Nine Ways Divine Dragon Art

Chapter 126 Nine Yang Black Iron

Chapter 126 Nine Suns Black Iron
But just when everyone thought that the ownership of Zhiyang Grass had been settled, a cold word suddenly came from the private room on the second floor.

"fifty thousand!"

There are only two short words, but it has already shocked everyone in the venue.

At the same time, everyone turned their eyes to the private room on the second floor.

But because the windows outside the private room were covered by curtains, people couldn't see the real situation inside the private room clearly, and could only see a few figures in a daze.

"[-]! VIPs in the Tianzi No. [-] private room on the second floor, bid [-]! Who else is willing to bid?"

Maria yelled loudly, then glanced around, and saw that no one was continuing to bid, so she followed the procedure to bid.

"Fifty thousand for the first time!"

"Fifty thousand for the second time!"

"1000 for the third time, a deal! Congratulations to the VIP in the private room of Tianzihao, who won a [-]-year-old Zhiyang grass."

Maria yelled these words in a very excited mood, and with a smile on her face, she handed over the Zhiyang grass on the plate to an attendant beside her.

After receiving the Zhiyang grass, the attendant carefully brought it to Ling Yun's private room.

"Dear guest, the Zhiyang grass you photographed has been delivered, and please pay [-] middle-grade dragon crystals."

Ling Yun, who was sitting on the chair in the front row, took a look with his eyes, and the attendant standing beside him took out fifty thousand dragon crystals from the Qiankun bag.

"You count carefully, don't make a mistake."

Ling Yun, who took out the dragon crystal, did not forget to make fun of the attendant.

And this attendant also smiled at Ling Yun, and quickly glanced at the dragon crystals everywhere with his divine sense.

After a quick scan, the numbers match, no more, no less, exactly [-] middle-grade dragon crystals.

So the attendant waved his hand at the dragon crystal, and collected all [-] dragon crystals into the Qiankun bag.

"Dear guest, the number is just right, I will not disturb your pleasure, I wish you a happy auction!"

After saying this, the attendant exited the private room respectfully.

At the same time, Maria, who was on the high platform, brought a mysterious item covered with cloth from the rear of the venue, and slowly stepped onto the high platform.

"Everyone, this is the second auction item put up by our Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, named Jiuyang Xuantie."

"It's the refining material that our Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce bought at a high price from a friend from the Northern Desert."

"The base price for the auction is [-] mid-grade dragon crystals, and each increase will be no less than [-] mid-grade dragon crystals. Now I announce that the auction will begin!"

Hearing the name of Jiuyang Xuantie, Ling Yun frowned, and quickly took out the invitation card.

From the information provided in the invitation, I found out the introduction about Jiuyang Xuantie.

It turns out that this piece of Nine Suns Black Iron is an extremely rare refining material that was born in a volcano with a height of [-] degrees deep in the ground.

Although it is only a small piece the size of a palm, if it is integrated into a weapon, it can instantly make the weapon reach the power of a yellow treasure.

But Ling Yun thought about it in a blink of an eye, he currently has the Nine Dragons Scepter as a weapon, and he is not good at using other weapons, so he doesn't plan to buy this piece of Nine Suns Black Iron.

However, at this moment, there was a fiery light in Xiaobai's eyes.

Because he is a monk who practices fire-type kung fu, and he also majors in swordsmanship.

At present, Xiaobai's various cultivation bases have reached saturation, but only in terms of weapons, he has never found a magic weapon that suits him.

Now that he found this excellent refining material by chance, how could he let it go?

I saw that Xiaobai finally couldn't help but let out a loud shout after everyone went through a series of price increases.

"20 middle-grade dragon crystals!"

Xiao Bai yelled loudly, and immediately quieted down the noisy venue.

At this moment, the entire venue was silent, and even the heartbeats of everyone could be faintly transmitted to the ears of others.

"21 million!"

Originally, Xiaobai thought that he could take this piece of Nine Suns Black Iron in one fell swoop, but before Xiaobai had time to be complacent, an extremely calm voice came from the opposite private room.

Hearing this sentence, not to mention Xiaobai and Lingyun, even Maria standing on the exhibition stand was obviously stunned for a moment.

But after all, Maria is also a person who has experienced great ups and downs, and has also served as an auctioneer for several years.

So she was in a daze for a moment, and then returned to the previous state.

"The VIP in the Tianzi No. 21 private room bids [-] mid-grade dragon crystals. Does anyone raise the price?"

When Maria said this, she cast a glance from the corner of her eye at the private room where Ling Yun and the others were.

Although she hid it well, his actions were still captured by Ling Yun's divine sense.

And at this moment, Xiao Bai, when he heard someone report the number of 21, he was already trembling with anger and his face was flushed.

Like a bull in heat, he yelled at the exhibition stand downstairs.

"Damn, who dares to argue with the young master. I bid 25 yuan, but you are raising the price?"

Xiaobai's immature voice filled the entire venue and startled the people in the opposite bakery.

In Tianzi No. [-] private room, an old man in plain clothes smiled slightly when he heard Xiao Bai's words, and said to the followers around him.

"It turned out to be a brat, forget it! The old man hasn't reached the point of arguing with a brat, let him go!"

After the old man finished speaking, a follower beside him yelled out of the private room.

"My master didn't argue with him, and decided to give this thing to the young master on the opposite side."

It's good not to say this, but Xiaobai's anger was immediately aroused when he said it.

"What? Give it to me? Return the young master?" Xiao Bai was about to speak back to the other party, but was stopped by Ling Yun.

"Xiaobai, one thing more is worse than one thing less, bear with it if you can!"

Xiao Bai, who was originally extremely angry, shrank immediately after hearing Ling Yun's persuasion, and did not speak.

When that piece of Nine Suns Black Iron was delivered to the private room, Xiao Bai played with that piece of Nine Suns Black Iron with joy on his face.

As for the 25 middle-grade dragon crystals, Ling Yun paid for them.

After Jiuyang Black Iron was auctioned by Xiaobai, Maria brought up a huge piece of cold iron from the back of the venue.

This giant piece of iron is obviously dozens of times larger than the Jiuyang Xuantie just now.

"Don't talk too much, everyone. This piece of Wannian Xuanbing Iron from the Nine Nether Cold Prison is the finale item in the first round of this auction. The base price for the auction is 50 mid-grade dragon crystals. Ten thousand."

Maria's words immediately made everyone present gasp.

No one thought that this cold piece of black ice iron would be auctioned at a low price of 50 yuan.

Seeing such a high bidding price, most of the monks silently withdrew from the auction.

After all, there are not many people who can take out so many dragon crystals at one time in this Ruoda venue.

But most of the monks actually came here for the low-priced items.

As for the real peerless treasure, they never wanted to bid for it.

 I didn't feel well yesterday, so today's update is a bit late, and I would like to apologize to everyone here.

(End of this chapter)

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