Chapter 186
But after hearing Xiao Bai's words, the man in yellow showed a gloomy smile.

"Third Brother, the visitor is a guest. You are in a hurry to drive away this king before his butt is hot? I'm afraid this is not in compliance with the rules?"

When Xiaobai heard this, his sword-shaped eyebrows couldn't help but twitched a few times, and then he spoke impatiently.

"Ganyu Benwang doesn't believe that you will be idle and have nothing to do, come to this king's mansion to talk nonsense, tell me! What is the reason why you came to look for this king today?"

Seeing Xiaobai ask, Qianyu is also Xiaobai's second elder brother, the second prince of the Tianlong Dynasty, and immediately laughed hospitablely.

After laughing for a while, Qian Yu changed his previous expression, and suddenly looked at Xiao Bai very seriously.

"Third brother, this time my father does not allow me to participate in the trial in Tianlong Secret Territory, can you transfer the quota you asked for to be my brother?"

After beating around the bush for a long time, Xiao Bai finally understood Qian Yu's intentions, and he simply did not refuse, but lowered his voice and slowly uttered a word.

"Oh! Then I don't know what the second brother will use in exchange for this quota?"

After Xiaobai said this, he looked sideways at Qianyu with a smile on his face, and when Qianyu saw Xiaobai's eyes like this, he knew that he was going to bleed heavily this time.

So after thinking about it for a while, Qianyu gritted his teeth and took out a long sword from the Qiankun bag.

As soon as the long sword was drawn out, a fiery flame was released from the blade of the long sword.

Immediately, the temperature in the entire hall gradually rose, and after a while Ling Yun and the others were sweating profusely under the high temperature.

"Third brother, as long as you agree to the conditions of being a brother, how about this mysterious weapon, the Fierce Sun Sword, as a brother's unconditional gift?"

The Lieyang Sword is Qian Yu's most valuable item at present, if it is not for the purpose of being able to enter the Tianlong Secret Realm, he would not take it out at all.

But for the treasures in Tianlong Secret Territory, even if Qianyu was reluctant to give up, he still took them out decisively after weighing the importance of both parties.

However, after Xiaobai saw the Lieyang Sword, a ray of golden light flashed from his eyes.

Then he turned around and exchanged a glance with Ling Yun, at the same time a conspiracy was leisurely born in their hearts.

"Okay! Second brother, I promise you! But if the emperor disagrees then, don't blame me!"

Although Xiaobai agreed to Qianyu's request, he temporarily dealt with it in order to silence Qianyu afterwards.

Qian Yu, who got Xiaobai's consent, laughed for a while, and left the Qianbai Palace.

After he left, Xiaobai and Lingyun looked at each other and laughed loudly.

Because Xiaobai never intended to give this quota to Qianyu, and the reason why he said that just now was to deceive Qianyu.

"Xiaobai, the Heavenly Dragon Secret Realm will be in a month's time. It's time to open it. We need to step up and improve our strength within this month!"

Xiao Bai kept silent when he heard Ling Yun's words, but nodded slowly to Ling Yun.

Afterwards, Ling Yun lived in Xiaobai's palace for the time being.

As night fell, the stars were dotted. Standing in the courtyard, Ling Yun looked at the sky full of stars and felt an extremely strong dragon aura hovering over Tianlong City.

So Ling Yun sat cross-legged in the courtyard, slowly running the Dragon Soul Chapter, absorbing the dragon energy in Tianlong City.

Under Ling Yun's luck, the strong dragon energy turned into a small tornado, instilled in Ling Yun's body as if riding the wind and breaking the waves.

When the dragon energy entered Ling Yun's body, the Huanglong Emperor's soul, which had already fallen into a deep sleep in the dantian, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

The Emperor Soul let out an excited dragon chant, and strung out of Long Yun's body, hovering above his head.

The emperor's soul, which had escaped from the dantian, grew its mouth wide and began to devour the endless dragon energy when it saw the dragon energy descending like a waterfall.

A large amount of dragon energy was slowly swallowed into the body by the emperor soul, and after a while, the body of the emperor soul of Huanglong, which was visible to the naked eye, grew a whole circle.

The scales on the dragon's body also evolved to become more cohesive at this time, and the color of each scale became darker and more substantial.

At this moment, the body of the Huanglong Emperor's soul is still growing, and the changes in its body are constantly changing.

I don't know how long it took, with a clanging sound from the sky, I saw a purple thunderbolt as thick as an arm descending in an instant, directly bombarding the huge body of Huanglong Emperor Soul.


The Emperor Soul let out a loud sound of pain, and then the eyes of Huanglong Emperor Soul slowly changed into a bronze color.

And his body, which was originally dozens of battles long, was gradually shortened to the size of three feet after being struck by lightning.

When the purple lightning on its body dissipated little by little, a brand new body appeared in front of Ling Yun.

"Finally broke through!"

Ling Yun, who slowly opened his eyes, muttered to himself, because his Huanglong Emperor soul has successfully broken through from the middle stage to the late stage.

According to this level of cultivation speed, it will not be too long to break through the realm of the Black Dragon Shahun.

Although the Huanglong Emperor's soul has completely broken through to the late stage, Ling Yun did not stop cultivating, but began to temper his body with dragon energy.

But before tempering the body, Ling Yun summoned the Huanglong copper body in advance.

Afterwards, dragon energy was poured into the copper body, and the fragile dragon scales were tempered.

While tempering his body, because there was too much dragon energy, Ling Yun used the dragon energy to quench his body, and at the same time infused the dragon energy into his dantian, and began to expand his dantian.

As Ling Yun continued to devour the dragon's energy, the true energy in his dantian was gradually dissolved by the dragon's energy.

In a short while, the true energy disappeared in the dantian, and the only thing left was the refined dragon energy.

This dragon qi is very different from the previous dragon qi. Since the previous dragon qi has not been refined, it is still a kind of original dragon qi with more impurities.

As for the current dragon qi in Lingyun's dantian, it is a completely refined dragon qi, and its essence is extremely pure.

Therefore, under the expansion of this pure dragon energy, Ling Yun's dantian was enlarged three times, and the original one-star dragon body also broke through to the realm of three-star dragon body at this moment.

Ling Yun, who had just broken through, stabilized his ups and downs, and then transferred his consciousness outside his body.

The yellow dragon scales on the outside of the body have been tempered by the dragon's energy and are shining brightly, and the gaps between each dragon scale are densely connected.

Although it can't be seen from the outside that there is much change, Ling Yun can feel that his body at this moment is countless times stronger than before.

"Is this the ultimate form of the Huanglong Bronze Body?" Ling Yun muttered to himself.

Ling Yun stood up and swung his current body a few times, feeling a strong force all over his body.

Ling Yun has a lot of confidence in this, and he can defeat a one-star dragon power expert without the help of Thunder Fury.

If he used Thunder Fury, then Ling Yun would definitely have a chance to kill a monk with nine-star dragon power, and even when he used his unique skills, he could have the power to fight against a strong dragon master.

(End of this chapter)

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