Nine Ways Divine Dragon Art

Chapter 212 Nine-story Soul Tower

Chapter 212 Nine-story Soul Tower
Endless thunder and lightning struck Ling Yun's body like a violent storm. When the last trace of bronze-colored scales completely turned black, the thunder and lightning finally dissipated.

Ling Yun waved his arms, and a trace of lightning flashed across the black scales, forming bursts of thunder.

The bones all over the body also heard a crackling sound at this time, as if a burst of beautiful music resounded in Ling Yun's ears.

"Finally broke through to the iron body of the black dragon!" Ling Yun, who stood up, raised his head and let out a long sigh.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At the same time, the sound of bells ringing from far and near slowly reached Ling Yun's ears.

Hearing this steady and powerful bell ringing, Ling Yun's sea of ​​consciousness was completely clear, as if at this moment, many previously hidden places were torn open like a flood, revealing its true face.

"Sister Ying, seems that a bell is coming..."

Shadow listened, but as if he didn't hear anything, he looked at Long Yingying who was beside him suspiciously.

"Yingying, did you hear it wrong? Are you hallucinating? Where did the bell come from? Why didn't I hear it?"

When Yin Ying said this, he looked at Ling Yun.

Ling Yun, who had just broken through, slowly opened his eyes, and nodded towards the shadow.

"No! I did hear the bell, villain, did you hear it?"

In order to prove that she heard correctly, Long Yingying looked at Ling Yun.

Ling Yun smiled wryly. He didn't expect that Long Yingying and the two would actually call him a "bad guy", so he didn't care about it, so he opened his mouth and said.

"Yingying is right. I heard the bell too. It seems to be coming from the southeast." Ling Yun hesitated for a moment, then said slowly.

"Oh! Then let's go and see what mystery is hidden in this bell."

Speaking of Ling Yun, the three of them walked towards the southeast quickly. Although the sound of the bell sounded very close, when they really looked for it, they found that it was so far away from everyone.

After walking for three days, everyone climbed over a towering mountain, and finally came to the place where the bell sounded.

When everyone stood on the top of the mountain, what appeared in front of everyone was a golden and exquisite pagoda.

The pagoda has nine floors, and there are thousands of golden lights blooming between each floor, shining in front of everyone's eyes, making it impossible for people to open their eyes.

"What is this?" Looking at the golden white pagoda in front of her, Long Yingying couldn't help exclaiming.

"Perhaps the secret of Tianlong Secret Territory lies in this pagoda." Ling Yun muttered to himself, and walked towards the golden pagoda.

When he came to the cliff edge of the mountain peak, he just reached the entrance of the first floor of the pagoda.

Seeing Long Yingying and Ying Ying, they followed closely behind and brought Ling Yun by his side.

Ling Yun slowly pushed open the golden door, and suddenly a huge attraction came from inside the door, dragging the defenseless Ling Yun and the three of them into the pagoda.

Everyone was stunned by this sudden attraction, and after some time, Ling Yun's vision finally became clearer.

What appeared in front of his eyes at this moment was a cloud of gray, and everywhere was filled with blue air currents, strewn around in disorder.

"What place is this?" Long Yingying, who had just regained consciousness, couldn't help muttering.

Hearing her words, Ling Yun and Ying Ying looked at you like an idiot, which made Long Yingying's white and smooth face blush.

"Be careful, everyone, it's weird here, I always have a very bad feeling."

Ling Yun scanned the surroundings cautiously, and at the same time told the two girls, for fear of any unexpected situation.

"Congratulations to the three of you, you have come to the Soul Tower. Now please accept the test on the first floor, and please read the test rules carefully in advance."

A word full of majesty but without any emotion slowly spread to the ears of the three people, and then a golden announcement appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness of everyone.

The Soul Realm is a special area that gathers the ghosts of heroes from all over the world, and the ghosts of any characters will appear here.

Among them are some ghosts of peerless powerhouses, who roam unimpeded in the soul domain, and the task of Ling Yun and the others is to kill ghosts in the soul domain that are three small realms higher than their own.

As for the number, the list did not clearly state it, it only said that if it reached the standard, it would automatically enter the second floor of the Soul Tower.

After reading the entire list, Ling Yun pondered for a while, then turned his eyes to the shadow.

Shadow looked at Ling Yun knowingly, nodded slightly, and walked forward.

After the three of Ling Yun walked for a while, they saw a biting cold wind blowing from their sides, making everyone tremble uncontrollably.

"Give me a party!"

Ling Yun snorted, and the black dragon scales covered his whole body in an instant, and at the same time a pair of silver tentacles protruded from Ling Yun's forehead.

At this moment, Ling Yun's image, like a bull spirit, was displayed in front of everyone.

However, the two of them, Ying Ying, didn't have the heart to pay attention to this change in Ling Yun, but focused on looking around.

After the wind blew violently for a while, Ling Yun suddenly heard a cry like a baby, slowly coming from afar.

After a short while, a group of no less than one hundred dark yellow lanterns floated from the front.

However, when they approached, the three of Ling Yun couldn't help but gasped.

What kind of lanterns are these? It turns out that these dark yellow lights are actually erratic ghosts.

"You strangers, since you have come here, you will all die!"

I saw a ghost in the lead, yelled at Ling Yun and the others, and rushed over.

Then, behind this ghost, those ghosts, big and small, rushed towards him fiercely like a flood that opened the gate.

"Don't panic, everyone, we will kill these ghosts back to back."

In desperation, Ling Yun yelled loudly, calming down the two women, An Ying and Long Yingying, who were in panic.

So the three of them quickly gathered together, guarding their surroundings with extremely solemn expressions.

"Brothers, give it to me! Kill them, and we will be able to return to Yang!"

The leading ghost roared strangely, and rushed towards Ling Yun first.

Ling Yun didn't dare to think too much, so he swung a punch, directly hitting Yin Hun's head.


A gigantic tiger was fired from Ling Yun's fist, and threw itself in the middle of the ghosts, biting the surrounding ghosts frantically.

And the leading ghost, unconsciously, had already come to Ling Yun, baring his teeth and biting Ling Yun.

Ling Yun didn't notice it for a moment, and the arm was bitten by the ghost immediately, but at this moment, Ling Yun swung his right hand and sent the ghost flying with a punch.

After punching Yinhun away with one punch, Ling Yun felt a heart-piercing pain coming from his left hand.

When he turned around, he saw that there was no scar on his left hand covered with dragon scales, but a sharp pain came from his arm

Enduring the severe pain, Ling Yun looked at the leader ghost, but the scene in front of him made Ling Yun feel a little unbelievable.

(End of this chapter)

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