Feilei Cave said , not long after you left, you found traces of a demon, and I paid attention to it. It’s not too late, go and come back quickly.” Hearing this, Yingqiong changed her wet clothes in a hurry, asked Lingyun for a few more pills, and brought them with her. Stand by.Seeing that Yingnan's eyes were closed tightly and she still hadn't woken up, she was full of eagerness, said goodbye to everyone for the second time, drove the divine eagle, and flew straight to Mangcang Mountain.

Flying to the foot of the mountain, it was already late at night, the empty mountain was silent, and there was no sound.Yingqiong looked down on the eagle's back with the brilliance of the stars and the moon. It was quiet all around, except for the sound of springs and trees, there was no movement at all.Thinking to himself: "Just now I was in a hurry to rescue Yingnan, so I didn't bother to ask Yuan Xing carefully, where are those brown bears and orangutans hiding, and whether the lair of demon corpses used to be a cave?" , pressed the divine sculpture, and called Yuan Xing a few times, the divine sculpture continued to blare, but there was no response.Cursing secretly: "Stupid thing, although you didn't understand the order in the day, don't you know I'm coming back and wait where you are?" First searched in a nearby secluded place, but still couldn't find it.The second time I went to the back of the carving, with the divine eyes of the carving, I searched carefully, but there was no trace.Looking at the stars, it is not far from dawn.In a fit of anger, the God of Destiny descended again.Fearing that after leaving, Yuan Xing could not be found after looking for it, so he had to stay where he was, and wait until tomorrow before making further calculations.The divine eagle put Yingqiong down and flew away, leaving only Yingqiong sitting beside the rock.When I was adjusting my breath and concentrating on it, I suddenly heard the rustling of the wind blowing on the treetops in the distance, and the sound came from far to near.I only thought about the matter of stealing jade, but I didn't care about it when I heard it.

After a while, I suddenly felt a gust of cold air blowing on my face, I couldn't help shivering, and my hair was about to stand on end.Taking a closer look, there is a white thing standing three feet away from the body, shaped like a crawfish, about a foot long, resembling a human being but not a human being, the whole body is shrouded in white air, the cold fog is thick, and the cold air is blowing, and it is slowly approaching his body come forward.In this dark night sky mountain, seeing this kind of strange shape, although Yingqiong is capable, at first sight, she couldn't help being startled.When he looked closely, he saw that the thing's face was as white as dead ashes, its brows, eyes, mouth and nose were blurred, it looked at itself and breathed out air-conditioning, and as it walked, it could only see its body moving forward slowly without moving.Yingqiong guessed that it was a ghost in the deep mountains, and guessed that it might not be able to do much, so she secretly prepared to see what kind of tricks it would play.Seeing it take a step forward, I also take a step back.That thing didn't rush forward, it still followed Ding Yingqiong, moving forward slowly.It takes about twenty steps to advance and retreat like this.Yingqiong suddenly remembered that Yuan Xing was usually very sensitive, how could he not be here today, could it be that he was plotted by a monster?However, Yuan Xing wears two swords, which is unusual. There is no reason why such a fool can't resist, but it doesn't feel like it.Thinking of this, suddenly another gust of cool air blew from the back of his neck.Looking back, it was also a white thing, the same as what I saw before, it was behind him, less than two feet away, and he could hug him as soon as he stretched out his hand.No wonder the previous one was not in a hurry, but followed slowly. It turned out that he wanted to force himself to one place and attack twice.Cursed secretly: "Bold monster, you don't know how powerful I am, and dare to plot against me."

It was too late, but soon, the two white things slammed twice, and surrounded them like a storm.Yingqiong had been on guard for a long time, and at the point of the foot, she opened her body first.Just as he was about to put down the flying sword beside him, he suddenly saw the two white things twisted into a ball and rolled to their feet.I only feel the cold air blowing in, flying sand and rolling stones, and hugging and thick trees are broken by it, the strength is really amazing.Sometimes when she rolls not far from Yingqiong's side, it seems as if she has never seen it, and she is still entangled.Yingqiong was curious, so she stopped her hands and watched quietly, feeling very strange in her heart, but she didn't understand the origin and intention of this.Seeing the dawn in the east, the two white things still rolled into a ball, regardless of the outcome.Yingqiong couldn't bear to look any longer, at her finger, the Ziying sword turned into a purple rainbow and flew straight towards the two white things.In the shadow of the purple light, a group of white shadows flickered, but disappeared, and they did not see how they got there.

The sky is bright, and the divine eagle has not yet flown back.At first, I thought that Yuan Xing and Yuan Xing went to look for chimpanzees and bears together yesterday, but they must see that Yuan Xing was not there, so they went to look for them.After waiting for a while, there was no trace of the eagle or the ape, so they got anxious and flew into the air to look around.At this time, the morning sun is gradually rising, the distant mountains are congealed with purple, the nearby mountains are covered with green, the sky is clear, and the upper and lower sides are clear.Only the tens of feet behind the mountain in the north is gray and gloomy, as if fog is falling, and there seems to be faint light and shadow flickering in the atmosphere.Yingqiong has made great efforts over the years, and has been able to discern some omens.Qing knew that Yuan Xing was missing, and saw those two white monsters last night.Even if the surrounding area is not a demon cave, it is not a good place.That cloud of gray mist might be the demon playing tricks on it.Thinking of this, he flew to the foggy place.Flying over the cliff to the north, looking down, I couldn't help being surprised.It turns out that there is a very hidden valley below, from top to bottom, there is more than Chihiro.Surrounded by dense ancient trees, the sky is covered.Looking up from a distance, the fog was not very thick; now when it is approaching, it is almost a hundred feet wide and tens of feet long of black air coiling and dancing there.Faintly saw Yuan Xing riding on the eagle's back, dancing two sword lights, dashing left and right there.Wherever the Condor flew, the black air followed, forming a black net to envelop the Condor and Yuan Xing.Although Yuan Xing's two sword lights sometimes wiped off the black energy, the black energy seems to be alive, scattered and then gathered, just after being dispersed by the sword light, it condenses into strips of black horses again, when the hood is covered, Don't even think about getting out of the encirclement.

Seeing that the eagle and the ape were in danger, Yingqiong was furious in her heart, she didn't ask what was wrong, and she didn't see clearly where the monster opposite was hiding, so she scolded: "Don't worry, Yuan Xing, I'll save you!" , Straight through the black air.Sure enough, the long-browed real person's magic treasure is unusual. A purple horse flew into the black air shadow for a while, and then heard a ghost chirping, and the dark atmosphere in the sky turned into cloudy clouds.Yingqiong was overjoyed, and her spirit and courage were lifted.Yuan Xing killed Midnight on the back of the eagle. He was exhausted from the killing, and his mind was fascinated. He only danced the two sword lights, but he didn't see his master coming.It was the divine eagle that saw its master flying down from the sky and could not stop raising its head and screaming, which woke it up.At the same time, Yingqiong also flew onto the eagle's back, and asked where the demon was.Yuan Xing replied out of breath: "It's two ghost children, they're on the rock beside there." There is a rock, and a gourd is placed on the rock, but there is nothing else.Not daring to be careless, he first flew the sword light over, and the gourd was shattered into pieces in a circle.Looking closely, there is nothing strange about it.I know that Yuan Xingshi only cared about meeting the enemy, and was unconscious.Ask the divine eagle again, and you can know where the monster is.The Divine Condor also shook his head to express his ignorance.Yingqiong couldn't help it, she thought to herself that the demon retreated in the face of difficulties, and must play ghosts in the dark, and now that she is in the open, she should not be careless, she should leave temporarily, and ask Yuan Xing where she passed the same demon cave.

Just as he was about to order the eagle to fly away, Yuan Xing hurriedly said: "Master, go slowly, they are all in the cave below. If we leave, none of them will survive. I beg the master to be merciful and help." After finishing speaking, he opened his mouth and looked down. He whistled twice.Not long after, I heard a chaotic sound from below, shaking the valley, and in the dust flying, two or three hundred orangutans, large and small, appeared first, followed by four or five hundred brown bears, one by one facing Yingqiong above. Crouching on his knees and whining, he was very attached and miserable.Thinking of the past, Yingqiong was quite moved, so she asked Yuan Xing, "Are all the orangutans and horse bears in Mangcang Mountain in the past?" Yuan Xing replied with tears in his eyes, "They were all killed by monsters, and only These. Yuan Xing found them in two interlayered rock formations yesterday. He was very happy when he heard that the master had come to kill monsters and eliminate harm for them. Unexpectedly, yesterday he thought that the master had left before returning, and it would take a long time to go again. Reunited with them, I was a little careless, and was seen by two ghost children under the demon, followed behind Yuan Xing, lured the ghosts into the house, and came to catch them. Yuan Xing fought with them for a long time, and they drove them all to the cave below with demon methods Only Yuan Xing relied on two swords. Although they were trapped by them, they couldn't get close. In the middle of the night, another ghost boy caught eighteen horse bears and Yuan Xing's descendants. They must have died. They Although he couldn't catch Yuan Xing, he couldn't stop for a moment because of the black air covering him. As soon as he was touched by the black air, he would fall down immediately. When he was in a critical situation, he heard a ghost screaming from afar. Hei Qi sealed the hole and left. Yuan Xing pushed them together, but they didn't push it away, so he shouted desperately, hoping that the master would hear it and come to rescue him. The stone was also grabbed by it. The stone that sealed the hole was not big. I don’t know why it couldn’t be pushed away. They were afraid when they saw the steel feathers for the first time. It has already flown back, and before Gang Yu could fly up, it released strips of black air. Gang Yu said that the master had arrived, and the black air was a demon made by living souls, and it was afraid that it would be unable to get rid of it. Fortunately, this The two swords are not afraid of evil and pollution, so I told Yuan Xing to quickly protect his whole body with the light of the sword. As long as the master comes, it will be fine. The black energy is really powerful, it seems empty, and although the sword can scatter it, it is still It was very strenuous, and just after breaking apart, they closed into strips again. Yuan Xing was so anxious that he fought against the enemy desperately, while shouting for his master to come quickly. Later, Gang Yu said that his voice was covered by black air and could not be heard outside, except for the master who found it himself. Only when it was in danger, it tried to turn around for another kalpa, and burned the golden elixir refined on its own head. Later, Yuan Xing couldn't bear it anymore and urged it to burn quickly. It was reluctant, saying that the master would definitely find it. Come, let’s talk if it’s really urgent. Seeing that the energy is exhausted, the master came looking for it.”

Yingqiong has experienced two catastrophes in Qingluo, and she is more serious than before.Knowing that the enemy retreats without a fight, there must be intentions. The current situation is quite dangerous.Seeing so many orangutans and bears, how can he protect and retreat by himself?Even if they get out of the valley by chance, the orangutans are light and strong, and good at vertical jumping, they can still be ordered to find places to hide by themselves.Only those brown bears are huge, stupid and heavy. When they walk, their hooves shake the mountains, so they are the easiest to track and detect.The demon corpse is powerful, and being with those gorillas and bears, wouldn't it be an excellent mark for the enemy?If you save the valley, just throw it away, they are still the same, why bother to bury the demon's hands?Hao Sheng was hesitant and just meditated on the eagle's back.The orangutans and bears stretched their necks and moaned together, Yuan Xing couldn't help weeping.Yingqiong couldn't help being moved with compassion, and thought to herself: "Cambodia used to use their words, and we will talk about it after we do it." After thinking about it, he lowered the eagle to fly, and ordered Yuan Xing to lead the way with two swords in his hands. On the back of the eagle is the escort.The valley is very secluded and tortuous, and it is only after passing through two caves that it is dangerous.And hi, there was no one chasing after them. Those orangutans and brown bears were scared out of their wits. After leaving the valley, they just followed Yuan Xing to climb and leap, through the forest and across the ridge, and ran forward like flying. He didn't return, and the cliff soil was stirred up, and the ground was shaken by the sound of hooves.

Yingqiong flew low on the eagle's wings, supervising and leading these mighty beast teams, just like the chief general of the Chinese army.The iron feathers are in the sky, the beauty is peerless, the cold rainbow is in hand, the green sleeves are facing the wind, and Gu Pan is proud.I don't know how many steep mountains, high hills, valleys and gullies have passed, and the road ahead is almost exhausted. Suddenly, Yuan Xing led the gorilla and bear into a dense forest.Behind the forest, the blue peaks are in the sky, and the walls stand ten thousand feet high. It seems that there is no way to go, and the divine sculpture has stopped flying.Yingqiong scolded Yuan Xing secretly: "Stupid thing, just passed by many secluded places, but didn't hide. I thought you had something good, but you ran into this forest, and people couldn't find it?" She was about to call Yuan Xing to come closer When I came to ask, I saw a commotion in the dense forest, and the green leaves on the treetops were undulating like blue waves. I heard the rustling of animal hooves stepping on the residual leaves, and the rustling sound of rubbing against the branches, which merged into one piece.In an instant, the wind subsided and the trees were quiet, and all the orangutans and bears disappeared.Yingqiong felt strange, and scolded: "Where is Yuan Xing going?" She left the eagle's back and flew into the forest. One is absent.Suddenly seeing Yuan Xing crawling out of a cliff covered by vines, Yingqiong asked, "What is this place? Where are those gorillas and bears going? Since they were harmed by demon corpses, do you know where the demon lair is?" Yuan Xing replied: "This is a cliff hole, and there is a cave in it. It is very large and secluded. Since Yuan Xing discovered it because of fruit picking that year, no one has come here. Today, because of the urgent matter, although there are a few people in Beishan Everywhere was searched by those two ghost children, and it was difficult to hide, so I brought them here to lurk. The demon corpse lair is the cave where the former master cut the mandrill. After the master left yesterday, they have already Yuan Xing explained in detail that even the treasure that the master ordered them to look for in the past was taken away by the demon corpse. It was a long story, the demon corpse never came out of the hole, but the two ghost children wanted to prevent them from following them. Waiting for Yuan Xing went to tell Gang Yu a few words, please ask it to patrol the sky near the demon lair, and then ask the master to go to the cave and explain in detail?" Yingqiong nodded after hearing this.Yuan Xing went to instruct the divine sculpture, and returned to the front of the cliff, lifted up a hundred-year-old vine at the root of the cliff, and invited Yingqiong to enter.

Yingqiong saw that the entrance was a cave with a radius of four or five feet, and the black shadow seemed to be only two feet four or five feet deep before reaching the end.The walls are covered with moss, and the tentacles are wet.The mountains and rocks are strewn high and low, which is very difficult to walk, and it does not seem to have a large volume.After walking two steps inside, Yuan Xing has restored the ancient vines that sealed the cave, and led the way past Yingqiong.There were still three or four feet away from the end of the walk, and suddenly turned around, took two more steps, sank down, and then disappeared.Yingqiong took a closer look, and found that the place where Yuan Xing descended was a protruding boulder.If you look at it from the ground, your steps will come to an end.You have to pass over the stone and turn around, only to see that there is a three-foot-sized hole at the foot of the stone, which leads to the bottom.The hole is not straight, but the shape is curved. Ordinary people have to turn around when they come here, with the stone on their chest and slide down.Otherwise, even if you find this hole, treat it as a dead orifice on the rock, use something to test it, and you can see the bottom with your tentacles, so it's hard to know that there are all profound things inside.Seeing that the hole could only be entered in the shape of a snake, Yingqiong simply drove the sword light and went in.When I first entered, the hole was like a spiral.In some places, the stone teeth are sharp and dangerous.In some places, the stone is as smooth as oil, and it is not slippery.Don't say it's difficult for ordinary people, even Yuan Xing slipped down.After turning around the loop two or three times, Yuan Xing was able to stand up as he walked wider and wider.After walking obliquely downward for about half a mile, I finished the cave and reached the flat ground.Suddenly saw an extremely thin piece of brilliance about Zhang Xu wide, directly hitting the ground, like a curtain of silver light hundreds of feet long, hanging down from the sky.Taking a closer look, the place where the exit is is a natural underground cave with a width of several hectares, surrounded by rocks on all sides, and there is only a zhang Xu wide crack on the top of the cave, through which sunlight shines in.Hearing the breath of the beast, the sound is like a tide.Under the light curtain, hundreds of black shadows could be seen in front, wandering around there.As soon as Yingqiong appeared, those chimpanzees and bears gave a loud roar, scrambling to be the first, and jumped over, a few feet away from Yingqiong, kneeling and cheering one after another.Yingqiong was eager to know the details of the monster corpses, and impatiently shouted, so she ordered Yuan Xing to order them to disperse and not make any noise.Yuan Xing took the order and roared twice.These strange beasts were really obedient, they were so frightened that they bowed their heads and ears, and slowly scattered aside, only a slight commotion passed, even if it was quiet.

Yuan Xing led Yingqiong into a concave hole on the side, found a stone, wiped it clean with his hands, asked Yingqiong to sit down, and said: "The cave of the demon corpse, the owner used to live in it. The place where the star was trapped was only more than twenty miles away. Because the owner was going in the wrong direction this time, he never noticed it. There were two mandrills entrenched in the cave before, but since they were removed by the owner, the orangutan and the bear have become a family. Then The cave was originally very big. After the master left, because of the instructions when he left and the promise of coming again, thinking of his kindness, he dared not hurt life for no reason. They lived together in one place, and they were very peaceful. Knowing that the master loved to eat the vermilion fruit, he thought it would be better to eat it elsewhere. Yes, they are full every day, so they go to search all over the mountain. A few months ago, they found a plant in a cliff cave of the original red fruit. They know that if the red fruit is not picked, it will never fall, and there are always dozens of red fruits every day. Gorillas and bears take turns guarding outside the cave.

"In a few days, I suddenly saw the girl who had hurt a few horse bears with her sword light flying down from the sky before, and with a girl, flying down on the big rock that gave birth to the vermilion fruit earlier. Although the horse bear hated her in the past Killing the enemy of the same kind, I am afraid that she is very powerful with flying swords, so I dare not go forward. At first I thought she was also looking for Zhu Guo, but after seeing that even the big rock under the Zhu Guo tree was turned over by her, she used the sword light to dig around to find it. No, Zhu Guo was not found by her either. The two of them got up early, found it was dark, but found nothing. Suddenly they walked into the cave, and searched everywhere with the sword light just like the master was looking for treasures before. The cave was full. Both the orangutan and the bear were scared away, and Qixi didn't hurt any of them this time, and only lived in the cave for a few days. There was a bolder orangutan who often went to peek, and saw both of them sitting facing the wall, I don't know what they are holding in their hands, and it emits a beam of brilliance, which shines on the wall, and I don't know what it means. On the third day, another orangutan went to peek. There are many stone rooms and a courtyard. The two women searched around for a while, and finally they suddenly meditated towards the big rock where the master used to sit and lie in the cave. The two of them kept rubbing against the rock with four hands, The sparks were shining brightly, and sparks burst out. The fire light hit the big rock, and within a short time, I heard the rustling of the stone, and the limestone drifted like snow. There was also a half-yellow and half-green brilliance from the stone. It turns from blue-yellow to dark yellow, then from dark yellow to red-purple, and finally to deep purple. The stone also changes from thick to thin, from big to small. Suddenly there is another light, and it flashes three feet high from the stone. purple flame.

"The two girls seemed to like it very much. When they were reaching for the purple light at the same time, there was a strange howl like a night owl, and a four-five-foot-tall man with a protruding nose, red eyes and green hair appeared out of thin air. A demon corpse with dry bones and a mouth full of white teeth. The two girls were only interested in dooming the purple light on the stone, and they didn't notice it at first. The demon corpse suddenly appeared next to the big stone. The two girls stretched out their hands to snatch it away. The two girls were startled and angry, they raised their hands, and two blue lights flew straight towards the monster's head. The monster laughed, opened its mouth, and a ray appeared. Huang Yan made two bangs, and the blue light fell to the ground. It turned out to be two swords. The two women saw something wrong, and one of them took out something. The flames lit up and flew away at the same time. Fortunately, the demon corpse was locked. He was wearing an iron chain, and another iron ring was put under his feet. He jumped up and chased for a short distance. The chain was exhausted, so he had to fall. He was so anxious that he grabbed the chain with both hands, biting and screaming, but he couldn't go. Break it. On the head of anger, for some reason, he flew up, grabbed a few orangutans and brown bears with his skinny arms, bit off their throats at that time, sucked blood and died Only the two orangutans who lurked the farthest had to escape for their lives. When they escaped, they told the public that there were monsters in the cave. Although the mandrills were smaller than before, they were much more powerful. But they were used to living in the cave. I felt that there was no such hole anywhere, so I couldn't let it go. Although I didn't dare to go back at that time, after two days, I couldn't stop going to spy on it, wanting to take revenge while the monster corpse was sleeping.

"One time I went to three orangutans and two brown bears. As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the cave, they were seen by the demon corpse. After chasing them out, they escaped back to one of them. Only then did they realize that the chain of the demon corpse can be long or short. It was him. The nemesis can only be chased within ten feet from the entrance of the cave, let him scream and struggle, and can't grow any longer. When he reaches the end, sparks will be emitted from the chain, burning his green hair withered and smelly, and he jumps and screams in vain, so he has to go back. But He would die if he caught yellow smoke in his mouth. If he hadn't had a chain on his head, he would have killed all those orangutans and bears. Afterwards, he would die one by one, and one pair by two. They dared not go into the cave again.

"After a few days, two more children appeared in the cave. They were also under the demon corpse. They looked like strangers. However, they were taught by the demon corpse and had no chains on their heads. Since these two children were born, The gorillas and bears in the whole mountain suffered a great disaster. I don’t know what kind of magic they used, but they just let out the black air in their hands. When the gorillas and bears touched each other, they were tied up and followed them. First, they came out every day to catch Go to three or two, for the demon corpse to suck blood, and they eat meat. Afterwards, they simply catch them as soon as they see them, no matter how many. What's more, every time they catch orangutans and bears, they have a certain distance, and they only need to escape halfway from where they stand They don't come to chase them, they only catch those who are close to them, so they don't become extinct. All the orangutans and bears fled back and forth, and finally escaped into the interlayer between the two cliffs, lingering on their last days For more than half a month, they were not harmed by them. It was not until yesterday that the owner brought Yuan Xing here and found the orangutan and the horse bear, that they had killed seven out of ten of them after they left. The captured orangutan, bear , and escaped back to one only half a month ago. According to what it said about the situation in the cave, the body of the demon corpse has gradually grown flesh, unlike before. A ghost child went out of the cave to search for wild animals. They caught them back, not all for food, but picked out seven each time, burned them to death with the demon fire in their mouths, and collected the green smoke from the burning in a gourd. The two Although the ghost children are his subordinates, he is not at ease. Every time he orders them to leave the cave, he wraps a strip of black smoke around their heads, and when they return to the cave, he collects them. So they can't be too far away from the cave. Fifteen of them were captured by him that day, seven of them were burned to death on the first day, and seven were burned to death on the second day. Only one escaped and was used by the demon corpse. Bound by black smoke, he kept wailing in the back cave, thinking that he must be dead. Unexpectedly, the monster would also show kindness, and another child whom he had never seen before came suddenly, holding a small black sword in his hand, There was a black light from the top, and he pointed at the place where it was bound, and the black smoke was pierced and released. When he fled, he walked through the front hole, and saw that neither the demon corpse nor the two ghost children were in the hole, and the hole was full of orangutans. , The bear's stumps were broken into bones, blood and flesh were messed up, and I don't know how many were burned to ashes.

"Yuan Xing was very sad. At that time, because the master wanted to save Miss Yu, he was eager to return to Emei, so he didn't have time to elaborate. After the master left, he went to look for them again. Unexpectedly, a ghost child followed Yuan Xing on the way, and when he reached the ground, he was killed. Trapped, almost even Yuan Xing was poisoned. Fortunately, the master arrived and survived. Because I saw the two ghost children afraid of the master and did not dare to show up, and I knew that they were restrained by black smoke. Although I left the ghost yesterday more than in the past The cave is much farther away. If you come here, there are two hundred miles of mountain roads apart. They have no orders from the demon corpses, so they will never come. Come on, we can no longer see our whereabouts, let alone the protection of our master. A hundred years ago, there used to be a mountain dragon in this mountain, which was very vicious and only ate wild animals. This cave was where the immortals tamed the dragon. Not long after Yuan Xing was born, he once saw this dragon break through the entrance of Shicai in broad daylight and fly away. One is that the land is too hidden, and the other is that there are dragons entrenched. He has never dared to come to this cliff before. For many years, The dragon did not fly back, so Yuan Xing dared to pick fruit in the forest in front of the cliff. That year when he picked peaches in the spring, one fell under the cliff. He picked up the vines and looked for it, only to find the gap. Curious for a while, he found this place. I don't really care. Ever since I learned internal skills from the masters, I suddenly remembered how many strange places there are in this crypt. It just so happens that they are invaded by demon corpses and have nowhere to hide. It would be great to lure them here to hide. I can't get in. It's just that a ghost child caught many orangutans and bears last night. At least a few of them will die if they catch them, and the rest will be burned to death. I only hope that the master will come to get rid of the demons and save them. They survived." After saying that, he knelt down.

After Yingqiong heard this, she just figured out how to deal with the demon corpse.There are also three demon boys, all of whom are very powerful. These orangutans and bears have already fled away.The Cambodian said to use them, presumably he learned these details from Yuan Xing.As long as you talk about stealing jade, of course you have to keep it secret, and wait until you go to find out what's going on.Then he asked Yuan Xing to find out the way, and was about to leave the cave by the same way, Yuan Xing said: "The master does not want Yuan Xing to go with him, there is a narrow road behind this crypt, and there is a depression after turning it, which is wider than the outside, and there are many flowers and plants growing there. As a result, there is a mezzanine at the end, with two cliffs facing each other, with a height of hundreds of feet. There is a window that leads directly to the top of the cliff. Because it is too high and steep, I have never climbed up to the top of the cliff. It must lead to the outside. Why don't the master go out there and take a look at the scenery?"

Yingqiong ordered Yuan Xing to lead the way, and got out through the cracks in the rocks. It was indeed a depression, with flowers and shadows in the dark, and a strange fragrance from time to time.After walking for tens of feet, when we reached the mezzanine, there are two steep cliffs, only a few feet wide, dark and gloomy, very dangerous.It gradually narrowed, and suddenly there was a white shadow flickering in a radius of two feet on the wall beside the road.When I looked up, I was already under the cliff window, and the window above was covered with dense leaves, with only a faint light showing.At that moment, he gave up Yuan Xing and flew up with the sword light. The higher he went, the darker the light and shadow of the window became, and he realized that the window was not the way out.Strange in his heart, he turned around abruptly, and saw a gap in the rock on the side, the white shadow just now leaked in through this gap.Immediately, Flying General went over to have a look, and it really was an exit.Feel free to use the flying sword to cut off the vines outside the gap for easy access.After all, I was curious, so I still let the cliff window go, but turned around again, and wanted to fly out of the cliff window.Taking a closer look with the light of the sword, there is no cave entrance. The rocks on the top of the cliff are in a mess, one by one is very chaotic, the color is as black as lacquer, not branches and leaves.I thought to myself: "Just now I saw the dense leaves here from below, why can't I see any holes here?" I was thinking about going to the demon's lair, and I didn't want to delay it for a long time.Just as he was about to fly back and turn around, he suddenly saw a slight flash of light and shadow above his head, shining on the stripes on the top of the stone, as if the branches and leaves were flickering, just like what he saw below, and then disappeared in a blink of an eye.Knowing that there was something different, he hastily looked closely, and suddenly there was another flash, only to see that the light and shadow were reflected from a crack in the stone in the side recess.Without thinking, he commanded Jian Guang to shoot into the crack of the stone.A purple rainbow flashed past, the broken stones split apart, and with two chirping sounds, the cracks in the rocks were shaken open, and a man with a sword flew out and landed on the top of the cliff.Hearing a sound of "Hey" suddenly, a black light converged, standing in front of him was a young man in Tsing Yi, with a simian arm and wasp waist, a face like a crown of jade, plump and straight, with a look of astonishment.Yingqiong has heard for a long time that Lingyun and others often talk about the sword lights of different schools, most of which are mottled and impure in color, inseparable from blue, yellow, gray, green, and red.The sword light used by this man is golden in the black, although I have never heard of it before, I guess he is not a good person; in addition, although this place is two or three hundred miles away from the demon cave, it is not too far away, it is inevitable that he led the apes and bears to flee just now. Don't be followed by monsters.The age of the visitor was no more than seventeen or eighteen years old, and he was dressed like a monk or not, with bare feet and straw sandals, similar to the ghost child Yuan Xing said.In a moment of urgency, he couldn't help talking when they met, and scolded coquettishly: "Bold evildoer, dare to spy!" Before he could say a word, a purple rainbow flew straight towards the young man in Tsing Yi.The young man came here specially to practice his swordsmanship with a lot of thoughts on his mind. When he was getting good at it, he suddenly saw a crack in the ground shake open and a girl in red clothes flew up, he was already startled.When I took a closer look, the woman who came was just as the fairy had instructed me a few days ago. She was overjoyed, but couldn't speak.Just as she was about to go forward to greet her with her hand, the young girl was already full of coquettish anger, directing a purple rainbow to fly directly above her head.Knowing the danger, he hurriedly used the sword technique passed down by the immortal that day, and flew up the small sword in his hand, a black light, and met the purple light directly, and the generals began to fight.The origin of this young man will be explained in the following text.

Besides, Yingqiong thought that the Ziying sword was invincible in the world, and the young man was afraid that his head would be lost.Who knows that the enemy is not weak, the sword light is golden in color, flickering indefinitely, entangled with his own purple light, it is difficult to distinguish the superior for the time being.Thinking to himself: "The remnants of the demon corpse's subordinates are already so difficult to win. Wouldn't it be more difficult to enter the demon's lair when you are young, alone and weak?" I couldn't help being anxious and angry.While watching the boy carefully, he didn't open his mouth to speak, just gestured to himself.Fearing that he would use another demon method and suffer the same hardships as before, he stomped his feet and flew up, using Emei's true biography, body and sword united, and went up to meet the enemy.The boy first saw Zihong Yaojiao, like a flying dragon, and was very scared.And seeing that his own black light can resist, he was a little relieved.He was gesturing with his hands to call the enemy to stop, when he suddenly saw the enemy flying into the purple light, his body and sword joined together, adding a lot of power out of thin air.Although I have inherited the method of combining body and sword taught by the immortals before, but I haven't learned it yet, and the enemy doesn't know what I want, so if I miss, my life will be in danger immediately.When the opportunity came, he was reluctant to run away.I had no choice but to stop gesturing and concentrate on meeting the enemy, but I still couldn't support it.Gradually, he felt that the radiance of his sword had suddenly diminished, and if he didn't run away, the crisis would be imminent.Helpless, he sighed secretly, moved his hand, retracted the flying sword, and fled back by the escape light.Yingqiong has always driven to kill, Ziying's sword is as fast as lightning, even though the young man is extremely cautious, and the enemy will retreat, just as he retracts his sword and flees, Ziguang flies over and sweeps a little bit of purple light.I just felt a chill on my head, and I knew something was wrong, when I touched my head when I flew up, a large area of ​​the hairline at the back of my head was swept away.The souls of the dead were frightened, and those who dared not look around anymore, urged the escape method, and fled for their lives like a flying star falling.

Where is Yingqiong willing to give up, she hurriedly drives Jianguang to catch up.Seeing a black smoke with a little black light, it was faster than lightning, galloping towards the north.After chasing two or three mountains, suddenly the black light disappeared and disappeared.There is no cloud in the sky above, and although there is Pituo below, there is no place to hide, and there is no dark light falling, so I don't know how he used it to hide it.Taking a closer look around, I saw that the evening glow was shining brightly in all directions, and the back of Zhengbei Mountain was like fog, covering the ground in a radius of two or three miles.Flying closer to take a look, the terrain is quite similar to what Yuan Xing said.Pressing the sword light down, looking for the narrow path of the stone cave that Yuan Xing said, he flew in, walked lower and lower, turned down a few bends, and felt that the direction changed to a loop again.After walking for a long time, I have finished walking the narrow path and saw the sky outside the gap. As soon as I exited, it was under the big rock where I met the Misty Stone Pearl in the past.Hastily suppressed the light of the sword, sank a little, and carefully identified, the scenery in front of the cave is still vaguely the same as before.I thought to myself: "Stealing is always a matter of night, and I don't know Wen Yu's image, it's getting late, so I might as well wait until dark before going inside, first see where Wen Yu is, and steal if I can, and I can't quit and make another idea. At this time, the sun has been covered by the peak, and the sky is full of sunshine. At dusk, weary birds fly in groups in the sky. The gray fog we saw just now has disappeared.The peaks and ridges are pierced with clouds, the cliffs are towering, the mountains are surrounded by water, and the rocks and gullies are secluded and strange.On the green willows and tall locust trees beside the cave, Zhiyi gave a call, and the sound was noisy.The flowers and plants of Usnea flutter with the evening wind.The more quiet and beautiful it is, it makes people feel far away and calm here.Who would have expected that in this ancient cave in the Austrian area, there is still a vicious demon corpse lurking, and the crisis is imminent!Yingqiong made up her mind, then hid herself in the gap and waited for the moment to move.

The body just stood still, and suddenly heard people talking.Quietly looking out, two people dressed as young children came out from the big hole on the side.When you get closer and look closely at the appearance, one is born with a leopard head, snub nose, mouse ears and eagle gills, and a pair of triangular monster eyes sparkle. It seems that you are not very old; Dead gray, mouse eyes and eagle gills, at least in his thirties.They are all the same as the young man in Tsing Yi seen before, the Taoist robe is only knee length, the sleeves are very short, the hair is combed in a bun, and the bare feet are straw sandals.Yingqiong thought to herself: "According to Yuan Xing, the demon corpse already has three demon boys under his command. Although these two demons are short and short, they are not young children. According to this speculation, the demon corpse in the cave has many henchmen. I am alone in danger, so I can't be careless." While thinking about it, the two monsters walked to a rock on the left side of the gap, sat down next to each other, and exchanged whispers.Yingqiong leaned on the left side of the gap, thinking: "If you strike in the dark and get rid of them, it would be futile to startle the snake. Why don't you find out some truths from these two people first." Then she moved two steps slightly to the left, right behind the two of them, The distance is only a few feet, even though they are whispering, they can still hear clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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