Chapter 205
After laughing triumphantly for a while, Qin Yu looked at the two corpses on the ground.

Then he bent down and untied Long Zhan and Nan Gongye's universe bags.

Qin Yu, who got the Qiankun bag, forcibly broke the seal on the mouth of the bag, and the treasures in the Qiankun bag appeared in front of his eyes at a glance.

"Ha~ha! I never thought that these two wastes would have so many treasures."

While Qin Yu laughed, he took out two dragon coins and some other rare treasures from the two universe bags.

After taking the universe bag, Qin Yu carefully placed these treasures in his universe bag.

After he had done all this, he was about to turn around and leave, but at this moment, an extremely fierce palm followed.

"Who? How dare to sneak attack, Your Highness!"

Qin Yu shouted loudly, but the person who came did not stop the movement of his hands, but sped up his speed a little.

Seeing this, Qin Yu's eyes converged, and then his whole body continued to burst his legs, trying to use this speed to avoid the attacking palm.

However, his speed was not as fast as that of the palm wind, so after he connected his legs for dozens of steps, he was still gently slapped on the chest by this indifferent palm.

"Bang!" A muffled sound came from Qin Yu's chest, and then his whole body, like a kite with a broken string, flew upside down in the blink of an eye.

"Pfft!" A mouthful of bright red blood sprayed out from Qin Yu's mouth like a waterfall, forming a blood mist in the air.

When his body fell to the ground, a pure white figure finally appeared not far from him.

"Ling Yun? How could it be you?" Qin Yu never dreamed that he would die in Ling Yun's hands in the end.

That's why he was so surprised when he saw Ling Yun just now, because this scene was something he never thought of.

But now the facts are in front of him, making him have to believe everything he sees.

"Hmph, why can't it be me?" Ling Yun snorted coldly, then took steps and approached Qin Yu slowly.

"What do you want to do? I beg you, please don't kill me, okay? I know I was wrong, Brother Ling Yun, just treat me as a fart and let me go!"

At the critical moment of life and death, Qin Yu didn't care about his status as a prince, so he begged Ling Yun in a low voice.

As for Ling Yun, when he saw such a cowardly Qin Yu, he couldn't help shaking his head slightly, and then heaved a deep sigh.

"Brother Lingyun, just let me go! I'm just a lonely prince with no power, and if I don't want to die now, why don't you treat me like a fart?"

At this moment, Qin Yu suddenly hugged Ling Yun's thigh, and started shaking from side to side without elaborating.

"If I had known today, why did you join forces with Yong Ye and plot against us secretly?"

Although Ling Yun had gained the upper hand, he also wanted to hear why Qin Yu did that in the first place.

When Qin Yu saw this look, he couldn't help showing Yusi's panicked expression.

"Go to hell! Remember in your next life, don't be my enemy."

After Ling Yun finished speaking, he slowly stretched out his giant palm and patted Qin Yu's forehead.

"Crack!" Qin Yu's noble head patted down with a giant palm, making a crisp sound, and then Qin Yu's head completely burst on his neck.

When Qin Yu's head burst, he was like a puddle of mud, soft to the ground.As for Ling Yun, he slowly pulled down the Qiankun bag from Qin Yu's body.

Glancing at the many treasures in the Qiankun Bag, Ling Yun smiled and turned around to leave the place.

When Ling Yun's body appeared for the second time, it had already returned to the other side of the hillside, joining Long Yingying and the other two.

"Are you done?"

Ling Yun, who had just returned to this place, heard An Ying's sudden words.


Ling Yun let out a soft cry, answered Shadow's question, and then looked at the low tide of beasts.

"How come these dragon beasts haven't finished walking yet?" Looking at the endless beast horde, Ling Yun couldn't help asking.

"It's still early! Sister Ying said that this beast tide will take at least three days to end."

At this moment, Long Yingying, who was on the side, suddenly said to Ling Yun, as if she was replying to Ling Yun's previous words.

Ling Yun didn't speak, but nodded very seriously, and then fell into a kind of deep thought.

Looking at Ling Yun who was silent and bowed his head in thought, the two women also felt strange for a while, but Ying Ying still held his temper and did not ask.

However, Long Yingying didn't have the patience of Shadow, so when she saw Ling Yun with a sad face, she asked with a concerned face.

"Ling Yun, have you encountered any embarrassing things?" Long Yingying kept looking Ling Yun up and down with her big watery eyes.

"No! I was just thinking, why is there a beast tide? What caused these dragon beasts to come here in groups?"

Ling Yun's words stunned Long Yingying for a moment, because she didn't know the reason for the beast horde, so she turned her eyes to the shadow.

When Shadow received Long Yingying's questioning gaze, he shook his head slightly, expressing that she didn't know the reason.

"Oh! Don't think about it, let's go!"

Ling Yun also saw that the two of them, An Ying, didn't know the reason, so they stood up and smiled slightly at the two women.

"Then where are we going now?" Seeing that Ling Yun said to leave, Ying Ying couldn't help asking.

But when her words reached Ling Yun's ears, Ling Yun showed a meaningful smile.

"Let's go wherever..." Ling Yun pointed to the rear where the dragon beast rushed, and said slowly.

"Where are you going?" Shadow and Long Yingying frowned in the direction of Ling Yun's finger.

But after some thinking, they didn't reject Ling Yun at all, and agreed.

"Okay! Let's go wherever we go, let's go and see what is the reason that caused the beast horde to appear."

Shadow said these words indifferently, and then stepped out, walking to the other side of the hillside.

As for Ling Yun and Long Yingying, they followed closely behind Yingying. After all, Yingying is currently the strongest among the three of them.

When Ling Yun and the others carefully bypassed the herd of beasts, they quickly rushed to the east.

Although the speed of Ling Yun and the others seemed to be fast, in fact, the three had deliberately slowed down, because they were always guarding against their surroundings.

After all, everyone is deep in the herd of beasts, if they are not careful, they will attract the attack of the beasts, so at this time they have to pay careful attention to the dragon beasts that are still rushing not far away.

But their precautions didn't seem to be of much use, because the dragon beasts that were rushing at such a high speed, seemed to have not seen Ling Yun and the others, and strayed directly from their side.

"Sister Ying, these dragon beasts seem to be very scared, why don't they even look at us, as if they are running for their lives?"

Shadow didn't speak, just nodded slightly, and continued to walk forward with a solemn face.

(End of this chapter)

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