Chapter 203
However, the dragon fruit that had just turned into liquid medicine was completely absorbed by Long Yuan in an instant.

Seeing such an astonishing scene, Ling Yun was a little at a loss for a moment.

But after some thought, he gritted his teeth and threw in three of the remaining five dragon fruits on his body.

After throwing in three dragon fruits, there were only two dragon fruits left on Ling Yun's body.

But when these three dragon fruits were refined, a surprising scene appeared.

I saw that Long Yuan, who had been absorbing the medicine constantly, suddenly burst into a golden light after absorbing all the liquid medicine of the three dragon fruits.

Following that, a clear and crisp explosion sound was transmitted from the cauldron to Ling Yun's ears.

Seeing Ling Yun's eyes focus, his spiritual consciousness was poured into the cauldron through the cauldron, and the dragon yuan, which was originally the size of a fist, was already torn apart.

Seeing the torn Long Yuan, Ling Yun used his divine sense to divide them into eight parts, and each part condensed into a pill the size of a longan.

When the eight pills appeared in front of Ling Yun's eyes, he increased the real fire to warm Dan.

It wasn't Ling Yun's first time doing it, so he was familiar with it and completed the whole process of Wen Dan.

A moment later, when Wen Dan was finished, Ling Yun slammed the lid of the cauldron suddenly, and saw eight golden light clusters flying out from the cauldron.

Ling Yun waved his hand without thinking too much, and put eight Dragon Yuan Pills into a white jade bottle.

"He made it successfully!" Long Yingying couldn't help shouting when she saw Ling Yun refining the Longyuan Pill without any risk.


Because Long Yingying was excited for a while, she didn't lower her voice, so her words were also heard by Ling Yun.

"Come out! Don't hide your head and show your tail, I have already spotted you." At the same time as he said this, Ling Yun's eyes swept around.

"Sister Ying, he found us, what should we do?" Hearing Ling Yun's words, Long Yingying tugged at the corner of Ying Ying's clothes anxiously.

However, after hearing Long Yingying's words, Shadow showed a playful smile.

"Sister Long, don't be nervous, some bad guy is bombing us, he didn't notice us."

Long Yingying, who was still nervous at first, finally breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the answer from Shadow.

"Then shall we go out to meet him now?" Long Yingying asked while looking at the shadow.

But Yingying lowered her head and pondered for a while, but soon a strange smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"See! Why don't you see it? It's just like the saying that good things come to those who see them, and the bad guys can't let them go all alone."

When Shadow said this, he pulled Long Yingying's right hand and stood up.

When they stood up, Ling Yun also found the two standing outside the cave.

Looking at Ying Ying and Long Yingying who walked in together, Ling Yun's pupils could not help shrinking slightly.

"Didn't they leave? Why are they back?" Ling Yun muttered in his heart.

But at this moment, Shadow suddenly said with a smile on his face, "Are you wondering why we came back after we left?"

Looking at the smiling shadow, Ling Yun nodded slowly, but after nodding, Ling Yun couldn't help but cursed himself secretly.

Ling Yun thought to himself that this time he really capsized in the gutter, he didn't expect that if he didn't pay attention, he would be attacked by the shadow.

"No! Come back as soon as you come back, what have I to do with you? Alright! I'll leave this cave to you! I'm leaving."

In order to avoid embarrassment, Ling Yun prevaricated, put away the blood cauldron, and hurriedly walked out of the cave.

But at this moment, a coquettish voice came from behind Ling Yun.

"Stop! Are you really going to leave like this?"

The footsteps that had just been raised, when they heard this sentence, they couldn't help but pause in mid-air.

"Then what do you want?" Ling Yun didn't know why An Ying stopped him, so he turned around and said helplessly.

"Don't you want to give us some compensation?" Shadow said with a smile that was not a smile. At the same time, Long Yingying beside her suppressed a smile and blushed.

"Compensation? You plan to ask me, how can I compensate you?"

Ling Yun thought about it carefully, and felt that what An Ying said was correct. He had sex with two girls for nothing all night, so he should come up with something to compensate them.

"We want you to take out two Dragon Yuan Pills, and promise us a request."

Regarding the first matter, Ling Yun agreed without a doubt, but as for the request that An Ying said, Ling Yun's eyebrows were tightly wrinkled together.

It took an unknown amount of time before Ling Yun's brows eased.

"What request? As long as it's not too much, I will agree to you." Looking at Yingying's eyes, Ling Yun said word by word.

"Okay! My request is not difficult, on the contrary, it is easy to handle. It's just that we don't want to tell you yet. When the girl is happy that day, I will tell you naturally!"

When Shadow said this, he turned his head to look at Long Yingying, so he continued.

"Sister Long, what request do you have?" After saying this, Ying Ying pouted at Long Yingying.

As for Long Yingying, she nodded understandingly when she saw the shadow's actions.

And when Ling Yun saw the two of them, the flirtatious eyes gave him a feeling of being deceived, which was born in his heart immediately.

"Hey! Something's wrong, isn't it? I only agreed to one of your requests. Doesn't that make you two requests?"

Lingyun Bitter Gourd's face looked like he had suffered a lot, and he looked at the two shadow girls in front of him.

The two shadow girls couldn't help laughing when they saw Ling Yun's expression.

Seeing this, Ling Yun was suddenly embarrassed, and couldn't help but blushed.

"Speak up! I admit it, what more do you want!" When Ling Yun said this, he shrank like a deflated ball.

"My request is very simple, that is, in the secret territory of Tianlong, you must act as our guard and protect the safety of me and Sister Ying."

The blushing Long Yingying originally wanted Ling Yun to marry them, but after thinking about it carefully, she felt that this request was not good, so she temporarily changed her request.

"What? You want me to be your guard?" Ling Yun couldn't believe it. The request made by Long Yingying,
So when Ling Yun heard this, he felt confused and wondered if he heard it wrong.

Because Ying Ying is a strong one-star dragon master, Ling Yun doesn't need Ling Yun to protect them, but when encountering a strong enemy, Ling Yun wants them to protect him.

That's why Ling Yun was so shocked when he heard this.

"Don't you want to?" Long Yingying didn't speak, but Shadow spoke ahead of time.

"I... I didn't say I didn't want to? But can you let me think about it?"

Ling Yun was a bit at a loss when asked by Ying Ying's sudden words, so Ling Yun started to play Tai Chi with the two of them.

"Oh! Then how much time do you need? Can three seconds be enough?"

Shadow seemed to see what Ling Yun was thinking, and looked at Ling Yun playfully.

(End of this chapter)

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