Nine Ways Divine Dragon Art

Chapter 170 Mysterious Ice Sword

Chapter 170 Mysterious Ice Sword

Hearing Ling Yun's words, he finally woke up Fan Wentian who was in a daze.

But when he heard the weapon, he couldn't help frowning.

"Yun'er, if you want to refine a war weapon, the Nine Nether Xuan Ice-cold Iron is enough, but the chance of success is very low, and there is a high possibility of failure, so you have to be prepared."

Fan Wentian's remark is that he has been refining weapons for so many years, and he will always say a sentence, which is also his rule before refining weapons.

Ling Yun knew that this was Fan Wentian's long-standing rules, so he nodded to him without rebutting.

"Grandpa, don't worry, whether you succeed or not, I won't blame you."

Regarding Ling Yun's tactful words, Fan Wentian stroked his beard in satisfaction, and then he came to the huge stove.

Looking at the continuously emerging flames, Ling Yun felt a burst of surprise, because this flame was very different from real fire.

Ju Fan Wentian said that the flames in the refining furnace came from the Earth King Lie Yan, which was tens of times stronger than the real fire.

If the cultivator who controls it does not have a fire-attribute physique or is not, the cultivator who has learned the fire-attribute technique will disappear into nothingness once he touches it.

So after Ling Yun learned of this situation, he didn't dare to touch the refining furnace lightly, and he didn't dare to glance around with his divine sense without authorization.

Fan Wentian who came to the refining furnace immediately opened the furnace cover, checked the temperature inside the furnace, and put the piece of Jiuyouxuan ice-cold iron that Ling Yun gave him into the furnace.

As soon as the Jiuyouxuan ice-cold iron was put into the furnace, it was immediately enveloped in fierce flames.

At this moment, Fan Wentian immediately slapped the stove with his palm, and crazily instilled a stream of pure zhenqi.

When the true energy was integrated into the furnace, the flame inside became even more fierce.

I saw that the originally cold black iron began to melt gradually at this moment. When the ice layer on the surface was completely melted, the true face of the black iron was revealed.

It turns out that the Jiuyouxuan Ice Cold Iron is a pitch-black piece of iron. The length of the iron piece is only one meter, but its thickness is several centimeters.

Seeing its true face, Ling Yun also felt a little amazed, but this was still within the scope of his understanding.

At this moment, the temperature in the secret room is gradually heating up, but Ling Yun is already dripping with sweat, but Fan Wentian, who is cooking by the stove, is like an old monk making a big dish at this moment, without the slightest change.

I don't know how long it took, there was a crackling sound from the furnace, and I saw that the originally pitch-black Jiuyouxuan ice-cold iron finally turned into a pool of blue molten iron at this moment.

The Jiuyouxuan ice-cold iron that has turned into molten iron emits a icy biting chill on its surface.

But it didn't take long for this cold air to be wrapped in endless flames.

Under the control of Fan Wentian's divine consciousness, the Jiuyouxuan ice-cold iron wrapped by the king of the earth, Wang Yan, is constantly changing its shape at this moment.

Sometimes it turns into a big knife, sometimes it turns into a long sword, and even within a certain period of time, it directly turns into a ruler.

Seeing the constantly changing shape of the Nine Nether Xuan Binghan Iron, Ling Yun was puzzled for a while, but he couldn't disturb Fan Wentian at this moment, so he could only wait on the sidelines.

As time passed by, Ling Yun felt a little bored watching it, but at this moment, Fan Wentian, who was still refining the weapon, suddenly opened his eyes.

Fan Wentian who opened his eyes glanced at Ling Yun who was staying not far away, so he said something softly.

"The cold iron has been refined, and the next step is to develop the sword embryo."

It is not an easy task to develop a sword embryo, but it is one of the most difficult hurdles in refining weapons.

Because after all, the sword embryo is not a plate of embryos, he is the sword embryo for refining weapons.

After the sword embryo was refined, Fan Wentian took the rectangular sword out of the furnace and placed it on the stone platform beside it.

After seeing Fan Wentian, he put his hands on the sword embryo and began to paint non-stop.

After he painted for a while, he saw a ghost-like pattern appearing on the sword embryo.

"Grandpa, what is this?" Ling Yun couldn't understand, so with a pair of puzzled eyes, he looked at Fan Wentian who had turned his attention to drawing pictures.

"I'm marking it and enhancing its power."

That's what he said, but Ling Yun still didn't understand what the purpose of drawing these spells was.

And Fan Wentian at the side also saw Ling Yun's expression at this moment.

"Why, you haven't understood yet?"

Seeing Fan Wentian ask, Ling Yun didn't hesitate, so he nodded.

Seeing this, after Fan Wentian drew the last stroke, he began to explain to Ling Yun.

It turned out that the rune he had carved on the sword embryo before was a special rune array for refining weapons.

This type of formation is divided into five types: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, and they specifically correspond to the attributes of a monk's physique.

As far as the long sword currently being refined is concerned, it depicts a formation that completely corresponds to the true energy of the water attribute.

Once this type of formation is successfully recorded, it means that the sword will have powerful water attribute energy from now on.

Although it has powerful water energy, it needs to be stabilized. Only when the energy is stabilized can monks use it freely.

"At present, our formation has been recorded, and the next step is to inject spirits."

When Fan Wentian said the words Zhu Ling, his expression became serious.

Looking at the solemn Fan Wentian, Ling Yun also knew that the moment must have come, the critical moment of refining the profound weapon was also a major difficulty for success.

So Ling Yun also held his breath, watching Fan Wentian's every move with extreme caution.

Fan Wentian carefully took out a black bottle from the Qiankun bag.

The bottle was pitch black, and there was nothing unusual about it.

But Fan Wentian's expression was extremely dignified, as if he was holding some extremely precious treasure.

So Ling Yun passed through, and checked the transmission situation in the bottle with a trace of spiritual sense, but when his spiritual sense approached the bottle mouth, he immediately felt an extremely powerful breath coming out of the bottle.

"Grandpa, what is in this bottle?"

Hearing Ling Yun's words, Fan Wentian nodded with a smile on his face, and then spoke after checking the bottle.

"In it, it is the spirit of a fourth-order water-type dragon beast that the old man caught in the Jinghong Mountain Range. It is the best to use it to inject spirits."

Hearing his words, Ling Yun was taken aback immediately, feeling a little unbelievable about everything in front of him.

Because a dragon beast at the beginning of the fourth rank is equivalent to a five-star dragon master of a human monk, and a dragon beast at the end of the fourth rank is often beyond the strength of a strong dragon master.

Even under certain circumstances, it is not impossible for them to be able to defeat the strong Dragon Lord.

"Grandpa, what is your cultivation?"

Looking at the haggard and disheveled Fan Wentian, Ling Yun asked uncertainly.

In fact, Ling Yunzhi asked this question because he wanted to see how high Fan Wentian's cultivation was, and whether it was the same as what he had guessed.

(End of this chapter)

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