Nine Ways Divine Dragon Art

Chapter 225 Heavenly Grade Spirit Artifact

Chapter 225 Heavenly Grade Spirit Artifact
"It's worthy of being the strongest sword soul!" Looking at the black sword soul, An Ying gave the highest evaluation, and then she looked at Ling Yun.

"Give me your Jiuyue scimitar." Ling Yun reached out to take the soul of the knife from Ying Ying's hand, and at the same time took out the Bai Qixue tripod from the Qian Kun bag.

When Ling Yun magnified the Baiqi Blood Cauldron dozens of times, Shadow also handed over the Jiuyue Scimitar.

Although Ling Yun didn't tell Ying Ying what he was doing, but through Ling Yun's series of actions, Ying Ying knew that Ling Yun was helping her fuse the sword soul.

If a knife does not have a knife soul, it will always be just a mortal thing that can kill, but if it incorporates a knife soul, then its definition will be unusual.

Because of the fusion of the sword soul, it will make the sword itself produce spiritual wisdom, which is the so-called weapon spirit.

Every weapon with a weapon spirit is at least a heavenly grade spirit weapon, but there are also some earth grade horcruxes that can also produce weapon spirits.

It's just that its power is not as powerful as the Heavenly Grade Spirit Tool. This is because the materials they refine are different, and the strength of the sword souls they fuse are also different, which leads to the situation of different grades.

After Ling Yun took out the Baiqi Blood Cauldron, he opened the lid of the Cauldron to bake it in the oven. After a while, the entire Blood Cauldron was roasted red by Ling Yun's real fire, emitting a bright red glow.

When the temperature inside the cauldron reached tens of thousands of degrees, Ling Yun threw the Jiuyue scimitar in his hand into the cauldron.

After the scimitar entered the Danding, it was immediately wrapped tightly by the extremely fierce real fire, and it turned into a puddle of molten iron in a short while.

The shape of the Jiuyue scimitar turned into molten iron has not changed, and it still maintains the shape of the scimitar. Seeing this, Ling Yun completely lifted the phoenix seal on the sword soul.

The soul of the sword who had lifted the seal immediately erupted with a chilly aura, but Ling Yun threw it into the cauldron in the blink of an eye.

Originally, there were still tens of thousands of degrees of high temperature in the Danding, but after the entry of the sword soul, the temperature dropped to several thousand degrees of boiling in an instant.

Looking at the Jiuyue scimitar that did not change no matter how much it was fired, Ling Yun frowned, so he increased the firepower of the real fire, and began to burn the Jiuyue scimitar in the cauldron crazily.

Under Ling Yun's continuous calcination, the temperature in the cauldron gradually improved. I saw that the temperature in the cauldron was only a few thousand degrees, but now the temperature in the cauldron rose sharply again.

It didn't take a while to reach a high temperature of [-] degrees, but this temperature was not enough to refine the Jiuyue Scimitar, so Ling Yun continued to increase the firepower of the real fire.

[-] degrees, [-] degrees, [-] degrees, three hours later, when the temperature inside the cauldron reached an unprecedented [-] degrees, Senhan's sword soul finally changed slightly.

I saw that the entire body of the sword soul was distorted, and the patterns on it had been calcined completely.

At the same time, the cold air emanating from the inside of the soul of the sword was also calcined and disappeared completely.
Seeing this, Ling Yun used his spiritual consciousness to slowly melt the body of the sword soul into the molten iron of the Jiuyue scimitar.

As soon as the soul of the sword entered the molten iron, there was a riot immediately, and it didn't last long before he stopped.

The quiet and stable Soul of the Blade did not continue to riot, but was as calm as a pool of stagnant water, which made Ling Yun feel a little restless.

"Could it be that the spiritual wisdom of this sword soul is already so high?" Ling Yun muttered to himself as he looked at the sword soul that had melted into the molten iron.

But just as Ling Yun finished speaking, he saw the originally calm molten iron suddenly tumbling, and a dazzling silver light was released from the molten iron, illuminating the entire alchemy cauldron extremely transparent.

So Ling Yun didn't give Dao Hun a chance to resist, and used his divine sense again to carve out extremely complicated lines on the top of the molten iron.

Each path exudes a simple atmosphere, and at the junction of the head and the tail, a faint golden light bursts out.

The golden light is like a strip of gold, swimming above the molten iron, and after a while, a pattern of a giant dragon is formed on the surface of the molten iron.

At this moment, the giant dragon was clinging to the molten iron with its teeth and claws open, but the molten iron was trembling violently at this moment.

"Not good! This dragon material can't bear the soul power of the sword soul."

Ling Yun exclaimed, and looked at the Jiuyue scimitar in the cauldron with a solemn expression. He did not expect that the Jiuyue scimitar made of the dragon bone could not bear the soul power of the sword soul.

At present, the molten iron of Jiuyue's scimitar is trembling violently, and some of the molten iron has been evaporated by the soul of the sword.

So at this critical juncture, Ling Yun had no choice but to raise his eyebrows.

"Then what should we do?" At this time, the shadow on the side also came to Ling Yun's side anxiously.

"You can't help, so stay away from me! If it continues to shake, it is very likely that the Danding will explode."

Ling Yun is not joking, what he said is the truth, because once the dragon material cannot restrain the power of the sword soul, it will cause friction between the two, causing an explosion.

But when Ying Ying heard Ling Yun's words, she said why she didn't want to leave Ling Yun, even if she was killed by the bomb, she would stay with Ling Yun.

Ling Yun could only sigh helplessly, but Long Yingying, who was not far away, also came to Ling Yun's side at this moment.

Just when Ling Yun was about to reprimand her, Long Yingying's words made Ling Yun's eyes light up and his mind opened up at the same time.

"That's right! Why didn't I think of that?" Hearing Long Yingying's words, Ling Yun was extremely excited, and kissed Long Yingying's small mouth abruptly.

Afterwards, he took out a few keel bones from the Qiankun bag. As for Long Yingying who was at the side, after being kissed by Ling Yun's sudden attack, she was already dumbfounded in place.

When she woke up, she looked at Ling Yun with a blushing face, then lowered her head silently, as if she was thinking about something.

Ling Yun ignored Long Yingying who was at the side. At this moment, he was throwing several keel bones into the cauldron.

The extremely fierce real fire, after adding the keel, burst into flames and began to calcine.

After being calcined for a whole day and night, the inside and outside of the keel was burnt by the real fire, and with the blow of Ling Yun's consciousness, the dragon soul, which was still in its original form, instantly turned into a pool of bright red bone water.

The keel turned into bone water, and then fused with the molten iron of Jiuyue's scimitar, and in an instant, an extremely strong golden light erupted from the two.

The golden light shot straight into the sky, covering the gray sky with golden light.

At the same time, the blood-red molten iron turned into golden yellow after the bone water was added.

And the soul of the sword, who had been rioting all the time, merged with the two at this moment. As for Ling Yun, he was now engraving some of the patterns he knew on the body of the sword.

After the formation patterns were drawn, Ling Yun used his spiritual consciousness to carve four small characters flying and dancing on one side of the blade.

"September Scimitar"

Afterwards, Ling Yun withdrew the real fire and carried out the most important and final step of "warming" in the refining process.

(End of this chapter)

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