The first female physicist: Feng occupies the world

Chapter 210 Deliberate or Unintentional Layout

Chapter 210 Deliberate or Unintentional Layout
Amber put down the special hoe and said: "I can only say that the person who set up this formation is very powerful!"

Situ Yalan frowned and asked, "How?"

"First of all, the person who set up the formation needs to know that Xiangye is going to plant this tree in the mansion; secondly, he has to give up his vitality to build such a special hoe; Get under the roots of this tree without being discovered! It's really amazing!" Hu Po also admired the person who put the hoe.

"But these are just the first steps!" Amber looked at the frowning of Situ Yalan and Zuo Yan, and continued to hit the old couple.

Situ Yalan looked serious. At this moment, she was quite sure that someone was deliberately trying to harm them, so she hurriedly asked, "What else?"

"This hoe brought down the vitality of the tree planted by Mr. Xiang. Is this the first step, the second step..." Hu Po rolled her eyes, smiled slyly, and shouted to the strong man who was watching the fun and resting over there: "Brother , please smash this stone table!"

Dolan stared speechlessly at Amber, who had been sullen until now, and she was sure that this woman was definitely taking revenge.

Zuo Yan's face was even more uncomfortable. Why, the stone of the stone table was made of coral reefs that he dragged people from the surrounding waters. During the day, nothing could be seen, but at night, the table was full of brilliance. He didn't even need to light candles to play chess, which made him show off in front of his colleagues and outsiders for a long time!

Now, this girl actually called her mouth and smashed it?Zuo Yan felt blood rushing up, stopped the servant who came over with one hand, and asked patiently: "Miss Hu Po, do you know what material this table is made of?"

Amber shrugged her shoulders, walked to the stone table, and said indifferently: "If I read correctly, it should be made of deep-sea coral reefs, and the coral reefs are crisp in texture, so I added refined iron that was ground into powder later, so as to ensure the hardness of the table!"

Zuo Yan didn't expect a girl at such a young age to be knowledgeable?You must know that when this table was made, no one in Beijing knew the ingenuity of this table.

"Then do you know the beauty of this table?" Zuo Yan couldn't believe that this girl knew it so clearly.

A smile flickered on the corner of Amber's mouth: "The advantage of this table is that it is inlaid with... night pearls, which automatically light up at night, which saves some candle money!"

Saved some candle money?Zuo Yan felt that his lungs were about to be pissed off by this girl, did the dignified prime minister care about those few candle money?The point is that this thing is very rare, okay?

Amber was actually unintentional. One of her customers gave her this thing before. She thought it was flashy and complained about it at the time, so even after timetraveling, she still felt that this thing was an item that saved money on candles. He didn't realize that this thing was definitely a treasure in Zuo Yan's eyes.

"Master Xiang? Could it be that you are reluctant to part with this table?" Hu Po continued to ask without looking too long.

Zuo Yan is really in pain. The labor costs for this coral reef cost him nearly ten thousand taels of silver, plus the subsequent careful production, the total amount of gold was more than twenty thousand taels, and now it is... but Zuo Yan looked at Amber in front of her again with a questioning and puzzled expression, as if to say, you won't be reluctant to part with this shit, right?

"Smash!" Zuo Yan made a decision with blood dripping from his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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