Nine Ways Divine Dragon Art

Chapter 131 The Enemy Meets

Chapter 131 The Enemy Meets
So Ling Yun was not in a hurry, and said something softly to the venue.

"200 million!"

Although Ling Yun's voice was very low, his words seemed to be full of magic power, reaching everyone's ears.

For a moment, everyone was stunned by Ling Yun's words, and within a moment, the entire venue erupted in commotion.

"Look, the local tyrant in private room No. [-] has made a move again. It seems that this bead belongs to him."

Hearing Ling Yun's offer, everyone in the venue began to discuss.

Ling Yun didn't seem to hear everyone's discussion. At this moment, he just opened a pair of extremely sharp eyes and looked around the private room.

"Hmph, 200 million? It's a big deal, but no one can compete with me for what I'm interested in. My bid is 300 million."

A loud shout immediately stunned the noisy crowd, and the entire venue was silent at this time.

As for the monks on the first floor of the venue, they didn't even dare to take a breath, they just looked straight at the Tianzi No. [-] private room on the second floor.

"You said, who is the person staying in the second private room?"

At this moment Ling Yun frowned tightly, and said to the few people around him with a serious face.

"Brother, how do you know this? How about I go and see?" Xiao Bai looked at Ling Yun with a confused expression, not knowing why Ling Yun asked.

But Ling Yun shook his head slightly after hearing his words.

"We don't know the background of the other party for the time being, so it's better not to go to check rashly. If we offend the other party, I'm afraid there will be more troubles."

Xiaobai, who originally planned to go to check, dispelled this thought in his heart after hearing Ling Yun's words.

"Brother, what should we do? Are we going shopping with him?"

Ling Yun nodded, then shook his head one after another. After a while, he spoke with a serious face.

"It's impossible to go shopping, but bleeding is inevitable."

After saying this, the private room became quiet again. At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the exhibition stand.

"The VIP in Tianzi No. 300 private room bid [-] million for the first time. Has anyone raised the price?"

Maria shouted out the amount of the offer while looking around, especially at the private room where Ling Yun was.

Seeing that no one made an offer, Maria continued to yell at the venue for the second time.

"Tianzi No. 300 private room, bid [-] million for the second time!"

When she yelled the second time, Maria, who was still very calm, now had a trace of sweat on her hands.

Because according to the estimates of the senior officials of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, this mysterious bead can be auctioned for at least 500 million.

But at this moment, it stopped at the quota of 300 million, which was also an unexpected result.

That's why Maria seemed so nervous at this time. She was afraid that this bead would be auctioned off at a low price. If this was the case, her job might not be guaranteed.

Looking at the people who were all in deep thought, and the quiet private rooms, beads of sweat the size of soybeans slowly fell down Maria's cheeks.

After pausing for a moment, seeing that there was still no one making an offer, Maria had no choice but to make a third announcement.

"Tianzi No. 300 private room, the bid is [-] million, the third..."

Just when Maria was about to say the word "time", her throat seemed to be blocked by a stone, and she couldn't say the word "time".

"500 million!"

After waiting for a while, Ling Yun finally made a move. He didn't want to hand over this thing to others.

When Maria heard the price quoted by Ling Yun, she also breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time changed the subject.

"Tianzi No. 500 private room, bid [-] million for the first time, anyone else offer?"

When Maria said this, she was obviously in a much happier mood than last time.

Because she has reached the budget of the top executives of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, she can be regarded as keeping her job.

So when Maria said this, she kept sending glances at the private room where Ling Yun was.

"It seems that your Excellency is really against this seat? Good! If this is the case, then this seat will accompany you to the end. My offer is 800 million."

From the No. [-] private room, a middle-aged man's angry voice came out, filling the entire venue.

Ling Yun, who was originally serious, suddenly felt familiar when he heard these words, but for a moment Ling Yun couldn't remember who it was.

Suo Lingyun didn't continue to think about it, but casually addressed the venue and reported a number that shocked everyone.

"1000 million!"

When Ling Yun reported this number, he turned his eyes to the No. [-] private room, wanting to see what the person in the No. [-] private room would do.

Sure enough, the person in the No. [-] private room, after hearing the price quoted by Ling Yun, immediately opened the curtain and looked at Ling Yun with a murderous expression.

"How could it be him?" Ling Yun also became shocked when he saw the person in the second private room.

"Brother, who is he?"

Xiao Bai, who was puzzled, couldn't help but interjected at this moment.

But Ling Yun didn't answer him, but charged the murderous aura all over his body towards the No. [-] private room.

"He is the king of Jiaoyang County, Xiao Batian."

At this time, Jin Ge, who had closed his eyes and rested his mind, said a word to Xiaobai lightly.

Hearing Jin Ge's words, Xiao Bai, who was puzzled, suddenly flashed a murderous intent in his eyes.

"Hmph, it turned out to be him! It's just in time to come, let's see if there is a chance to eliminate him."

Xiao Bai's words startled Shui Ling'er beside her, she couldn't believe that these words came from Xiao Bai who was only ten years old.

"Xiaobai, you are still young, how can you say such bloody words?"

Seeing that Xiaobai's murderous intent was getting more and more concentrated, Shui Ling'er couldn't help soothing her with words.

"Sister-in-law, there are some things you don't understand. This is a matter between me and my elder brother. You'd better not ask about it."

Just when Xiaobai and Shui Linger were chatting without saying a word, Ling Yun's murderous aura collided with Xiao Batian fiercely.

"Boom!" Although it was only a small collision, Ling Yun's body was shocked back a few steps.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Bai, who was talking with Shui Ling'er, immediately supported Ling Yun when he found Ling Yun walking backwards.

"It's okay, I just had a brief fight with Xiao Batian just now, it seems that his strength has completely recovered."

Although Ling Yun and Xiao Batian fought in a hurry, the contest between them was clearly seen by everyone in the audience.

So Maria, who was standing on the exhibition stand, also spoke at this time.

"You two, this is the site of my Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce. If you want to participate in the auction happily, then we welcome it."

"But if you want to use force at our Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, then don't blame me for being rude to the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce."

When Maria said these words, she also released a trace of invisible coercion, which made everyone present breathless.

This phenomenon also surprised Ling Yun and the others.

After all, no one expected that a small auctioneer would have such a domineering aura.

Through her aura, Ling Yun guessed that she was at least a strong person of the Dragon Master Consummation.

(End of this chapter)

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