after tomorrow is the end

Chapter 279 Dry Infected

Chapter 279 Dry Infected

"Master Deacon Qisha...Master Deacon Qisha..." A person who looked like a zombie ran towards a small wooden house.

"Stop!" As a result, he was stopped by two believers in brown leather jackets and hoods at the door.

Although the things in this wooden house are dilapidated, they are neatly arranged, especially a statue enshrined on the table: a wooden statue of an eagle face with wings on its back, a book in its left hand, and an unknown handprint on its right hand.

"Huh? Bold!" Qi Sha shouted angrily inside, and opened his eyes. He was kneeling in front of the desk and praying.He is a member of the "Nine Kills" of the church's assassination group. He is good at using double sticks and ranks seventh, so he is also called Qi Sha.

"Yes yes yes... Please forgive me for waiting... my mistake..." The man also quickly knelt down and prayed.

After a while, when the prayer was over, Qi Sha stood up from the ground and walked out of the house, looking at him with falcon eyes: "What's the matter!"

"Executive...Master Deacon...An outsider has arrived. Our town." This person is also full of pustules, but he is much lighter than that withered man.

"Outsiders? How many people are they here?" Qi Sha was taken aback, no stranger had stepped here for a long time.

"Okay... it seems to be seven or seven or eight, it's too far away... I can't see the exact... number of people, but... they are all armed." This person only saw Li Jie and the others near the entrance of the town.

"Well, go! Gather people! Kill them all! Don't let anyone go!" Qi Sha has a mission here, and he wants to ensure the secrecy here.

"Yes!" The two believers at the door took the order and immediately ran to both sides.I saw one of them rushing into a wooden house, which was full of believers.

"Quick! Assemble! Deacon Qisha ordered! Eliminate the intruders!" Tattat, the people inside ran out of the house one after another.

The other person ran to the back of the town, and in this wide open space, there were several mutated spidermen lying on their stomachs!
Qi Sha went back to the house, took out his weapon from the cabinet, a pair of duckweed crutches.Its shape is a vertical crutch at the upper end of the handle, in the shape of "Bu". This type of weapon belongs to the "crotch" category of weapons.

The reason why it is called double sticks instead of double crutches is probably because the double crutches are too ugly, as if they are for the disabled.

"How are you? Are you alright?" Li Jie and the others cautiously surrounded the withered man, ready to fight. He might mutate and explode at any time.

"You guys shouldn't have come here, eh." Sure enough, the withered man fell to the ground and began to show a state of mutating.

"Do you know Matilda! Do you know Matilda!" Seeing that he was dying, Li Jie hurriedly asked about Matilda.

"Someone of her left with her. She went to a school. The school." The pupils of the withered man fluctuated, and he entered a near-death state.

"School? Is it a school near here or Miska University!" Li Jie heard this, and it was connected with what Matilda said.

"Hey, hey, we're next to the hole. We're all next to the hole." The withered man's eyes turned bluer, and his mad face distorted.

"What hole? Which four? Is it four?" Li Jie grabbed his collar, and continued to press his words.

"Brother Jie! Brother Jie is going to mutate!" Fan Fan and the others had already pointed their guns at him, extremely nervous.

"He made a hole... He left, he came, he came to find him... Right here, right here... Hehehe..." The withered man became more and more serious.

"The stars are shining...two suns...two suns...two suns! Ugh!" The withered man suddenly opened his mouth and bit Li Jie's neck!

bang!The withered man tilted his head, and blue blood splashed Li Jie's face.

"Damn it!" Li Jie stomped his feet in hatred, and then spun back and forth in the same place, repeating in the air: "He came, but hid his tracks, but he came, in order to find him. The stars are shining, two The sun, two suns. Everything from the hole, four holes? No, maybe more. Since then there has been a disease, it must have been infected..."

"Brother Jie!" Low-key suddenly shouted.

"What are you doing!" Li Jie shouted loudly, he was trying to analyze the information.

"No, Brother Jie, look at the town." He pointed at Heiquan Town in a low-key and embarrassed manner.

I saw clusters of torches in the town, as if many people had come.

"Put away the weapons first, they should still be infected, not completely mutated." Li Jie signaled everyone not to attack, and he still wanted to continue to try to ask the other party's situation.

"There! There!" When they got close, they heard the voice shouting from the opposite side, which made Li Jie and the others calm down even more. It was a human.

"We have no malicious intentions! We have no malicious intentions!" Li Jie stood at the front, raising his hands, indicating that he had no weapons.

Wow... I saw this group of people running close, except for a few people with torches to illuminate them, the others were holding different weapons, including axes, pickaxes, wooden sticks, etc., but there were no firearms weapons.

"Intruder! Die! Intruder! Die!" The group trapped Li Jie and the others on the pontoon, threatening them with all kinds of weapons.

"Don't get excited! Don't get excited! We are good people! We are good people!" Li Jie was still trying his best to explain that the group of people in front of him were more or less infected, it was just a matter of severity.

"Get out! Get out! Polluters!" Fortunately, this group of people was only threatening, and did not make any further moves.

"Calm down! Calm down! We're just passing by, passing by! If you're not welcome, we can leave! OK?" Li Jie saw that this group of people were very xenophobic, so he had no choice but to step back and appease them first. There is still a chance.

When this group of people heard this, their emotions calmed down a little, and the atmosphere was not as intense as before. These people were originally ordinary people who were only infected by nuclear radiation.

"Listen to me... please listen to me, we are here... we can help you. We have doctors and medicines to help you." Seeing that it worked, Li Jie continued to impress them. Now the other party should be in urgent need of anti-infection Medicine, eager to be treated.

"" The other party looked at me and I looked at you. If it was before, they might be very grateful, but now...

"I'm sorry, you heretics, the chief culprits of releasing pollution! The Holy Lord will not forgive you!" Suddenly a different voice came.

I saw a dozen or so hooded... believers walking from the crowd!Others bowed their heads respectfully, and voluntarily moved out of the way.

"You are?" Li Jie narrowed his eyes, he didn't expect that there would be believers here, and judging from their appearance, they were not infected, or they couldn't be seen on the surface at all.

"It doesn't matter who I am... what's important will...sacrifice to the Holy Lord!" Qi Sha said, the disciples suddenly took out their weapons, including double guns, double knives and double sticks, and...appeared in the crowd A mutant spider-man born in the shape of a human being.

(End of this chapter)

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