Nine Ways Divine Dragon Art

Chapter 133 Murderous Aura

Chapter 133 Murderous Aura

Xiao Batian with a hideous face, when he heard Jin Ge's words, suddenly became furious, wishing to crush him to ashes.

"Since you insist on courting death, then this seat will fulfill your wish, and suffer death!"

Xiao Batian, who shot with anger, punched Jin Ge with a fierce wind.

Seeing this Jin Ge's eyes converged, the breathing of the whole body also became rapid at this moment.

Although it is true that he is a five-star Dragon Lord, his strength is still a full four-star difference from Xiao Batian's.

So facing Xiao Batian's sure-kill punch, Jin Ge felt that he had no confidence to continue.

So when the fist wind was about to reach his eyes, Jin Ge pushed back a step, gathering the true energy of his whole body in his right palm.

"Kaishan Palm!"

Accompanied by Jin Ge's loud shout, he slapped out the huge golden palm that was shining brightly.

The wind speed of the golden palm thunder drove a rushing wind, which violently collided with the huge fist peak.

"Boom!" After the blow, Xiao Batian's body couldn't help but back a few steps.

But Jin Ge's body, as if being hit by a tsunami at this moment, flew upside down without any hindrance.

A mouthful of bright red blood sprayed out from Jin Ge's mouth, forming a hazy mist of blood in front of his eyes.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ling Yun's eyebrows could not help but wrinkle together tightly.


After Xiao Batian punched Fei Jin Ge, he looked at Ling Yun.

In his eyes, Ling Yun saw a trace of bloodthirsty divine light hovering in Xiao Batian's pupils.

"It seems that we have to fight!"

After sighing, Ling Yun took a step forward, stopping Shui Ling'er and Xiao Bai behind him.

Ling Yun, who took a step forward, also wanted to prove the power of the Yellow Dragon Bronze Body and Huanglong Emperor Soul that he had just broken through.

So before Ling Yun stepped out, he had already practiced the exercises in secret, so that the Yellow Dragon Bronze Body was condensed in a blink of an eye.

The pale yellow scales instantly covered Ling Yun's entire body.

At the same time, from Ling Yun's body, an irresistible Emperor Soul Dragon Might emanated.

As soon as Long Wei came out, Xiao Batian, who was defenseless, took several steps back in shock, and then stopped in his disbelieving expression.

Xiao Batian, who stabilized his body, was surprised at first, and then looked at Ling Yun not far away with extremely complicated eyes.

At this time Ling Yun ignored Xiao Batian's complicated gaze, but kept increasing his aura.

As the aura climbed, Ling Yun's aura completely stabilized in less than a moment.

But this is not the end of Ling Yun, Ling Yun also knows that with his current strength, he can't stop Xiao Batian.

So he directly activated the Fury of Thunder, instantly increasing his strength by ten times.

With his strength increased tenfold, Ling Yun felt a surge of momentum spreading out from his body.

He felt full of strength all over his body, and he also had an urge to fight with others.

With the current Ling Yun's soaring strength, he can definitely challenge the masters of the nine-star dragon body, and even have the power to fight against the dragon power experts.

However, at this moment, Ling Yun suddenly felt something was wrong.

Because the amplification effect of Thunder Fury is ten times that of the realm, it can also be said to increase the power of ten realms for the monk.

But Ling Yun found that he was only amplified to the level of the nine-star dragon body at present, and there was another level of level that he disappeared for some reason.

Regarding this problem, Ling Yun didn't know whether it was a problem with his cultivation technique or with his own body.

He simply didn't think too much, but took out the last crimson elixir from the Qiankun bag.

The red elixir is not an ordinary elixir, but a genuine fourth-grade elixir - Explosive Yuan elixir.

This Yuan Explosive Pill was discovered by Ling Yun among Wei Changkong's relics.

As for Qianwei Changkong, he had already squandered the Yuan Explosive Pills that were given to him before.

Looking at the Yuan Explosive Pill in his hand, a powerful murderous aura emanated from Ling Yun's body.

The murderous aura emanating from it pressed towards Xiao Batian on the opposite side without stopping.

"I want you to die!"

Ling Yun, who was full of hatred in his heart and murderous in his eyes, became bloody and mad after swallowing this Yuan Explosive Pill.

I saw that the strength soared again, Ling Yun of the nine-star dragon force, like a mad lion, rushed towards Xiao Batian with his teeth and claws.

When Xiao Batian saw Ling Yun's appearance, he was slightly startled at first, but then showed a disdainful smile.

"Hmph, what am I thinking! It turns out that you are just a crazy wild dog."

With a cold snort, Xiao Batian mustered his true energy, and punched Ling Yun's chest.

His punch was unstoppable, and it hit Ling Yun's chest, making a dull sound.


But what surprised Xiao Batian was that his punch seemed to hit black iron.

Ling Yun was unscathed, and quickly threw a punch, hitting Xiao Batian's lower abdomen.

Xiao Batian, who had no time to dodge, was immediately bombarded by Ling Yun, and his whole body was thrown up.

At the same time, a mouthful of blood came out from Ling Yun's mouth.

Although Ling Yun's yellow dragon bronze body resisted most of Xiao Batian's strength, he was still injured by Xiao Batian's remaining strength.

At this moment, Ling Yun's body was surging, and the blood was even pressing to his throat, as if it was about to spray out in the next moment.

However, when the blood energy was used in the throat, Ling Yun used his powerful true energy to force him back.

After calming down the blood in his body, Ling Yun walked slowly towards Xiao Batian.

Since Xiao Batian was punched by Ling Yun, his face turned red with embarrassment, and there was still a trace of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

He never imagined that for so many years in the Eastern Territory, he would suffer a disadvantage in the hands of a monk who only had a nine-star dragon soul today.

As for Ling Yun's sudden explosive growth, he directly filtered it out.

Because he knew that it was impossible for Ling Yun to maintain this state of growth all the time.

So he planned to spend time with Ling Yun in order to wear down Ling Yun's strength. As long as Ling Yun's true energy dissipated, he could kill Ling Yun at will.

However, how could Ling Yun not know about his thoughts?It's just that everyone is tacit.

Xiao Batian didn't say anything, and Ling Yun didn't point it out either, the two of them were just five meters apart, looking at each other from afar.

At this moment, the atmosphere suddenly became dull, and it seemed extremely oppressive in the invisible air.

After about 3 minutes, Ling Yun knew that it was not too late, so he planned to defeat Xiao Batian in only 7 minutes.

I saw Ling Yun jumped, and turned into an invisible afterimage, changing different directions, and came to Xiao Batian's side with lightning speed.

Seeing Ling Yun getting closer, Xiao Batian's pupils shrank slightly, and he filled his whole body with true energy, leaving only three layers of true energy distributed on the boxing peak.

When Ling Yun punched out, it hit Xiao Batian's body unstoppably.

But at the same time, Xiao Batian's fist also hit Ling Yun's armpit hard.

(End of this chapter)

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