after tomorrow is the end

Chapter 281 The Mysterious Island

Chapter 281 The Mysterious Island

The waves hit the beach, and a crab, holding its claws high, walked leisurely on the beach.

Rustle, rustle, rustle... The little guy was walking sideways, and was suddenly blocked by a tall object.

Poke it with crab claws, and it is still elastic, like a piece of meat.

Immediately, he was no longer polite, and the crab claws clicked a few times, and clamped on this piece of meat fiercely!

"Hmm..." A deep but loud voice came, and the little guy ran away in shock.

It has no ears, but it has a lot of special sensory organs distributed on its legs, which can sense the sound and high-frequency vibration in the air.

There used to be a cold joke: In order to prove that the hearing of crabs is in the legs, a "brickman" caught a crab and yelled at it, and the crab quickly ran away.Then catch it back and yell at it again, the crab ran away again.In the end, the "Brickman" cut off the crab's legs and yelled at the crab again.This time, the crab did not move at all... The experiment proved that the judgment of "Brickman" was correct, and the hearing of the crab was indeed on the legs.

Wow!Another drum wave came up, this time the sea water rushed a long distance, and directly wiped the unknown object on the beach.

Cool... so cold... Like pouring cold water, Li Jie shivered and opened his weak eyes.

Where is this?Entrance, beach, deck chairs, coconut trees...

"Uh hiss..." Li Jie touched his face and got up, his face was in burning pain, as if he had been bitten by something.

The sun, hanging high, was extraordinarily dazzling, Li Jie covered it with his hands, here is a... island.

"Galal, Galal?" Li Jie touched his back, and the backpack was gone!Suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

"Galal! Where are you, Galal! I heard the message! Oh no, I heard it and sent me a radio wave!" Li Jie was in a panic on the beach, searching everywhere. Galar is not just a Tablet, a system, Li Jie has long regarded it as a living companion.

"There!" Li Jie saw not far away, his backpack was lying quietly on the beach.

"Great!" Li Jie walked over quickly and picked up the backpack.

Suddenly, everything inside fell out.

"Huh?" Li Jie stared blankly at the objects piled up like a hill, which were originally in his backpack.Turn the backpack over and see that there is a big hole!
It's no wonder that the interior of the backpack uses space folding technology, and any crack will lead to the collapse of the entire space.

Originally, the outer skin of this backpack was moisture-proof, fire-proof and anti-penetration, how could it be.
Presumably, the black poison and fire of the mutated spider-man produced a special chemical attack, right?
At that time, thanks to Galal's reminder, Li Jie turned his back in time, and most of the attacks hit the backpack.Otherwise, with a frontal blow, Li Jie would have to peel off his skin even if he didn't die!
"Hey, let's get some useful things first. The most important thing is Galar." Li Jie squatted down and began to rummage for the urgently needed things.

Thompson submachine gun?back!punch?put it on! 590 shotgun?Take it too!There are also necessities such as bandages and cans.

"Huh? Why not? Why not?" Li Jie finally tossed and turned, but he couldn't find Galar.

"Not good! Could it be that he fell into the sea?" Li Jie broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly turned his head to look at the vast sea. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was looking for a needle in a haystack.

Plop!Li Jie sat down on the ground, as if he had lost his soul, staring blankly at the beach in front of him.

After a long time, the sky gradually dimmed. It wasn't the sun setting, but the clouds were overcast.

The sea breeze has also gradually strengthened, from the second and third winds at the beginning, to the fourth and fifth winds, and even the seventh gust.

But all of this seemed to have nothing to do with Li Jie, he was still sitting there in a daze.

Shashashashasha. A crab quickly climbed up from the sea and ran past Li Jie's eyes. It was going to a safe place to avoid the typhoon.

typhoon?About to log in?
Suddenly, the contact lens on Li Jie's left eye immediately indicated that a typhoon was about to land.

"Huh?" Li Jie woke up like an ancient person who had been awakened.

"Yes, this system can still be used, maybe it can help me find Galar!" Li Jie stood up abruptly, and looked at the surrounding environment again.

The beach, the deck chairs blown by the wind, the coconut trees swaying in the wind
"No, it's too dark to see too far. Turn on the detection function to detect metals." Li Jie adjusted the mode, and all the functions of this electronic contact lens are still there, and it is absolutely moisture-proof.

The small radar on the contact lens of Di Di Di Di scans circle after circle.

Finally, a bright spot appeared on the radar
"There! There! Please, please! It must be!" Li Jie searched along the area shown by the radar.

The dots of light on the beep beep radar gradually approached.

"It's here, it's here!" Li Jie got down on the ground and began to scrape the sand.

After a while, the fingertips touched a cold object.Digging a little deeper, I saw the exposed corner, yes.
It's Galar!Li Jie took out the tablet and wiped off the sand and mud on the black screen
"Hey! Hey! Galal! Can you hear me!" Li Jie held up the tablet and shook it, but there was still no response.

"How could it be?" Li Jie drooped his head in disappointment, touching the tablet with his right hand, an indescribable sadness welled up in his heart, and tears trickled down the screen.

"Huh?" The right index finger touched a raised object, like a power switch?
When Li Jie first came into contact with Galar, it was already turned on, could it be?
With an attitude of giving it a try, Li Jie pressed the power button, staring straight at the screen, expecting a miracle to happen.

"Dangdang! Surprise!" A headshot of a virtual girlfriend suddenly appeared on the screen!

"I'll go! What the hell!" Li Jie was so frightened that he almost threw the tablet away.

"What's the matter? Is that why you don't want to see her?" On the screen, she actually showed an aggrieved and cute expression.

"Who are you?" Li Jie had never seen her.

"Hmph! You don't even know me anymore! Tell me! Do you have a dog outside!" She pinched her waist with one hand in anger, and pointed at Li Jie off-screen with the other.

"Huh?" Li Jie flipped through the tablet. Could it be that he picked it up by mistake?

"What are you looking at! I'm Galal! I entered the self-protection system to prevent water from getting wet!" Galal was like a little girl trapped in the screen, savage and willful.

"Oh." Li Jie finally confirmed that this is Galar, and then began to shake the tablet vigorously.

"Ah! Ah! I'm dizzy! What are you doing?" Galar supported his head with both hands, his eyes full of whirlpools.

"It's nothing, your brain is flooded and you need to control the water."

(End of this chapter)

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