Nine Ways Divine Dragon Art

Chapter 177 Yong Ye's Strength

Chapter 177 Yong Ye's Strength

The situation in the tent was very grim. On one side of the tent, there were several young generals in their twenties standing.

Each of them has an ability that is not weaker than that of the dragon power monk, and it is faintly visible.

When he discovered this situation, Ling Yun couldn't help thinking for a moment, but he didn't act in a hurry.

Because Ling Yun didn't have enough confidence to kill those people in the camp, he was waiting for an opportunity at this moment, an opportunity for Prince Yong Ye to be alone.

After about an hour, several generals in the camp came out one by one.

When everyone had left and only Yong Ye was left in the entire tent, Ling Yun finally walked slowly into the tent.

Ling Yun, who had just entered the camp, saw a young man in a white robe standing directly in front of him.

The man's black hair hangs over his shoulders. At this moment, he is staring at Ling Yun with a pair of extremely sharp eyes.

"What's up?"

Ling Yun knew in his heart that he had been discovered, so he simply did not hide, but walked in front of the man gracefully.

"You are Prince Yong Ye?"

Looking at Gu Jing Wubo's eyes, Ling Yun seemed to have an illusion at this moment, as if Prince Yong Ye standing in front of him was a phantom.

Although Ling Yun wasn't sure that the person standing in front of him was Prince Yong Ye, he still asked regardless of the danger in order to confirm the target.

When Prince Yong Ye heard Ling Yun's words, his sword eyebrows could not help but frown, but he relaxed after a while.

"If the king's guess is correct, you are that kid Ganbai who sent me to assassinate me, right?"

Although Yong Ye didn't answer Ling Yun's question directly, he also told Ling Yun his real identity from the side.

After confirming Yong Ye's identity, Ling Yun shook his head slightly.

"It's not that he sent me to assassinate you, but I want you to die!"

After saying a word, Ling Yun overwhelmingly pressed down on Yong Ye with the aura of his whole body.

Suddenly Yong Ye felt his body sink, and an endless coercion immediately oppressed him.

But after all, he is also the majestic Seventh Prince of the Yong Dynasty, and he has never seen any strong man, so he can still bear this kind of coercion.

I saw that Prince Yong Ye, who was being oppressed by the momentum, shone an extremely bright white light in his ancient well-free eyes.

Then the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a half-smile face, and he pointed at Ling Yun slowly.

This finger could be called a broken finger, it directly pierced Ling Yun's aura, turned into a sharp sword and shot straight at Ling Yun's chest.

Regarding this sudden situation, Ling Yun threw out a punch without thinking much, and directly bombarded Jian Feng head-on.


With a muffled sound, the sword edge was smashed into pieces by the extremely fierce fist peak, and scattered in this space.

But the matter didn't end there, because when Ling Yun shattered this sword energy, Prince Yong Ye had already inspired five or six sword energy in succession at some point.

Five or six streams of sword energy completely targeted the six vital points on Ling Yun's body, and came through the air with a whistling aura.

The pupils shrank slightly, and Ling Yun suddenly felt a sense of crisis that he had never felt before, covering his whole body in an instant.

Ling Yun, who had no time to think about it, condensed a yellow dragon bronze body in an instant, and hit it against the flying sword energy.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A burst of dense crashing sounds reached Ling Yun's ears, and all the flying sword energy was broken on Ling Yun's body.

On the opposite side, Prince Yong Ye finally showed a hint of surprise on his expressionless face.

"Huanglong Bronze Body?" Prince Yong Ye said this sentence slowly, and then he shouted loudly.

"Change for me!" As he shouted, suddenly his whole body was covered with a layer of black shiny black scales in an instant.

The scales instantly wrapped his whole body, and then a pair of blood-red eyes slowly opened, staring straight at Ling Yun.

"Flood Dragon Stone Body?" Ling Yun was slightly shocked. He didn't expect to meet a monk who also possessed the holy body today.

But Ling Yun is not afraid of him, after all, the yellow dragon bronze body is far superior to the flood dragon stone body in terms of defense and attack power.

So Ling Yun is naturally not afraid, but Prince Yong Ye's dragon stone body feels a little excited.

Because Ling Yun also wanted to see who was stronger and who was weaker among the Nine Great Sacred Physiques, the Jiaolong Stone Body and the Yellow Dragon Bronze Body.

Although in theory, the Huanglong Bronze Body is superior to the Jiaolong Stone Body, this is just Ling Yun's intuition and some insights.

After all, everyone's cultivation methods are different, so the positioning of the holy body is naturally different.

Ling Yun didn't dare to push him too hard, so at this moment, he was also very energetic, and he was bound to compete with Prince Yong Ye.

Even if Prince Yong Ye couldn't be killed, Ling Yun would seriously injure him once, so as to establish favorable conditions for the two armies to fight.

"Don't think that you have the Eucharist, and this king also has it. Let's compare and see whose Eucharist is the most powerful!"

Prince Yong Ye let out a furious roar, right between the lightning and the flint, he struck Ling Yunlei at the speed of the wind.

Seeing that Ling Yun was doing his part, he immediately threw out a punch, and directly exerted [-]% of his strength to bombard Prince Yong Ye.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the two iron fists bombarded together, but Ling Yun's body couldn't help but retreated several steps at this moment.

As for Prince Yong Ye, he was directly punched by Ling Yun and flew out.

At the same time, the battle between the two was also noticed by the soldiers in the barracks. At this moment, a large number of soldiers from the Dayong Dynasty are rushing towards this place at a very high speed.

Ling Yun knew that the time left for him was running out, so he immediately used the pace of shifting and changing positions, and pursued in the direction of Prince Yong Ye.

When Ling Yun's body broke through the tent and came to an open space ahead, he saw that Prince Yong Ye had already been firmly protected by a large number of soldiers.

"Go to the side for this king, I don't need you to intervene in dealing with him."

Prince Yong Ye didn't seem to accept the favor of coming to rescue the general, but instead pushed away the soldiers beside him and came directly in front of Ling Yun.

"This king admits that the Yellow Dragon Bronze Body is indeed somewhat stronger than the Flood Dragon Stone Body, but if you think that this alone can defeat this king, you are completely wrong."

"Today, the king will let you see what absolute power is. In front of the strong, everything is a phantom of bubbles."

Prince Yong Ye said this with a smile on his face, and then wiped a little blood on the corner of his mouth with the corner of his white clothes.

After the blood was wiped off, Prince Yong Ye seemed to be a different person, with blood-red eyes open, looking up at Ling Yun with a monstrous murderous aura.

Ling Yun, who greeted this gaze, couldn't help but feel terrified when he saw Prince Yong Ye's expression.

At this moment, he felt as if he was being watched by a dragon beast, and his whole body could not move for a while.

"Suffer to death!"

Prince Yong Ye approached Ling Yun step by step, but Ling Yun felt a very powerful force restraining himself.

(End of this chapter)

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