Nine Ways Divine Dragon Art

Chapter 150 Xiao Qingyun's Chips

Chapter 150 Xiao Qingyun's Chips (Modified)

If Ling Yun hadn't wanted to save the mess at that time, Xiao Qingyun would never have mentioned the next thing, and would have walked away.

Since Ling Yun acquiesced, and he wanted to save the messy idea, Xiao Qingyun said that he still had bargaining chips with Ling Yun.

As for how much the chip is worth, this Xiao Qingyun has no idea, and it is still waiting for him to verify it.

"Tell me! What are the conditions?"

Ling Yun didn't believe that Xiao Qingyun would tell himself so kindly that he must have some kind of ulterior secret about the Tianxie Sect.

So Ling Yun didn't bother to deal with him, and directly pierced the window paper.

"I want Shui Ling'er!"

Ling Yun, who was thinking about it, heard this awe-inspiringly, and suddenly the murderous aura surged out of his whole body, and rushed straight to Xiao Qingyun's face.

"you wanna die?"

The cold and sharp words shocked Xiao Qingyun, who was temporarily defenseless, and his whole body shivered uncontrollably.

He didn't expect that Shui Ling'er's status in Ling Yun's heart would be so important, and even he only proposed a name, which attracted Ling Yun's murderous intent.

"Brother Ling, don't get angry. Everything is easy to discuss. Since you don't agree, we can trade on other terms."

Seeing Ling Yun's straight refusal, Xiao Qingyun knew that being messy couldn't move Ling Yun's bottom line, so he said it with a different reason.

"Brother Ling, as far as I know, the Tianxie Sect has been tracking down your whereabouts, and the Xiao Family in Scorching Sun County is also hunting you down."

"If I keep my identity secret for you and tell you about the Tianxie Sect, can you consider my proposal just now?"

Knowing that there was a mess in his heart, he could not shake Ling Yun's bottom line, so Xiao Qingyun increased his bargaining chips, hoping to impress Ling Yun.

But his idea is doomed to fail, because since Ling Yun doesn't care about messy life and death for Shui Ling'er, he doesn't care about his own comfort.

"Don't even think about this condition. No matter what you say, I will not agree to you. You should change the condition!"

After pondering for a while, Ling Yun said these words slowly, but when he thought about it in a blink of an eye, a murderous intent shrouded Xiao Qingyun again.

"What did you mean just now, if I don't agree to your conditions, you will tell the people of Tianxie Sect and Xiao Palace about my identity?"

Hearing Ling Yun's words, Xiao Qingyun, who didn't know what it meant, nodded with a smile on his face.

Because in his opinion, Ling Yun's ability to say this meant that he intended to cooperate with him.

But what he didn't expect was that Ling Yun's next words made him stunned in place.

"I'm not afraid of you going to inform, but the premise is whether you have the life to inform?"

After drinking a glass of sake, Ling Yun slowly uttered the words in his mouth.

But Ling Yun's words were like a thunderbolt, roaring in Xiao Qingyun's mind, making him unable to recover for a long time.

After about a while, after Ling Yun drank five or six cups of sake one after another, Xiao Qingyun woke up from his trance.

After waking up, Xiao Qingyun looked at Ling Yun who was standing leisurely opposite him with disbelief in his eyes, and asked uncertainly.

"Are you so confident that you can keep me here?"

Regarding Xiao Qingyun's words, Ling Yun held up his wine glass, paused in the air, and then slowly spit out a few words.

"If you don't believe me, you can try it?"

"Try it?" If you start a battle, you will either die or be injured. Does Xiao Qingyun dare to fight Ling Yun?

The answer is obvious, since Xiao Qingyun suffered a big loss last time, he never planned to fight Ling Yun again.

As for why he misses Ling Yun so much, it more or less has a lot to do with Shui Ling'er.

"Brother Ling, you don't need to give it a try. I don't think I'm your opponent, but I just want to know, what should you do to agree to my terms?"

Seeing Ling Yun's strong words, Xiao Qingyun didn't dare to continue to provoke Ling Yun, so he said this tactfully.

"I said, this is impossible. If you say something, I can't guarantee that I will kill you on the spot."

Ling Yun had completely lost the patience to talk to Xiao Qingyun, if he mentioned something about making a deal with Shui Ling'er, Ling Yun would definitely shoot him to death.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! Since Brother Ling doesn't want to talk more, I won't disturb your pleasure. Let me go!"

Xiao Qingyun said hello three times in a row, and left the restaurant angrily, leaving only Ling Yun drinking alone.

But after Ling Yun drank a glass of wine, his face suddenly twisted, and he changed into a new face and disappeared here.

At this moment, in a red courtyard named Tianlefang, in an extremely luxurious private room, a muscular man is listening to a ditty while humming along with the rhythm.

But at the next moment, the man suddenly stopped humming, as if remembering something, he suddenly opened his eyes and roared angrily.

"Ling'er, you are mine, you are mine, I will keep you by my side forever, you cannot escape from my palm."

After saying this, the man picked up a jar of fine wine and started to gobble it up, and he was none other than Xiao Qingyun from the Xiao Clan.


The upright official who was singing a ditty at the side couldn't help muttering something while looking at Xiao Qingyun who was full of ugliness.

Hearing this, Xiao Qingyun became furious immediately, and immediately smashed the wine jar in his hand, staring at the upright official who was already trembling with blood red eyes.

"Bitch, are you courting death? Were you scolding my young master just now?"

Xiao Qingyun stared at the upright official, and the murderous aura all over his body rolled out, covering the upright official overwhelmingly.

"Grand...Master! I'm not talking about you, I beg you to spare me!"

Seeing Xiao Qingyun's cannibalistic face, the shivering upright official fell to his knees in fright, kowtowing non-stop.

"Forgive me! You bastard, what qualifications do I have to forgive you? You'd better go die!"

After the words were closed, Xiao Qingyun waved a palm without hesitation, and slapped the upright official's cap.

The body of an upright official fell down on the cold ground like a pool of mud, turning into a cold corpse.

But Xiao Qingyun didn't even look at it, he dropped a middle-grade dragon crystal on the table, and then walked away.

But what he didn't know was that after he left, a white figure appeared at the place where he was standing.

"Hmph, if you dare to tarnish Ling'er's name, I will let you live a few more days."

The man in white snorted coldly, followed the direction Xiao Qingyun left, and chased after him.

After Xiao Qingyun left Tianlefang, he came to an inn.

This inn is called Wangfu Inn, and it is the largest inn in Black Dragon City, and the guests living in it are either rich or expensive.

With his identity as Xiao Qingyun, it was only natural that he lived in the Wangfu Inn.

But just after he stepped into the inn with his front foot, he walked in with his back foot, a young man in white clothes.

 A very interesting chapter, if you don't subscribe to it, it will be your loss!

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(End of this chapter)

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