Chapter 172
When Ling Yun's figure flashed again, he had already arrived at the forte of Tianlingzong, which was the place where he had settled at the beginning.

Seeing the disciples constantly practicing below, Ling Yun felt relieved. He never thought that Yun Feifei and the others recruited so many talented disciples in such a short period of time.

So Ling Yun flew and landed directly in the center of a square.

"Who are you? How dare you come to our Heavenly Spirit Sect?"

As soon as Ling Yun landed, he was immediately surrounded by a large number of disciples of the Tianling Sect who were only twelve or thirteen years old.

Seeing this, Ling Yun couldn't help but smiled awkwardly, thinking that the flood had washed into the Dragon King Temple, and the whole family didn't know each other.

Just as Ling Yun was about to explain, suddenly a few people ran towards him from another section of the square.

"Subordinates wait to see the suzerain!"

It was none other than Yun Feifei and Yuan Jie. When they saw Ling Yun, they didn't recognize Ling Yun at first, but when they got closer.

It was only then that they learned that the person who came here was Ling Yun, their new suzerain of the Tianling Sect, so Yun Feifei and Yun Feifei trotted over in a hurry.

"There's no need to be too polite, you two should get up!"

Ling Yun wasn't used to being the head of a sect yet, so he asked Yun Feifei and the others to get up on the spot without kneeling.

Hearing Ling Yun's words, the two of them were also embarrassed. After all, it was the first time for them to perform such a big gift to Ling Yun, and they were not used to it for a while.

But seeing that Ling Yun avoided their kneeling, Yun Feifei and Yun Feifei didn't refuse, they stood up and stood beside him respectfully.

"Sovereign, what's the result of your participation in the County Ranking Tournament this time?"

Seeing Ling Yun looking at everyone with a smile on his face, Yun Feifei began to speculate aside.

Ling Yun didn't care about this, but simply said four words.


Yun Feifei and the others originally thought that Ling Yun could only get the top 27 at most, but when they heard the [-]th, they couldn't help being stunned.

After an unknown amount of time, Yun Feifei and Yuan Jie finally recovered from the shock, and looked Ling Yun up and down with unbelievable eyes.

"Sovereign, I would like to ask, what state are you in now?"

Looking at Yuan Jie with doubts on his face, Ling Yun smiled indifferently, not taking his words to heart at all.

"Just broke through the one-star dragon body, what's the matter? Is Junior Brother Yuan going to compete with me?"

Hearing Ling Yun's words, both Yuan Jie and Yun Feifei couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Because when Ling Yun left Tianlingzong, he only had the strength of a five-star dragon soul, but what they didn't expect was that Ling Yun had broken through to the realm of a one-star dragon body one after another within these few months.

This has a great impact on Yuan Jie and the two. When Ling Yun only had a five-star dragon soul, Yuan Jie was not Ling Yun's opponent.

Now that Ling Yun has broken through to the realm of a one-star dragon body, he doesn't need to be better than Yuan Jie to know that the distance between him and Ling Yun is getting farther and farther.

"There is no need for the competition. We have already seen the strength of the suzerain brother. I don't know if the suzerain is coming back this time. What's the plan?"

After saying this, Yuan Jie and Yun Feifei looked at Ling Yun expectantly, as if they wanted to see the expectations of Tianlingzong from Ling Yun's mouth.

But Ling Yun didn't answer them immediately, but turned around and walked into the main hall of Tianlingzong, and then ordered Yuan Jie to let all the high-level officials of Tianlingzong come to the main hall to discuss matters.

In a short while, all the seven elites of the inner sect of Tianling Sect, except Wei Yingjie and Lu Jie who had been expelled from the sect, had all arrived in the hall.

As soon as everyone entered the hall, they immediately saluted and kowtowed to Ling Yun, but Ling Yun stopped them one by one.

Although everyone felt a little puzzled by Ling Yun's actions, they did not refute Ling Yun's opinion.

Seeing that everyone was respectful and standing on both sides of the main hall, Ling Yun spoke out the arrangement in his heart.

"Everyone, Ling is going to the southern border soon, so I want to make arrangements for the affairs of the sect before leaving, and I hope everyone will keep it in mind."

"Currently, Prince Xiao's mansion has been maimed by me and senior Shui Wuyan of Chishui Sect. Zhan Shi will not come to take revenge on our Tianling Sect."

"As for how many elders I want to appoint to manage the internal affairs of our Heavenly Spirit Sect before I leave the Eastern Territory, what do you think?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard Ling Yun's words, they were all surprised by his decision.

But thinking about it in a blink of an eye, Ling Yun also had his reasons for doing so, so everyone did not refute Ling Yun's decision, but unanimously agreed with his words.

Seeing this, Ling Yun nodded with great satisfaction, so he glanced around at everyone, and after a circle, Ling Yun spoke slowly.

"Since no one objected, I hereby announce the appointment of Wang Baojie as the Great Elder of the Tianling Sect. Do you have any opinions?"

Regarding this decision, it was also Ling Yun's decision after a constant process, because Wang Baojie is currently the strongest person in the Tianling Sect besides Ling Yun.

If Ling Yun is not in the sect, it is better to let him decide what major event happens, and at the same time, it will have the effect of convincing the public.

After Ling Yun said this, he asked other people for their opinions. The answer was obviously the same as what Ling Yun thought, and no one refuted it.

So Ling Yun made appointments for several other people next time.

"Appoint Li Renjie as the second elder."

"Appoint Zhang Rongjie as the third elder."

"Appoint Qin Jie to take up the position of the four elders."

"Appoint Yuan Jie to take up the post of Five Zhang Lao."

"Appoint Yun Feifei as the Sixth Elder."

In one breath, Ling Yun appointed six people one after another to take up the position of elder, among them Yun Feifei was an exception, but everyone did not refute.

So Ling Yun made a simple arrangement for everyone in the future, the development route of Tianlingzong, and the things managed by each elder.

After arranging these things, Ling Yun took out the cultivation techniques obtained in Tanlang Fudi and part of the low-grade dragon crystals from the Qiankun bag.

After all, the development of a sect is inseparable from exercises and dragon crystals.

In order to strengthen the Tianlingzong, Ling Yun must provide powerful training resources to guarantee the daily cultivation of the Tianlingzong disciples.

"Sovereign, where did you get so many dragon crystals and exercises?"

Looking at the exercises and dragon crystals everywhere, everyone couldn't help but gasped. At the same time, they felt grateful for the decision to elect Ling Yun as suzerain.

Because except for Ling Yun, everyone present felt that they were incapable of doing such a big job like Ling Yun's.

So when everyone saw these exercises and dragon crystals, they all seemed to see the hope of Tianlingzong's comeback.

"You don't need to ask any more questions. These exercises and dragon crystals were all obtained by me in a secret place. They were neither stolen nor robbed. Please feel free to use them."

Hearing Ling Yun's words, everyone in the hall couldn't help but smile at each other, feeling happy for Ling Yun's humor.

(End of this chapter)

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