Nine Ways Divine Dragon Art

Chapter 175 The Secret of Yu Pei

Chapter 175 The Secret of Yu Pei

Hearing Long Yingying's exclamation, Ling Yun's eyebrows finally eased, and a smile appeared on his originally frosty expression.

"Yes! Qingxue and I are friends, do you know where she is?"

Long Yingying who was initially surprised, when she heard this, suddenly shut up and just looked at Ling Yun with a strange look.

After looking up and down, Long Yingying said in a questioning tone.

"You said you were sister Qingxue's friend, so why don't you know where she is?"

For Long Yingying's questioning, Ling Yun panicked for a moment, not knowing how to answer her words.

But after Ling Yun thought about it quickly, he said a word to Long Yingying with a serious face.

"Longyu! I only know that she is in Longyu, but I don't know where Longyu is?"

Long Yingying, who was still skeptical about Ling Yun's identity, breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the word Long Yu.

Because there are not many people who know Longyu, and only some top forces know the location of Longyu, and since Ling Yun can tell about Longyu, then Long Yingying believes that he is Long Qingxue's friend.

But in order to prevent Ling Yun from being a disciple of some powerful force, he pretended to be Long Qingxue's friend by lying about his identity.

So at this moment, Long Yingying was still cautiously guarding against Ling Yun, for fear that Ling Yun would have some unruly plans for her.

"You're right. Sister Qingxue is indeed in Longyu, but what evidence do you have to prove that you are her friend? After all, there are many people who know about Longyu. What good evidence can you come up with to prove your Identity?"

Although Long Yingying is not talented in martial arts, she is not stupid at all but very smart.

However, Ling Yun also knew what Long Yingying was jealous of, and also understood her purpose of doing so.

So Ling Yun took out a dragon-shaped jade pendant exactly like Long Yingying's from the Qiankun bag.

This jade pendant is exactly the same as the jade pendant on Long Yingying's body, without any difference.

But in Long Yingying's eyes, she looked at the jade pendant in Ling Yun's hand in shock, as if she saw something terrible.

"Impossible! Tell me! Where did your dragon sculpture come from?"

When Long Yingying said these words, a faint murderous aura was stimulated from her body.

Sensing this murderous aura, Ling Yun frowned tightly at the same time.

He didn't know why Long Yingying suddenly felt murderous towards him after seeing this jade pendant.

But Ling Yun knew that this must have a great relationship with the jade pendant in his hand.

"Qingxue gave it to me before she left, and she also told me not to go to Longyu to find her if she doesn't reach Dragon Emperor."

After thinking about it again and again, Ling Yun still told Long Yingying exactly what was in his heart.

After hearing his words, Long Yingying froze on the spot for a moment, as if she was thinking about something.

It didn't know how long it took before Long Yingying woke up from the state of trance.At the same time, there was a strange look in her eyes.

Her gaze was on Ling Yun's body, and after a pause of three or four seconds, she spoke slowly.

"Okay! I believe what you said, but you still listen to sister Qingxue, reach the realm of Dragon Emperor as soon as possible, and then go to Longyu to find her! As for now, even if I tell you, it is useless where Longyu is , because you simply can't get anywhere."

Although Ling Yun wanted to know where Long Yu was urgently, after hearing what she said, he knew what it meant, but Ling Yun still asked unwillingly.

"Is Longyu in Zhongzhou?"

Long Yingying didn't answer Ling Yun's words, nor shook her head or nodded, but just sat on the stool with a serious face, staring out the window for a long time unable to recover.

Seeing Long Yingying with this expression, Ling Yun also knew that she would not answer her own question.

He simply didn't continue to ask, but sat beside Long Yingying.

There was about a moment of silence between the two, and Ling Yun spoke here.

"Miss Long, I don't know why you came to this southern border?"

After thinking about it for a while, Ling Yun still asked out the doubts in his heart.

Hearing Ling Yun's words, Long Yingying turned around slowly and focused her gaze on Ling Yun again.

After hesitating for a moment, she squirmed her cherry red lips lightly.

"The talent is not good, and I was exiled." She sighed deeply after saying this.

Seeing Long Yingying's downcast appearance, Ling Yun deeply felt sorry for them, the disciples of the big family.

In fact, in Dragon Soul Continent, not only big families would do this, but even small families would do the same.

But Ling Yun had just returned to the Ling family back then, if he hadn't accidentally killed Ling Tian, ​​then what awaited him would be the fate of being exiled.

It's just that Ling Yun didn't know these things, so he felt a little pity for Long Yingying.

"Then where are you going next? Is it a branch of the Dayong Dynasty?"

Originally, Long Yingying's eyes were dull, but after hearing Ling Yun's words, a golden light flashed in her eyes as if she had thought of something.

"Thank you for reminding me, son, Yingying is very grateful for this."

After thanking Long Yingying, she pushed open the door and walked out alone.

Seeing this in Ling Yun's eyes, he felt a little uncomfortable, not used to her decisive back.

Thinking that she saved her first, she never thanked herself for saving her life, but thanked herself for what she said.

Although Ling Yun seemed puzzled by this, he didn't think too much about it, and then Ling Yun also walked out of the room and walked out of the city.

Ling Yun's goal this time is to go to the Tianlong Dynasty, because he had heard from Qin Hang that Xiaobai was from the Tianlong Dynasty, and he seemed to be the third prince of the Tianlong Dynasty.

So Ling Yun planned to find Xiaobai first, and then put it aside for the time being.

But what he didn't know was that at a corner at this moment, Long Yingying was secretly looking at Ling Yun who was about to leave the city.

"How could elder sister Qingxue fall in love with him? How could such an ordinary man be recognized by elder sister Qingxue?"

With extremely complicated eyes, Long Yingying looked at the direction of Ling Yun's departure, unable to recover for a long time.

At the same time, after Long Yun left the inner city, he came to a horse shop in the outer city.

After spending [-] middle-grade dragon crystals, Ling Yun bought a top-quality ten thousand li horse.

He rode a good steed of thousands of miles, and rushed all the way to the Tianlong Dynasty.

Three days later, at the junction of the Dayong Dynasty and the Tianlong Dynasty, a handsome young man in a white robe was looking down at the sky in front of him.

This person was none other than Ling Yun, who had stormed all the way here.

After three days of raiding, Ling Yun traveled more than 3 kilometers and finally arrived at the border between the two dynasties.

Looking at the heavily guarded border army, Ling Yun couldn't help but feel a howling aura rushing toward his face from the direction of the barracks.

Through the situation of the confrontation between the two armies, Ling Yun judged that the relationship between the Dayong Dynasty and the Tianlong Dynasty was not very ideal, and it was very likely that they were enemies of life and death.

Because the armies of the two sides are guarding against each other at this moment, as if a war will break out at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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