Chapter 223

There are countless handles erected around the mountain of knives, with huge blades, and each blade reflects a gloomy cold light.

Even though Ling Yun and the others hadn't climbed the knife mountain yet, they all felt a chilly air, and the hairs all over their bodies stood up.

Everyone's eyes looked up along the edge of the blade, and saw a giant blade that was naturally formed, standing in the air in front of everyone.

At this moment, the whole mountain of knives seemed to be a huge magic knife, standing on the surface of the ground, pointing its cold blade at the bodies of everyone.

No matter how the crowd changed direction, the cold air from the blade's edge came towards them.

At the same time, several black afterimages revolved around the entire Knife Mountain, and the largest one hovered over the peak of Knife Mountain.

"Yingying, are you sure that you can capture this sword soul?" Ling Yun looked at Yingying worriedly, because he sensed an extremely powerful whistling spirit from the aura of the sword soul.

Shadow didn't speak, but just stared at the knife soul on the top of the knife mountain with extremely solemn eyes.

"Why don't you settle for the next best thing?" At this moment, Long Yingying couldn't help but speak.

But how could it be possible for the extremely stubborn Shadow to choose the sword soul with low strength, so her answer was to directly reject everyone's kindness.

"You don't need to persuade me. Since you want to choose the soul of the sword, you must choose the strongest soul of the sword, because only the strongest soul of the sword can be worthy of my shadow."

Shadow said this with righteous indignation, full of ambition to swear that this soul will never give up.

"Alas!" Seeing Ying Ying's resolute eyes, Ling Yun knew that it would be useless to persuade him, so he spoke to Ying Ying's eyes again.

However, what he said this time was not to prevent Shadow from capturing the strongest sword soul, but to encourage him.

"Ying'er, come on, you must protect yourself. Whether you get the Soul of the Sword or not, you have to come back safe and sound, because I'm still waiting for you to come back and get married."

Hearing Ling Yun's words, An Ying's face turned red with embarrassment, and her heart was even more moved by Ling Yun's words.

"Well, don't worry Ling Lang, Ying'er will definitely come back to see you safe and sound."

Looking at the eyes of the shadow, Ling Yun nodded slightly, and then the shadow turned into an afterimage and flew towards the shining white knife mountain.

When Shadow came to the foot of Knife Mountain, suddenly an extremely sharp blade fell from the sky like a violent storm.

Seeing this shadow, he couldn't help but took a few steps back, and then opened the zhenqi shield all over his body to firmly protect his body.

At the same time, the blades of the heavens slashed fiercely on the shadow's qi shield, causing the zhenqi shield to make a crackling sound.

The sound of the blade chopping was extremely dense, like a gust of wind chimes shaking, but disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

When the blade disappeared, I saw that the originally hard qi shield had already appeared dense cracks, spreading like spider webs on the shield.

Seeing these cracks, Yin Ying's embroidered eyebrows couldn't help but tightly knit together.

Because she felt that the shield of true qi at this moment was already crumbling, and was in danger of collapsing at any moment.

If the shield of true qi collapses, the blades that greet the endless flying will be the unprotected flesh and blood of the shadow.

"Gather me..." Shadow snorted, sending a powerful infuriating energy once again, converging on the shield, and completely repairing the shield that was originally full of cracks.

After the qi shield was repaired, Shadow's body, like a sharp sword, shot towards the peak of Knife Mountain.

But every time she rose one meter, she felt a huge coercion descending on her head, oppressing the rising speed of the shadow.

So Shadow took out the Jiuyue scimitar, and kept cutting out several true energy blades towards the front.

However, what Ying Ying didn't expect was that when the true energy blade hit the knife mountain, it turned into a ball of vitality and disappeared without a trace.

Obviously, the sword energy of the shadow did not have any effect on Daoshan, but instead strengthened Daoshan's strength.

All the shadows gave up confrontation, but chose to bear the coercion from Daoshan.

Under the enormous coercion, Shadow walked slowly towards the blade, and every time he took a step, there was a crackling sound all over his body.

It didn't take a moment for the shadow's shield of true energy to be cut in half by a powerful blade, turning it into the most primitive vitality.

Shadow was taken aback by this, and at the same time, a fear of death rose in her heart.

I saw that Yin Ying turned around slowly, and glanced affectionately with her eyes. Ling Yun, who was standing on the cliff, tears trickled down her beautiful eyes.

"Ling Lang, take care of yourself, Ying'er may not be able to accompany you anymore, let's be husband and wife in the next life!"

Although Ying Ying and Ling Yun are not married yet, Ying Ying has already regarded Ling Yun as her husband at this moment.

Shadow didn't shout loudly, but just said the words to himself, regardless of whether Ling Yun could hear it or not, he turned around again and chose to face the blade that was about to blow.

"Bad guy, sister Ying seemed to be saying something just now, did you hear what she said?"

Ling Yun didn't answer Long Yingying's words, because his eyes were fixed on Yingying's body without squinting.

After about a while, Ling Yun slowly uttered a word, and at the same time, his body had disappeared on the cliff.

"Her true qi shield has disappeared."

"Be careful! I want you all to come back safe and sound, and don't leave me alone." Looking at Ling Yun who had gone away, Long Yingying couldn't help but exclaimed anxiously.

At this moment, Shadow, who was climbing the blade, already had several scars on his body, and the scars on his bones were deeply visible.

Her clean white clothes were already stained red with blood, and her face was even paler, like a piece of white paper.

However, at this moment, I saw a huge blade emitting a strong cold air, heading towards the shadow.

Looking at the blade, Shadow showed a wry smile, and then slowly closed his eyes, because she was powerless to stop the rushing blade.

The expression on his face left behind a look of reluctance and unwillingness.

"Ling Lang take care, Ying'er can no longer accompany you, farewell..."

After saying this, Shadow waited patiently for the arrival of the blade, but at this moment, she suddenly felt a tightness around her waist, so she opened her eyes.

I saw a pair of Kong Wu's powerful hands hugging her body tightly, avoiding the oncoming blade very quickly.

"Silly girl, have you forgotten what I said to you?"

At the same time as Ling Yun said these words, he stretched out his palm, and slapped it hard on Shadow's plump buttocks.


A crisp sound echoed on the silent Knife Mountain, and Shadow's originally pale face could not help but blush at this moment.

"Bad man, why are you spanking me? This girl has grown up, and no one has ever dared to spank my ass. Are you tired of work?"

When Ying Ying felt the sharp pain coming from her buttocks, she couldn't help shouting at Ling Yun angrily, but she immediately regretted it.

(End of this chapter)

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