Chapter 155
The strength of each of Ling Yun's afterimage clones has the three levels of strength of his real body.

When the afterimage clone of the Six Paths came to Liu Chengfeng, they punched him collectively, but they were shocked away by a strong force.

There was only a layer of azure air mask, which firmly guarded Liu Chengfeng's entire body in the air mask.

So Ling Yun quickly moved Cui Dong's avatar, facing the blue gas mask, and launched a frenzied bombardment.

However, no matter how Ling Yun bombarded Liu Chengfeng's defensive air shield, he still couldn't break it.

So after bombarding for a while, Ling Yun simply merged the six clones into one.

Directly revealing his true self, he moved and changed positions, and clicked on Liu Chengfeng's weak points.

"Ling Yun, you must die!"

Seeing Ling Yun's attack, Liu Chengfeng, who had been waiting a little impatiently, immediately waved his hand, compressed the defensive air shield into a ball bursting with thousands of white lights, and shot towards Ling Yun.

Ling Yun, who was on the run, suddenly felt a huge coercion pressing on him, so he also yelled.

"Change for me!"

With Ling Yun's loud shout, the yellow dragon's copper body was immediately condensed, and there was only a layer of yellow scales the size of a palm, covering Ling Yun's whole body in a blink of an eye.

Ling Yun, who had condensed the copper body of the yellow dragon, immediately jumped up and hovered in mid-air when he saw the light ball flying towards him.

At the same time, the zhenqi in the body began to boil extremely, and when the zhenqi was exhausted to the extreme, the Huanglong Emperor soul in the body let out a huge roar.

The word came out from Ling Yun's mouth, shaking everyone's legs trembling and bending down involuntarily.

After roaring for a while, I saw a huge yellow dragon protruding from Ling Yun's body and hovering behind him.

"Shenlong Strike!"

With Ling Yun's loud shout, the Huanglong Emperor's soul was entrenched on his entire arm, merging with the zhenqi on his arm.

It turned into a bolt of lightning, and slammed into the white ball of light that was flying towards him.

"Boom!" A huge explosion razed the arena to the ground, setting off bursts of smoke.

As for Ling Yun himself and also under this blow, they were blown away by the air waves generated by the explosion.

The contestants below the ring were even more affected.

"Bang!" When Ling Yun's body fell heavily on the ground hundreds of meters away, he opened his mouth and spat out several mouthfuls of bright red blood.

"It's actually the Yellow Dragon Bronze Body, one of the Nine Great Sacred Physiques, and the Yellow Dragon Emperor Soul, one of the Nine Great Dragon Souls? What did I see?" the yellow-robed man on the referee's platform muttered to himself.

And the other referees opened their mouths even more at this moment, and their eyes were even more unbelievable, looking at Ling Yun in the distance.

After spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, Ling Yun stood up slowly, and turned his gaze to the ruined arena.

I saw that the 440-nine-meter-high arena was dilapidated at the moment, and there were blown stone slabs and stones everywhere, all over the place.

But vaguely, Ling Yun discovered that under the ruins, there was a burst of extremely weak signs of life.

So Sister Lingyun supported her body and slowly came to the ruins where life waves were coming from.

Stretching out his hands, he pushed aside several green steel stones weighing several hundred catties, only to see a bloody mass of flesh under the stones.

After Ling Yun took a closer look, he recognized the origin of this meat ball. It turned out that he was Liu Chengfeng who had fought to the death with Ling Yun just now.

At this time, Liu Chengfeng's feet and the other arm had already been blown into flesh in the huge explosion.

The vitality in the body was also passing away rapidly at this moment, and Liu Chengfeng, who had supported for half an hour, finally died with a twist of his neck.

Seeing that Liu Chengfeng was dead, Ling Yun let out a mouthful of turbid air that was pressing on his chest, and then he collapsed powerlessly on the ground and passed out.

Seeing this, Shui Ling'er and Xiao Bai quickly came to the ruins, and picked up Ling Yun who had passed out.

"Brother Yun, what's wrong with you? I'm Ling'er? Can you open your eyes and look at me?"

Seeing Ling Yun covered in blood, big teardrops slowly dripped down Shui Ling'er's eye sockets, making a ticking sound on the bluestone slab.

"Sister-in-law, brother is not dead yet, he just fainted, let's help him go back to recuperate!"

Xiao Bai looked at Shui Ling'er who was crying sadly, and couldn't help reminding him gently.

Shui Ling'er who was crying, after hearing Xiao Bai's words, knew that she had lost her composure in front of everyone, and immediately blushed.

Then he picked up Ling Yun and walked towards the small courtyard of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce.

As for the referees on the high platform, they were at a loss and looked at each other a few times.

"Everyone, what do you think of this son's future achievements?" The man in yellow robe asked slowly to the crowd.

"Third Elder, if this son does not die young, let him continue to grow, and his future achievements will be either respect or emperor! It is also possible to aspire to the legendary realm, maybe!"

Qin Qi stroked his beard and answered the third elder's words, feeling even more proud of his vision.

Because he had looked at Ling Yun differently long before, and knew that this child was extraordinary.

But what shocked him was that he didn't expect Ling Yun's potential to be so huge, it even exceeded his expectations.

"Old Five is right. Then you see, should we invest in him and not ask him to return anything in the future, but at least let him owe us a favor. This is also a good choice."

The third elder looked at the referees beside him with a smile on his face.

When several people heard his words, they nodded in unison.

"Third son, it's more cost-effective than buying and selling. If our Prince Qin's mansion encounters any major enemies in the future, it can also be said that we still have a backer so that we won't be bullied."

When the third elder heard this, he gave a soft "hmm" with satisfaction, and then glanced at everyone.

"Okay! Since no one has any opinions, then we have made a decision. The second child, you pass this information to the Patriarch and also to the Duke."

"As for how we can help him, let's wait until we return to the mansion and negotiate with the Great Elder."

After saying this, the third elder and others left the place and handed over the aftermath to the fifth elder Qin Qi.

After getting the order, Qin Qi came to the few contestants and announced the suspension of the competition.

So the second round of competition was temporarily put on hold by Ling Yun's battle.

After Ling Yun was in a coma for three days, he slowly woke up from the coma.

Ling Yun, who had just woken up, took out a few Huiyuan Pills from his Qiankun bag, and began to restore his cultivation.

While recovering his cultivation, Ling Yun recalled the experience of the first battle, and through this battle, he learned his current greatest combat power.

If it wasn't for Ling Yun's breakthrough to a one-star dragon body and the tenfold increase of Thunder Fury, then Ling Yun would definitely die under Liu Chengfeng's hands this time.

In addition to these facts, there is another bigger reason, that is, before that, one of Liu Chengfeng's arms was chopped off by Ling Yun.

If Liu Chengfeng hadn't lost an arm, it would be hard to say who the real winner of this battle is.

(End of this chapter)

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